Reconstructing Planetary Origins And Light Pulses Beamed Our Way From Other Star Systems
g STARS - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star Van Maanen's Star?
g ABODES -An analysis of lava samples from Hawaii has given scientists a new tool for reconstructing planetary origins. The study will help us understand how planets form, and may help in the search for terrestrial planets beyond our solar system. See article.
g MESSAGE - In 2001, California astronomers broadened the search for extraterrestrial intelligence with a new experiment to look for powerful light pulses beamed our way from other star systems. Scientists from the University of California's Lick Observatory, the SETI Institute, UC-Santa Cruz, and UC-Berkeley used the Lick Observatory's 40-inch Nickel Telescope with a new pulse-detection system capable of finding laser beacons from civilizations many light-years distant. Unlike other optical SETI searches, this new experiment is largely immune to false alarms that slow the reconnaissance of target stars. See article.
g AFTERMATH - Alien encounters and science fiction permeate pop culture, but what would it really mean if scientists found life beyond Earth? If even a single-celled organism on another planet was discovered, for many, this would be the last thread of evidence proving that life is simply chemistry. See article. Note: This article is from 2003.