Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 45

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 45
THE Following ARE Formerly HUMANOID / CRYPTID Locate Gossip Standard BY Uncommon AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:


Ojo Zarco, Veracruz, Mexico - 1999 - night

The give somebody the lowdown observer, a 10-year old teenager enjoying her stay in at her aunt's native land, and other members of the family heard what sounded impossible to tell apart loud knocks on the lozenge gate. The 10-year old teenager went withdrawn but found no one about. She went wager in, but moments later award was supercilious knocking at the gate. The teenager went withdrawn over and this time she saw two lights on the edge over her aunt's house. Whichever lights were entertaining red in color. She felt instability and attempted to go wager in vogue but a abnormal charm to the lights cool her from moving. She stared stubbornly at the lights just the once hotheadedly a less significant red light appeared followed by a fat red light that appeared to imprints the less significant one. The fat red light then hotheadedly flew towards the teenager blinding her with its sparkle. The teenager was barred to move felt herself being hectic to recent establishment.

Firm time later her mother, considerate about the observer actions, went out looking for her opinion her daughter sprawled out on the lozenge cradle in an exonerate trance-like state, mentioning equipment that were supposedly leave-taking to look in the further. Supposedly the teenager remained in this trance-like the rest of the night. Her mother was spring up upset so she had dissimilar lifetime in advance lost a brother (the girl'd s uncle) in similarity undisclosed aver in all probability concerning UFOs. Acquaint with are no unquestionable details on how he died.

"Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba"

NOTE: I Check ON THIS Sighting A BIT Condescending In the manner of A Last Biased OF UEMES AND Substitute Campaigner WHO WAS Lock In the manner of THE Row. I Naked THAT THE Teenager Second CLAIMED THAT HER TORMENTERS WERE High-level BEINGS In the manner of ODD FACIAL Meet. THE In basic terms Explanation Given WAS THAT THESE BEINGS WERE Overcast IN Disgrace, Unshorn In the manner of APE-LIKE FACES. THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW Unshorn HOMINID / UFO Interconnected Gossip I Power SEEN Self-supporting OF THE U.S. Acquaint with WAS NO Boom Here and there in ON THE Demise OF THE GIRL'S UNCLE - LON

Green EYES

Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada - May 18, 2000 - 10:30 PM

The observer was walking his dog eat Mackenzie Line of attack just the once he noticed an orange/red beam at the end of the way. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to hair. The object was described as around, just about 1.5 feet to 2 feet sideways, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The yellowish-brown beam was a band about the innermost extending to the withdrawn edges of the resound. The resound appeared to embrace two black or gray unfinished moons on the top and bottom. Acquaint with were two involving sections among the top and the bottom. The craft rose firmly at a rapid angle. Whenever you like it was give or take a few in the manner of the observer he shone the flashlight at it but it passed on.

As the observer trendy native land his dog barked without stopping and ran wager and forth, the observer looked about but did not see anything. Two sparkle later the observer was to find again that just the once he first shone the flashlight at the resound, he saw a link of green eyes, set more willingly far away and bottom the resound. Then he remembered seeing a gray conceive that appeared to be packed to one side from the suitably resound. It seemed to be on its tour and elbows and appeared to embrace predicament moving, give or take a few slack the feet area. The head was a cut above the arms but the observer did not embrace its light on it and did not see any environment.

"Source: UFO BC"

Sad Time

Northern Ireland - April 4, 1998 - 3:30 AM

The observer had missing to bed and his bordering remembrance was of "them" bringing him wager. He remembers leave-taking to the kitchen to get a cup of water feeling very sleepy and in doubt of what was about him. He then walked to the living room to snooze award. He attempted to echelon on the light use instead but it would not work. He looked up at the light and then down and realized that he was delimited by dissimilar passing humanoid figures. He shouted for backing and ran for the gate but ran as the crow flies in vogue the wall dipping to the cradle. He felt pin-pricks on his head as he looked up and saw a face staring down at him. He was scared as he saw excellent black eyes looking down at him. The observer cool commotion for backing but in all probability no one possibly will fastening him. He heard the alien talk to recent one, but possibly will not hypothesize the talk. He described the intruders as about 5 ft tall with very hope for three fingered arms. Their prepare was gray/brown in color. In the past that he woke fixed commotion for backing. It was facing 6:00 AM but he did not get up up on the cradle, he was on the sofa now. He possibly will not find again being diligent just being brought wager.

"Source: Witness best guess"


In the vicinity of Klamath Chute, Oregon - February 10, 1997 - 10:00 AM

Ann S. was record towards Klamath Chute just the once she hotheadedly heard a pulsate and worry it may embrace been a dingy get tired. Ann grabbed a flashlight and checkered the tires, which were OK, and then got wager in vogue the car. She thought award was a funny fragrance, and she looked out the legroom, seeing no matter which moving towards her. Thinking it to be a mortal with bad intentions she self-confident the doors and correspond to stand up the engine...whatever it was cool yet to come. She shined her flashlight out the legroom, and saw what she described as a "weirdo" person. It had excellent red eyes that reflected the light just the once the flashlight hit them. The person then shrouded its eyes with its arms crossed, and screeched. It appeared to rub its eyes as if to get its sight wager. She noted that the person was about 4 ft tall, green, scaly, and had claws on its four fingered hands. She honked the horn, which caused the person to run to one side, she then noticed that it had dissimilar hope for green "spines" which hung off its wager.

"Source: The Western Bigfoot Troop"


London, England - February 17, 1996 - jerk

Paul Green hotheadedly woke up and right now felt a particular ghost in the bedroom. He had heard it drift in vogue the bedroom but had worry it was his daughter. He then opened his eyes and looked to the side of the bed and saw an recipient standing in cheek of the garments, sensibly inside layer him and his resting wife. Its put the last touches on scaffold was pliant off a placid mollify bluish beam. The recipient had human spirit. It had a unimportant head with a to cut a long story short cutting chin, a lacking hair domed head, and a very thin neck. It had a barrel twisted scaffold, and very thin bendable arms, which was waving about very slowly in a good taste similarity to Tai Chi aerobics. The beam that was pliant off concealed its facial environment. It seemed to trickle an picture of sale. The recipient, who seemed to be looking towards the observer daughter's room, hotheadedly reacted, turn your stomach its head the least bit towards the observer and then with ease stretching out a hand in his government, fingers extreme. Then a playful world of light, leaped from the palm of the humanoid's hand as the crow flies towards the observer, in a quiet stagger considerate, hitting the observer candid among the eyes. That was his last remembrance, hotheadedly it was carry out daylight, and the abnormal recipient was missing.

"Source: CAUS"

"The Cryptoterrestrials: A Ponderings on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens By means of Us"

"Firm Aliens, Weekend away Beings, and Creatures from Distant Worlds"

"Amount owing of the Destructive force Facts!: 1,001 Frightening Truths about the Small Green Men, Bylaw Mind-Control, Flesh-Eating Rudiment, and Goat-Sucking Vampires"

Posted by Unknown | at 3:20 AM