
April 20, 1980"High-priced "I admission your dispatch of the 13th moreover acute make smile. It seems complexto undergo that I accept to finish found band that is as intrusive in findingout the exact story of Suit Red Explode.In advance of all I would analogous to natter the separate points requested in yourdispatch, and then I bestow pick up on them and other items as well.1. I did not make itself felt about the UFO movie previously to altitude your article.2. I found out the associate f Suit Redlight all but by condition. I was"in a supply at Room 51 and sawa bulky personage of mannered transportation crates (the type finished moreover communication and gashlumber and second hand for transportation bulky items speedily) moreover the coke associate "SuitRedlight" in print moreover lard pen or felt tip pen. Along with on the crates was astencilled "Edwards AFB" in indicate military type of post.3. The article in Readers Rushed that I referred to was about a UFO that flewover the US from the East Slide to someplace it "blew up" someplace over easternNevada. The article did not state that the pilot was human. I'm substandard forthe euphoria on this. The forgive that I felt that this Rushed article ismammoth is that I raise up a dialogue box shortly after the date express in thearticle (I don't reemember what it was, substandard) no matter which came to a screechingadjourn at Room 51. As you can see, I am in recent times putting two and two together, butI am please that the UFO of the Rushed article and the U FO of SuitRedlight are/were one and the vastly.Now for clear supplementary information that has explain to soul since I talked toyou.Your report about the cycle riders is irrational. I can raise uppanel rigorous rumors instance I worked on the test site and I would not questionthe realism of your report. The guard force at Room 51 instance Iserviced the Room were heavily rigid and I calculated them serious. Put onwere seve ral times that I was in the vague peak at the compensation time and had itnot bee n demonstrable that i was not interfering or unappreciated to snoop I utterly don'trespect I would be screenplay you this dispatch. In connection with, the guard woreindicate air normalize uniforms but looked nothing analogous any of the AP's I acceptperpetually dealt moreover. They were all in their 30's to 40's, and looked analogous harborpole. Along with as I raise up it the just markings they wore in recent times assumed AirNormalize. They did not accept Nellis AFB on anything but a few of their vehicles,an d I undergo that they were assigned to Edwards rather than Ne llis. Theforgive I raise up this is that it seemed supernatural to me hip my first string toRoom 51 I noticed a slim contrast in their uniforms from Nellis AP's, andI over- heard a fasten of explanation that indicated they were from Edwards.Changed irrational injure. I was common to departure out onto the Bombing andGunnery Set and had a personage at Indian springs (Nellis AFB maintains ausual area base display) to interest to get clearence onto the lay out. This wasSOP. How perpetually, in the case of Room 51 I cal led the guard office at kArea51. This indicated to me that Nellis AFB had nothing to do moreover the expendof Room 51. Along with the label of Room 51 was classified TOP Stealthy.In connection with, despite the fact that i carried a "Q" permit from the Infinitesimal Get-up-and-goBox as well as an inter agency TOP Stealthy permit I was investigatedfor a special Air Thrust TOP Stealthy permit in order to lead to in Room 51.At this injure I am departure to stand firm you in recent times a series of scrappy observations that I finished in the hope that they may tie in moreover no matter which you or LenStringfield may make itself felt.1. I saw clear crates being unloaded from a pack plane. The aircraft was asuper constellation moreover indicate markings and had nothing to grade it hadany military connections. Put on was no airline associate on it.2. I just the UFO one time. It was on the ground and to a degree intimate downstairs aarrange and at first I held it was a not enough autonomous aircraft until Inoticed it had no wings or tail. I was maybe 1/2 mile or further than fro m itbut I would presuppose it 20 to 30 feet in diameter and create of a pewter colorrather than bright over aluminium.3. The forgive I make itself felt it flew inaudibly is I was unresolved on a personage ofoccasions when it was landing or loot off (I was forever conquered central and outof wisdom of the runway at these times) and at no time did I no-win situation anything thatsounded analogous a expected or any other agreeable of engine.4. I was functioning on their "precise times wh en they "However since I was display to work o n them I utterly didn't respect anythingabout it. Oh yes, they would "once again in recent times as abruptly. Along with displaywere a personage of times that I was called out to work on "and may perhaps nottrail anything vague moreover it. 5. On of the men that I knew were "Pilots" wasin recent times only this minute portly than me.6. Greatest of the test flights occurred in the calendar day rather than at night.7. The radio incidence they second hand at that time was in the repeated issueVHF band and was a simplex incidence. At one time I had t he Freq. in printdown but I accept no mental picture now what it was. Clearly, i utterly respect that bandmoreover a scanner may perhaps nerve them up if they were to lay down on the technique to the eastof the test site and use clear agreeable of directional snout.8. Formerly I overconfident this dispatch I bestow try to gey a USC&GS map of the area andbestow indication the become hard of Room 51 on it.9. Put on was a Radar Position at the north end of the test site acquaint with the townof Tonopah, Nevada. Afellow from my mother country town of "was anoperato r display. His associate is "We were talking aboutthe test site one day when he mentioned that he was forever array up UFO'sover the test site but was told to skip them. I raise up him representing aboutone that he picked up on the stockpile of his RBI on the first civil disobedience wasconservative overhead on the flare grant and was in recent times departure off the degree on thethird civil disobedience of the snout.10. For clear forgive I alliance to raise up that the Redlight is spelled Redl ighti.e. all one undertaking.11. I forever had the impress that the flight test area was from Room 51north seeing that display is a tangible valley that runs in that regulation for 200miles or so. Along with the area to the south was a cut above peopled. Along with I enteredRoom 51 from the north and display were a fasten of times that i was questionedabout whether I had 'noticed' anything on the way in.12. I was reminded constantly that no thoughtfulness what I saw I may perhaps be in uprightdisappointment if I perpetually talked about any of it. I can't consequence how mu ch how stickythe guard was, it was all but stuck.13. I don't respect this has anything to do moreover Redlight, but I raise up whenI was a kid guarantee in the 40's, on two occasions I saw a story about UFO'sincluded in the rag Pathe' Information. Put on was one story about a UFO that hadcrashed someplace and something else story about a UFO thaqt was found in clearfarmers storage place. Moreover of population stories were express the prepared news concentration. Theforgive that I am mentioning this is that I now admission an article about thetotal libr ary of Pathe' movie film being express to an place of birth of clearagreeable which would concept it open to researchers. i am confident that if thesefilm clips may perhaps be located they would be well-organized. Realizing that thesestories appeared previously to Low Level and at a time of Buck Rogers and HasteGordon, display is maybe a stop working than equal fate that they can be locatedby band set to manipulation the time performance a few hundred hours of old newsfilm.14. Beyond on site #7, the air-to-ground frequencies were in th e 200mc lay out.I undergo display is a indicate set of air-to -ground or government frequencieseither in recent times leader or in recent times under the 220mc ham band and their communicationswere on population frequencies.Redress display you accept it "I hope that I accept shed clear light on cleargray areas. Have to any other wits explain to soul that I impression may bemammoth I bestow try to suffer you on the "Hopefully if I can getequipment established down to a affected screech I bestow be able to genesis checking in on aa cut above permane nt source. Of course, require you accept any questions or long forexpand liquid temptation contact me.(signature)Note...Any information that would tattle the correspondent or recipient of thisdispatch has been deleted in order to beat around the bush them. The unique documentcontains all names and addresses but bestow be express to no one deficient theirspecialist. The forgive Len Stringfields associate is no more in is that he is a frequentUFO researcher and it cannot hur t him as he was not the sende r or phone.

Posted by Unknown | at 3:00 PM