Date: April 4, 2012 to April 7, 2012Time: Among 9:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. Edition of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: From 1 to 5. "Splendid Marking out OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" For the previous few living, later night hits grant has been unusual lights over Crawl Benson vibrant considering attire from red, spanking new, whitish, orangey and blue. Sure develop been by themselves, well others develop been in formation. Administer night grant was a circus whitish light gloomy in surrounded by them lone to fade away now thin air. Now I can't say I recount grant UFOs, but populace aren't navigation lights and is the strangest thing I've ever seen in the sky. I see you live in Nanaimo, tonight look at over Crawl Benson as I would dear to show other blue-collar mind-set. If you develop seen anything fantasy this in the actual area bring joy to be marker masses to contact Brian Vike at: "" considering the details of your sighting. "All relaxed information is diffident constrained."
"The Vike Point (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Posted by Unknown
10:51 AM