Alien Encounter Kelly Hopkinsville Case
The eleven members of the SUTTON FAMILY, who lived and worked on the farm, heard the story in disbelief. A flying saucer told BILLY, a ship surrounded by smoke all colors of the rainbow, just fly over his head and landed in a depression within walking distance of the house. THE SUTTON laughed at him. But half an hour after they started taking it a little more seriously, when the family dog began barking and then hid in a corner with his tail between his legs.
According to the story narrated later, TAYLOR and another adult, LUCKY SUTTON, leaned out the door and saw a luminous figure approached the house, approaching enough for the two men could appreciate well: it was A CREATURE ONE METER TALL with a large round head, bright yellow eyes and arms ending in claws that almost touched the floor. SUTTON AND TAYLOR did not bother to welcome you. They went into the house and came back out clutching a 20 gauge shotgun and a rifle.22.When the creature was about six feet from the door, TAYLOR AND SUTTON fired. The figure jumped and disappeared. The two men left the house and found a similar creature on the roof. SUTTON shot and the stranger collapsed. They noticed then that there was a third hung alien of a maple and fired again. The creature floated to the ground and fled with a strange and unbalanced gait. When another creature appeared on the side of the house, SUTTON attacked with his shotgun in a resounding; pellets sounded as if they had stuck against a metal bucket, and the creature is not disturbed, but he walked away.After a while, the two men stopped firing. They returned to the house and they tried to calm the children SAW THAT THE ALIENS WERE SPYING THROUGH THE WINDOWS. The terrified family chose to flee by car to the nearby town of HOPKINSVILLE to inform the police.
The official response was quick and detailed. Local and state police and a photographer returned to THE SUTTON FARM with family and toured the area. They found, according to a report, only bright spot in the place where he had allegedly fallen after being turned from where he had sheltered. Researchers minutes withdrew after two in the morning and the family returned to bed. But the peace did not last long.The aliens return. They insisted to peek through the windows of the farm, and again in the fields of KENTUCKYshots rang arms of men. Bullets and pellets were many holes in the glass of the windows, but could not make out blood from the body of the intruders from another world. At 5 and 15 minutes, just before dawn, as THE SUTTON, creatures disappeared and never returned.However, the adventure was not over. For several days, journalists from around the state and neighboring states invaded the farm. Rained curious that trample land for traces of aliens and went into the house asking to be photographed with the exasperated farmers. Researchers UFOS were also there, thoroughly searching the place. No physical evidence was found, except the supposed light spot that was upon the earth, to substantiate the story told by TAYLOR and SUTTON. However, the researchers came to the conclusion that these people were sincere and mentally healthy and had no interest in exploiting the case for advertising. And so would the matter.
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