Sightings Increase Worldwide

Sightings Increase Worldwide
I think it is clear that sightings of unknown crafts are being seen daily all over the world. I truly believe the only reason more of you do not have sightings of crafts you can not identify is because your not looking. I am aware that most people not only do not look up they do not even look at what surrounds them. Watch as people walk in self absorbed blindness into that which is around them without looking. Have you noticed how people will walk out of a store and directly into the traffic of the parking lot without regard to being run over or what is happening around them? These are the same people that never notice the forest for the trees. Take a moment and look around you, spend a few minutes looking at the open sky in your area both at night and in the day time. I bet if you paid attention to what is around you and surrounds you both on earth and over your head you too would soon see something you could not explain!

Below find a perfect example of what is going on every day.

Found on one of my favorite sites Phantoms and Monsters.



MUFON witness statement (unedited): Traveling southeast on Lassiter Road in Johnston County at 6:25pm on Dec. 30, 2009. Two eyewitnesses saw a small, square craft slowly float by. The craft was very dark, and the evening light made it difficult to determine an exact shape. It seemed to be square, dark, about 25ft. square base and maybe 5ft tall.

We were first caught off guard that a plane would be flying so low at night with no ground lights, but then noticed how slowly the craft was moving. The craft traveled exactly due west (we returned later that night with a compass) about 50-60ft off the ground and 40 yards to our left over a field at about 30mph. The craft had two dim lights, one was definitely red. I thought the other light was a dim green, but the other eyewitness remembered it as a dim white light.

I pulled over, rolled down my window and noticed no sound coming from the low flying craft. I turned around and followed the craft for a few minutes, but it was traveling too low to the tree tops that I soon lost sight of it through the trees. Also, it was headed due west, and Lassiter Road runs northwest by southeast. So the craft was traveling further away from me the further I traveled up Lassiter Road.

It could have been a plane. But... it was flying very low, extremely slowly, and made no noise. A cessna flying that low at night would have had ground lights on and been remarkably loud and fast.

NOTE: the number of triangle and square shaped UFO sightings are steadily increasing worldwide. I receive several reports of these sightings daily, let alone those reports sent to UFO watch entities. Here is a link to another report I received today Huge triangular UFO seen on Christmas night, 12/25/2009!...Lon from Phantoms and Monsters

Posted by Unknown | at 10:48 PM