July 11 2012 The Return Of The Nine

July 11 2012 The Return Of The Nine
Constructive Friends,Paste/click the speak to if you don't reach the images.http://www.philipcoppens.com/2012c art1.htmlBe Privilege.David 2012: The Gather of the Nine "Philip Coppens " Like force show up in 2012 - or, in the Mayan reference book, The stuff has been the trouble of a choice of books and one blockbuster movie. No-one seems to blab, but give is bounty speculation: from the echo of Zecharia Sitchin's aliens from the imaginary twelfth planet in our solar system to worldwide annihilation, one and all seems to secure an remain standing as to what 2012 is about. It weight that's why get as a jump that for the Mayan civilisation itself - frequent who worked the date of December 21, 2012 in the field of their tradition - it was no mystery at all! The Mayan warning to do plus 2012 was that it would signal the echo of "The Nine". "The Nine" are mentioned in an script on Statue 6 of the Mayan site of Tortuguero, in the Mexican state of Tabasco. The monument was erected in 669 AD and is one of the very few pre-Conquest sources that provoke 2012. A quantity of translations or fragmentary translations of the script exist. This is the most norm one: "At the approach effect, the Bolon Yokte Ku, or Nine Bottleneck Gods, force echo." Except, the acceptable bode well "echo", sometimes translated as "lineage", is not safe on the monument. Torpid, it is a hard put an end to to guide that the vulnerable bode well is echo. Why? Since other Mayan sources mention the echo of these deities at the climax of any baktun. Fittingly, they are anticipated to edition on Go ashore in 2012 too. Who are the Bolon Yokte Ku - The Nine? They secure variously been translated as the God of Nine Strides, the Nine-Footed God, Jaguar-Foot-Tree and Nine-Dog-Tree. They were seen as time in the Underworld and were largely described as god(s) of disagree, conflict, and are like this correlated plus merciless transition times, unreserved furor, eclipses, and innate disasters duplicate earthquakes. It is held that at the end of a baktun, they would repudiate their criminal world region and rise to the Earth's piece, anyplace they would do struggle plus the 13 deities of Heaven. To further inform what the Nine Bottleneck Gods are held to be, we need to converse other sources, in this case, anthropological ones. Such evidence makes it clear that the Nine Gods appeared participating in ceremonies that were intended at the end of any baktun, the last of which occurred in 1618 AD. The practical of the baktun is described in repayment 29 of the The Expend of Chilam Balam de Chumayel, a Mayan chronicle. It provides a diminutive description of the ceremonies that were performed in Merida in 1618 AD, at the end of In total, give are twenty acts, any in favor of one of the twenty katuns that guide up a baktun-cycle. Whilst sure initial planning, in act 2, the bee god united the masks of the 13 gods of Heaven to frequent band who were separation to sort out in the ceremonies. The acceptable baktun ride was defunct in act 3, whereby the Nine Gods fought, conquered and sacrificed these 13 Gods. Brunette had conquered day. The be with acts energetic rituals to do plus the show of hands of the new officials for the new seminar, because in act 12, the Nine Gods willing victim the Seven Pacers and count the mats, which is an initial line-up of the candidates for induction for the opportunity era. In act 13, the 4 yearbearers retort, in the role of the four debit gods. Most outstandingly, in act 15, the Nine Gods announce the divine intervention of the new era. This divine intervention was in essence the force of the gods, which the introduce somebody to an area had to acquire participating in the new era. In instructions, the baktun regulation was that's why a series of rituals, focusing on the Nine Gods and their giving out and rulings. Except, these vast rituals secure hardly ever been supposed for what they are: detached and scheme of the 2012 phenomenon. The stuff immobile nonplus as to who these Nine Gods essentially are. Greatly, "Nine Gods" are not purely an segregate of the Mayan culture. Impart were as well Nine Gods in the ancient Egyptian religion, as well as a choice of others (e.g. India). To the Egyptians, they were as well easy as the Nine Ideals and they were very much correlated plus their Organizer Supernatural being, Atum. Self-discipline over these Nine Ideals was deemed to be instrumental in the glorious order of a Pharaoh: true control over them inescapable that carriage - correlated plus the divinity Ma'at - was maintained and all was well plus Egypt, the world and the universe. We can that's why see that The Nine in an Egyptian or Mayan series, were cozily related; in each one instances, they firm the management of an era, whereby their talks was of large consequence to the afflict of the nation. So are we waiting for their echo in 2012? If so, what are we inescapable to expect? Captivatingly, what the 1950s, decades to come the 2012 phenomenon rose to level, give has been a convey number of band that secure been talk about a "Gather of the Nine". For sure, this is the echo of nine extra-terrestrial beings, for others this is the echo of the Egyptian Nine Gods. Some equal speak to The Nine plus the nine institution members of the Knights Templar alert - a deliberation that, alas, resulted in a series of accumulate suicides in France, Switzerland and Canada in the mid 1990s. Except, in spite of the accumulate weld in 2012, until now, no-one has buried tending to the fact that for decades, band claimed to be contacting The Nine and the fact that Mayan inscriptions give a sermon of a echo of the Nine Gods in these "end times"! So what are The Nine? A group led by paranormal investigator Dr. Andrija Puharich that contacted "The Nine" in the outdated 1950s. They made-up they were an alien intelligence: not crucially conspicuous, but simply not terrestrial in the most undistorted reason. The nine participants any challenged one entity, which communicated give orders them as a two-way. Puharich was sooner clear that these entities had a connection plus ancient Egypt. In the 1970s, he chanced upon a young Israeli mystic, Uri Geller. From end to end the a choice of specialist experiments Geller was put give orders as detached as the CIA's Standoffish Viewing experiments, Puharich realised that Geller may well contact The Nine, and, only, that period in all last few attempts, he had needed a squad of nine band to appear, Geller may well channel all nine associated. As Geller's recognition rose, Puharich arranged to conscription a biography of the exploits of this rare mystic. In the book, Puharich mentioned the Nine, but for reasons that force once and for all halt dense, he in essence ridiculed The Nine, equal period for some decades to come - and after - he would halt head over heels in love plus them. Equally, period in advance he had vocal of them as an alien intelligence, in the book, they had bake an extraterrestrial intelligence. Impart is a adaptation... Geller has continually remained seal on what transpired plus the Nine, as he was passed out throughout the channelling. So in contact plus the Nine, they summoned him to UFO fly-pasts and aristocratic. Puharich claimed he ended tape recordings of these sessions, but none secure consistently been ended relations, so it essentially is a case of Puharich vs. the world. If genuine, then Puharich asked "Are you behind the UFO sightings that started in the United States similar to Kenneth Arnold saw nine flying saucers on June 24, 1947?" to which they answered yes. Swiss psychologist Carl Jung ended a diminutive gain knowledge of of UFOs and was constructive that they were an alien - period not extra-terrestrial - intelligence that was grant to decent direct us in the field of a new world, which he identified plus the gigantic Age of Aquarius. According to Puharich, The Nine certain they were from a world called Hoova, period on gamble, they called themselves Rhombus 4D. They contacted Puharich and Geller as they had been preferred to except war, as well as routing the Earth's divine intervention in the field of a assured limit, which the Nine argued was surely to their own requirements and benefits, period it was as well for the happiness of Mankind. Donate, we that's why see clear parallels plus the line the Nine employed plus the Maya, namely their directing the divine intervention of Mankind. The Nine as well claimed that they were developed for Geller's powers and that the way in which Mankind used Geller would detect whether The Nine's "programme for Foxhole Go ashore" would grip, or not. Others, duplicate Phyllis Schlemmer, secure as well contacted "Tom", who is a administrator for the Nine, plus whom Puharich spar too. Her story ended it in the field of Stuart Holroyd's "Opening to the Landing on Foxhole Go ashore" and the once "The And no-one else Foxhole of Independence". Extra Nine contactees are Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert, who channelled "Ra", a addition of The Nine, who confirmed that it was he who had built the Deep Pyramid. In sessions plus Puharich, "Tom" held the Sphinx was built and named after him. Tom adds: "I am the command. I am the end." - wording that may well be lifted from the baktun-ending ceremonies. I would by yourself not go as far as to movement that The Nine as per these channellings are who they honorable to be. I secure perfect extensive research in the field of them for aristocratic than a decade, and they are, sooner honestly, a mature idea that defies personal categorisation. But what can be held about them, is this: it is clear that any culture, whether Mayan, Egyptian or 20th century Western development, was and is in contact plus an alien intelligence, which any time, relates messages that are equal in context. The number nine is prominent in substitute culture, which is made-up to secure had direct links plus the Maya: the Hopi of Arizona. They too win we are roughly the end of an era, period their creed does not challenge a totally date. More willingly, they movement that for a New Era to be born, a series of nine prophecies need to be broad. Torpid, according to Twylah Nitsch, her grandfather Moses Shongo, the last of the in a row Seneca medication men who died in ca. 1925, did envision that give would be a 25 see of refinement that would end in ca. 2012. Predominantly, the Hopi movement that it is due "rapidly", as eight of the nine prophecies correlated plus it secure been broad. The first "sign" occurred as far advance as the 16th century, and energetic the beginning of the "pallid men plus missiles". The eight, incidentally, were the Hippies! The lonesome warning litter to be broad, is that of the Miserable Celebrity Kachina, which is recurrently interpreted as an alien, and sometimes extra-terrestrial manifestation that force brazen itself on Go ashore. As outdated as 1948, the Hopi tried to give a sermon at the United Nations Familiar Crew about their prophecies for our climax era. They feeling that they are the caretakers for the American continent and felt they pleasing to separate the message of the should for humans to be in carriage plus style. Twice, the Hopi elders were turned publicized, but they at the end of the day were authoritative to give a sermon in 1976 at a United Nations-sponsored conference in British Columbia. Neediness the Maya, the Hopi friendship to a returning world gaze at and win that we are about to emerge from the Fourth in the field of the Fifth Cosmos -out of a total of seven worlds. Habitual period the Hopi do not only state Nine Gods force echo, they do movement that one assured entity requirements to echo, which force be the ultimate sign that the Fourth Cosmos has defunct. Kachinas are "drive", which are visualised participating in the Hopi holier-than-thou dances, very notably on par plus the masks the participants in the baktun climax ceremonies wore. In 1914, a release was first choral at the Wuwuchim regulation, which line the birth of the practical reference book see in November. The 1914 rendition of the release was the first provoke of the imminent "Originate in the field of the Fifth Cosmos" and certain that this would start similar to the Saquasohuh - the Miserable Celebrity Kachina - would rearrange in the ethical. "The Tortuguero Inscription, mentioning the echo of "The Nine" According to the "Expend of the Hopi", by Reduce Waters, Saquasohuh "represents a blue star, far off and small, which force guide its rub rapidly". Others secure referenced it as "You force take delivery of of a dwelling-place in the impression, aloof the Go ashore, that shall fall plus a wonderful crash. It force gain recognition as a blue star. Honest rapidly after this, the ceremonies of my band force break off." In recent living, give has been creamy estimate as to what the Miserable Celebrity may well be. Candidates included the rub of Hale Bopp in 1997, or the supernova of SN1987A, which occurred on February 23, 1987. The subsequent was the brightest supernova observed for four centuries. It seems, however, that the Hopi warning has been ill-understood. Seriously put, the warning perfectly refers to a upcoming tribal regulation, at which juncture a kachina - a Hopi buoyancy - easy as Miserable Celebrity force reveal himself. As such, Miserable Celebrity is oblivion aristocratic or smaller number than his morality, and not crucially correlated to a astrophysical phenomenon. He is, however, by all accounts a divinity - an alien intelligence that force echo. Except, in recent living, the Hopi themselves secure seriously hot and sticky the talk over what is held to show up. Some Hopi movement that our current timeframe is easy as the "Deep Day of Refinement". Hopi good Oh Shinnah Fastwolf states this seminar force be over by 2011 and that it force be at that flash that the blue star force gain recognition in the sky. Outburst Wind, the son of a Pueblo shaman from New Mexico, has held that the Fifth Cosmos force birth in 2012. He however argues that the ultimate gaining of the Go ashore began in 1998, similar to in September, the five planets joined. He as well saw a planetary alignment of nine bodies on May 5, 2000, as very central, as it was the receptive date, until 2012, of how the earth would be purged. "If mankind force not enthusiastically let go of the exquisite, and the lie, it force be stripped publicized." And so, in spite of details and touch claims, whenever we twist to the spirit of a phenomenon and the spirit of the 2012 phenomenon, we are confronted plus one key message, one that equal archaeologists secure external as being at the starting point of the Mayan warning about 2012: it is about the echo of the gods. The Bolon Yokte Ku, who force signal in a new era. The Cape Returns!

Posted by Unknown | at 8:44 AM