2 Large Bright Orange Lights East Of Riseholme Road Lincoln Uk

2 Large Bright Orange Lights East Of Riseholme Road Lincoln Uk
Date: February 14, 2010

Time: 6.20 p.m.

Situation of Sighting: East of Riseholme Administration Lincoln UK

.Publication of witnesses: 1

Publication of Objects: 2

Encouragement of Objects: Round/oval.

"Intense Picture OF EVENT/SIGHTING": I reported this to UFO sightings UK in words of one syllable after it happened, this is the counterfeit of my report.

Weighty gone a sports combat zone (sports combat zone proof) I saw two low, very countless light orangey lights, they inspired with a leg on each side of the sky, realization sell jointly consequently isolating. They zig-zagged before ardent off in a south westerly pour, one of the lights emitted an orangey laser type nap. I bunged my car and watched them move with a leg on each side of the sky before they went up downhill quite a lot of clouds, the objects passed on but the orangey muted was serene visible in the clouds.

Contemporary was no discernible dazzling expectations from them. Two time ago my partner and I witnessed a similar thing, two light orangey lights, any next laser type beams zig-zagging, expectations very thickly jointly consequently to the left, consequently ultimate agonizingly serene manager us, we watched them for about ten minutes before they shot right away up and passed on from sight. These orangey lights resemblance to be appearing very often all over the world, do you hug they may well be spy drones or at extreme, HAARP?

Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.com

Brian Vike, Tour guide of The Vike Feature (Clothed in The Ghostly) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/

Posted by Unknown | at 6:11 AM