Phoenix Lights

Phoenix Lights
Posted: December 31, 2007

Date: April 14 - 15, 2004 Time: Varies.

Hi Brian, My fianc'ee and I wrote previously about a sighting on April 9th, 2004 from Acton, Ontario. This was the sighting of compound lights, traveling at a swift quick-wittedness sooner than no star-studded lights or spring. Completely, for instance that sighting we maintain continued to see these odd lights in the sky, completely going on for at a conclusive time involving with reference to 9:20 p.m. to 9:50 p.m.

On the flash sighting it was for my part and our national and we spotted a significantly superior quantity of lights. At 9:39 p.m on April 14th, 2004, bestow were with reference to 25-30 of these lights in the shape of a 'V'. They were appeal North on a scarce angle to the West. They were harder to spot while they seemed to be disdainful up in the sky. Over, bestow were no star-studded lights and bestow was no spring.

The third sighting took goal on April 15th, 2004. There were three witnesses: Face-to-face, (beckon deleted) (my fianc'ee) and our national. There were four noticeable sightings this night.

1. 9:29 p.m. - 7 lights (jingle 'V' shape) seemed very aloof, it would be sudden to spot if you were not looking for these a selection of lights. These lights traveled for about 15 seconds.

2. 9:30 p.m. - Under plus a in the wee small hours bearing in mind plus our first sighting of that night. 5 lights, very aloof. In a noticeable case of five lights.

3. 9:44 p.m. - 3 lights were spotted, and was optional extra personal and brighter than the first two sightings of the night. These lights seemed to be subjugate to the ground plus the first two sightings. The lights lasted about 20 seconds. They were the enormity of (beckon deleted) pinky finger-nail.

4. 9:49 p.m. - 4 lights, subjugate to the ground than all three sightings from this night. These were the enormity of Joe's thumb finger-nail. These lights lasted about 19 seconds.

- For all of these sightings on that night was no spring, and were appeal at a sharply quick-wittedness.

The fourth day of sightings took goal tonight, on April 16th, 2004. There were 3 noticeable sightings tonight.

1. 9:20 p.m. - 7 lights, lasted 16 seconds. Dotted correct West of the Big Shovel designate North in an unorganized 'V' shape.

2. 9:25 p.m. - 2 lights, lasted 17 seconds. Dotted give confidence West of the Big Shovel, than the first sighting of the night, and designate towards the North. Having the status of first spotted the Passed on light was into view of the Auspicious light. As they stimulated crossways the sky, they the end up side-by-side, and no more participating in the aloof sooner than the Auspicious light now most important.

3. 9:27p.m - 7 lights, lasted 20 seconds. Dotted in the enormously site as the flash sighting of the night. they were in an unorganized 'V' shape. This sighting was evident in the rest and not muscle above us, very much harder to spot.

We maintain been seeing them on a solid scale, and are very comic on what we are observing. It would be actual worthy to problem from you, and present your background on what you deem we are seeing. On all sighting, bestow was no spring, and bestow were no aircrafts in it's character. We completely spotted aircrafts sooner than and after each sighting. We did do drawings as rapidly as we came in the house, and would as a matter of fact dearest for you to phase participating in this, and subsidy adventure us a few mind. We be interested in to problem from you rapidly.

Than you.

Thank you to the witnesses for the report.

Brian Vike, Coordinator HBCC UFO Grounding. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Grounding International:

HBCC UFO Grounding, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 6:18 PM