Ufology Desperately Needs A Reality Check

Ufology Desperately Needs A Reality Check

By Rob McConnell

(Front Page Article in the March 2010 Edition of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper )

Hamilton, Ontario: Since 1992, I,have had my fingertips on the pulse of the UFO community, sky watchers, UFO experts, contactees, abductees, implanted human specimens, unwilling alien subjects who have been given horrid physical examinations by extraterrestrials, those who have been sexually assaulted and abused by ET, and those who claim to have their children removed from their wombs by ET.

I have spoken to those who claim that they were whisked from their bedrooms while they slept and taken to "Mother ships" 100's of miles in diameter that hover this very planet.

Those interviewed also have included sky watchers over the Great Lakes on North America - all of whom have stories to share with any one who will listen - especially if they have access to a radio microphone, television camera or newspaper column.

The photographs that they produce are anything less then compelling.

The physical evidence non-existent.

With global access to the largest septic receptacle ever invented by mankind, the internet, and computer graphic and CGI software, anyone can now turn their fantasy into a virtual reality for which there is no lack of eager believers found throughout the matrix of the internet.

Believers of extraterrestrial visitors would have you believe that even after all the years of their tireless self-styled research, which, to this time has not produced any evidence whatsoever that this planet is being visited by "intelligent" beings from another world - in this dimension or another.

Read the rest of this story which will be available for public release on Sunday, March 28 2010.

Posted by Unknown | at 9:16 AM