David Hamel The Granite Man And The Butterfly Book

David Hamel The Granite Man And The Butterfly Book
David Hamels Book: The Granite Man and the Butterfly (AUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY)


This book chronicles the life of a simple man who was chosen for a heroic task. David was given advanced information enabling him to build a spacecraft that would provide an abundant source of non-polluting energy. This book chronicles the frustration and enormous obstacles that he faced, from non-believers to government officials. This story details his progress from the past to the present, on this amazing mission and the effort being made to realize his goal.

Here are a few of the most interesting pictures extracted from the book. These pictures deal with David Hamel's original anti-gravity devices, and the conditions under which they were developed.

David pictured with various newspaper articles during the period from 1975 to 1980. The articles revealed his unusual encounter and the subsequent prototypes he built based upon information he received during the encounter.

This device was built between the time of the prototype on the fourpod stand in front of David's house, the one that took off, and the last cement prototype built in Maple- Ridge B.C. before he left for Ontario. This machine was very useful in learning how to balance the large plywood disk with magnets. This device would also exhibit unusual effects, for example: It caused double exposure on camera film, TV interference and cars to stop in the street in front of David's house for no apparent reason.

This picture shows a four pod stand supporting the second working prototype that David built. This prototype used a magnetic principle instead of a falling ball to keep the system in motion.
This is a rare close-up picture taken by pared to the other prototypes, this one was photographed only at the end of its construction and at its take off. This was because at the time, David did not want to show the inside, in order to protect the patent he wanted to apply for. This unit was 8 feet in diameter and was 500 pounds.

This is one of the main drawings David had made toward the beginning of his work. In this drawing David shows the internal parts of the device as seen in several of this books pictures.

This is the first picture taken in a series of five (Figures A to E). In this series you can see the progressive evolution of the object while moving away from the four pod stand that was built in front of David's house. This happened around 11:00 p.m. one evening near the end of the summer of 1977.

Note the unusual glow around the object and the angle it's moving toward the sky. David mentioned that the lights in and around his house went off, and not a sound was heard. David also noted a shift in color around the object as it rose up. David needed 6 to 10 seconds between the pictures to reset the camera, a black and white Kodak Brownie. David was not perturbed by the machines unusual effects, but by the fact that he never saw his prototype with all his magnets inside it again.

More photos of these in the book.

Negative found embedid in David Hamel's Palm after he returned to Earth

David Hamel is building a device which will enable us to heat our homes, power industry and fly our aircraft.

Glen Kask, The Gazette Maple Ridge B.C. March 31, 1976

He said anyone can have the secret, build the machine and produce his own energy - something the oil cartels and multinational corporations wouldn't exactly appreciate.

Ron Thody, The Express Newspaper of Maple Ridge B.C. writing about David Hamel, October 11, 1977

David Hamel has proven with his three prototypes, the theory of electro- gravitational energy. Further to that, the relationship between electricity and magnetism is definitely the answer to the energy crisis that exists today.

Pierre Sinclaire Scientific Researcher in an interview with CBC Television, 1991 Radio 1994

Based on David Hamel's life this book chronicles both the emotional and technical struggles David encountered in developing his prototypes of the GMD. A candid account of the life of a simple man with an extraordinary mission. * Also included is an appendix on Canadian engineer Wilbert Smith. Mr. Smith was one of the first engineers to work with the government in researching unusual properties within magnetic fields.

This book written by Jean Manning as told by David Hamel. It describes the many events that lead up to his Close Encounter of the 3rd kind. David show some early photos of his prototypes and describes the workings of his machines and his personal life. He tells about his experiences and encounters in the war and of the great government cover-up. No major publishers would carry this book. So this book is now published by a private publisher, and is sure to be a collectors item.


Jeanne Manning is a freelance journalist who, since 1981, has traveled throughout North America and Europe to report on new energy technologies. Her articles and essays have appeared in numerous energy journals as well as several books. She also serves as a board member for two new-energy organizations.

Ms. Manning received her degree in sociology from the University of Idaho. She has worked as a newspaper reporter and editor and has raised three children. She now resides in Vancouver, British Columbia.


Pierre Sinclaire has been an electronic technician for the past ten years. Most of that time he has also been devoted to the scientific research of alternative energy sources. Some of his projects have involved: - The development of a nuclear decay battery for small appliances - A hydrogen cell to mix hydrogen with gas to produce - Cleaner combustion and greater gas mileage - A transformerless power supply for computers - The ML Converter by the Mathernita Religious Community in Switzerland

For the past six years Pierre has been working with David Hamel in an effort to duplicate the device that lifted off from Mr. Hamel's yard in Maple Ridge, BC. Canada, in 1977.


I would like to recommend the reading of this book to anyone starting serious research into the anti-gravitational technology introduced by David Hamel. It reveals to the reader why this information was made available to Mr. Hamel and the spirit with which he has pursued his dream.

Pierre Sinclaire

David Hamel, UFO/Alien Contactee is known by many as 'the Billy Meier of Canada'.

Since its limited publishing in 1995,

this is the most sought after book in UFOlogy!

Since no major publisher would carry this book,

this book is privately produced and privately published. There are only limited copies available.


Get YOURS Today Before They Are All Gone!

Related posts:

* David Hamel is 'The Granite Man!'
* David Hamel UFO Prototypes
* The David Hamel Story

Posted by Unknown | at 9:28 AM