Ufo Mystery

Ufo Mystery
Written by: Darren Dedo

Case Filed: 09/26/01 - Jackson, Mississippi

Executive Producer: Rick Garner

Since the famous crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, UFO's have been spotted in all parts of the country. Eyewitnesses report seeing disc like craft or cigar shaped objects. The real UFO buzz in the Magnolia State began almost 30-years ago when a pair of fisherman from the Gulf Coast became world-famous overnight.

"There won't be a doubt in anybody's mind that there's other worlds out there...there's life."

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing on the Pascagoula River in October of 1973. The men say they were overpowered by creatures from an alien ship. Calvin Parker had remained fairly silent about his experience, until 1993.


"I couldn't move anything, my muscles were paralyzed. So, the other being left and went over to a friend I was fishing with. It injected something into him and that was the last I seen of him until I left the craft."

Hickson remembers experiments being conducted on him. "I could tell they had left me. Looking in the wall in front of me, it came out of that light in that wall, moved up in front of me about this far. It was probably this big...and round. It appeared to me like a big eye."

Many UFO researchers say Hickson and Parker's story, is the most believable tale of alien abduction. Hickson and Parker's ordeal was just one chapter for UFP phenomena during the early seventies. There were reports of sightings in Madison County, the Delta and Northeast Mississippi. If people everywhere were seeing these UFO's, is there any proof? Ufologists like Tony Scarbourgh say "yes."

"The Air Force and the Air Force's of other nation's have miles, without exaggerating, of gun camera film. There are plenty of photograph's, video footage and so on."

He says the military is suppressing much of this information. That's why eyewitness accounts are the only sources of information.

"I know I wasn't crazy, I know I wasn't dreaming, and I know I wasn't drunk, because I don't drink."

Flora Police Chief Hubert Roberts had a strange encounter in 1974. A stranded motorist flagged him down and told him a disc like craft hovered over his car and drained it's power.

Roberts and the Naval man went to investigate, and found the craft in a field. He said it hovered silently and he smelled no fumes from jet fuel.

"A few seconds it just moved up about tree top, and then...shooo!"

The next day, Roberts went back out to the sight and saw burn marks on the grass. It was about two weeks later, several law enforcement officers saw the same object hovering in a field in rural Madison County.

Madison County wasn't the only place where police reported strange craft.Columbus police officers Billy Nolan and Pat Robertson reported seeing something strange in the Fall of 1973.

"Didn't make a sound, didn't hear a sound. That's what puzzled me about the whole thing, the way it shot up in the air it went like a falling star it just went straight up...shoo!"

"Everytime a plane would come a certain distance from that object, that object's lights would go out. When a plane turned to go back to the base, it would go back on."

NEWSCHANNEL 12 contacted the Air Force for an interview, but they refused to comment on UFO sightings during the 1970's saying, "Due to the fact that the Air Force is not in the business of investigating UFO claims, it would be inappropriate to go on camera."

What was this object police were seeing? We'll continue to investigate as we go in search of the "Unexplained."

Additional Resources:





Pat Robertson - Full Interview

Billy Nolan - Full Interview

Ufologist Tony Scarborough - Full Interview

Flora Police Chief Hubert Roberts - Full Interview

Charles Hickson - Full Interview

Calvin Parker - Full Interview

Posted by Unknown | at 8:11 PM