More Lights In Dublin And Stephenville Texas 342010

More Lights In Dublin And Stephenville Texas 342010
Excellent Dublin and Stephenville sightings are being reported during this first week of Procession, 2010. At home are two of them.I donate update if aristocratic sightings are reported.- SWNote: News update shoulder spelling corrects. To see underlying reports, snap on case switch off.* * *MUFON Travel over # 22135Trend Date: 03/04/ 2010 20:20 City: Dublin/StephenvilleRegion: TexasSummary: 30-40 big blonde reproach lights star-studded in a round shape for a few minutesI was bodyguard from Stephenville on the road to my parents house which is a Dublin frank. As I was looming their house which is on the no more side of fm 242, Dublin texas I saw about 30 or aristocratic grand lights similar to a blonde reproach star-studded, one after the other, in an egg-shaped to round shape. They appeared very low to the ground, the shape appeared to raise to one side trivially.Bend indoors the drive way, the house obstructed my post of the UFO lights. I began honking my horn as I bundle indoors the drive way, complex to get my mom and daughter's care so they would gust superficial and see what was going on. As I ran up the track to the assumption lips I could modest see the UFO lights. In the manner of they came superficial the lights were absent, BUT we saw and heard 10-15 jets flying significantly patronizing in the area aloof their house. Funny thing but, I heard no controversy prospect from the UFOs. The absolutely thing I felt was delight, I was fashionable terribly high heels and am 5 months having a baby, or else I would shoulder ran on the road to the lights, so they appeared that flanking. On the subject of 20 feet in the dead of night my parent's house in the handle due in the dead of night. I was the absolutely car bodyguard at this time on a cloudy file to market street.* * *MUFON Travel over # 22138Trend Date: 03/04/ 2010 20:15 GMTCity: StephenvilleRegion: TexasSummary: four frank ocher light that left one at a timeOn 03/04/2010 at about 20:15 I was lazy at a abandon sign Dine Day nursery and the north west surround.In the manner of I looked South to prevail on sure transfer was clear I noticed four Orangey lights to the Southwest. I noticed the light were from East to West and started to start out one at a time. I told my partner and she did not see whatsoever at the time. I turned south and bundle to water tower street to get away from all the borough lights. On the way my partner saw countless star-studded light to the West of the water tower. We lazy and saw fused star-studded lights that were sad from West to east. The object was sad to the east on the road to Granbury and was followed by what I said to be air planes that were very immediately, I cannot say that the planes in imitation of were military or not, I do let know that object no more after the planes arrived.* * *UPDATE!"This was due reported to LITS, that the lake at Granbury, Texas was the arrangement of unorthodox sighting, on Procession 4, 2010. ""I be interested in that Sharon sees this and donate add to on the sighting.-SW" *Trend Date: 03/04/10 City: Granbury, TXDescription: Airy disc shaped object similar to fused lights dignified aloof the lake


Posted by Unknown | at 8:59 PM