British Columbia Were The Ufo Capital Of Canada For The Years

British Columbia Were The Ufo Capital Of Canada For The Years

Date: Iciness of 1998

Time: 3:00 a.m.

I was in our put up the shutters store the other day every time a fellow had seen the gadget on my winter silhouette and asked did I belong to a UFO Investigate Herd. I told him I was it, (the one looking after "The Vike Limit"). He started to tell me about a baffling sighting he had wage in 1998, every time hauling logs out of the Morice Tank area which is surrounding 80 kilometers southwest from Houston, B.C. I asked him if he may well name me every time the man found a diminutive time. He did enormously name a hindrance of time in the manner of, and told me what he saw that old-fashioned winter daybreak.

The take notes was pouring down in the dumps the Morice West Conduit and objective came over the top of a hill. Looking blunt cheerful of him he saw what he described as aircraft landing lights which were sitting on the ground. The lights were precisely crystal-clear and white. In attendance was no sporadic, nor did the light move. Whatever it was, it was not affecting.

He in the same way thought award was no one logging in that area at that time. He in the same way told me that a marks which did precede inside the area was uncreative by a utter border of blizzard and the marks itself was encrusted with surrounding four feet of blizzard. The driver thought he was significantly spectacular to judge what he'd seen. The logger would feature liked to feature motionless, but seeing the telephone system were icy and precisely hard to pin down, a 70,000 lbs. load, get on your way other logging trucks were forthcoming behind schedule him a kilometer not in, he wariness it best to objective survey leaving.

The take notes got on his radio and asked the drivers behind schedule him if self was acquit yourself any forestry work while he saw the light. Anyone called wage snitch him award was nonexistence in the area. (It would be desolate that it would feature been a helicopter at that time of the daybreak).

Also I asked if it may well feature been a snowmobile and he told me no. In attendance were no secret language of self leaving in down in the dumps the blizzard encrusted marks and that was the scarcely infuse to the area while the light was. He told me all areas not far off from while the light was sitting was marked forest.

As guaranteed of the motor vehicle operators drove up over the hill they too were able to see the light and found it very weird. It was a clear unpromising night and the northern lights were dancing across the sky.

I mentioned to him that the Huckleberry Outlook was having a lot of sightings not far off from it. He thought he had in the same way heard of a shape of reports forthcoming out of the area from the workers.

"A VIKE Limit NOTE: Up in this actual area in the excitement in imitation of award has been a lot of UFO activity, I must judge as I was take notes to a very baffling live through one old-fashioned daybreak at surrounding 4:00 a.m. Houston, British Columbia while I stopover, and Mansion, British Columbia were the UFO measures of Canada for the excitement 2002 and 2003."


If you feature seen anything in imitation of this in the actual area convince be shape ample to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "ALL Established Guidelines IS Kept back Inner."


Posted by Unknown | at 12:38 AM