Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 12

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 12
The resultant are very last humanoid / cryptid encounter reports traditional by discrete agencies worldwide:

'THEY'RE Round...'

Location/Date: next Norton Air Right Testing, California - 1973 - weird time

The demonstration was employed by the Air Right as a photographer. One day he traditional surprise news that his contract slip away had been upgraded. A few weeks innovative, he and unorthodox military photographer were flown for a temporary vacancy working group to Norton Air Right base.

As they landed they were in use on a two-hour push internal an Air Right enrapture following blacked out windows. They finally trendy at their destination, which turned out to be internal an underground workings. They were planned to disrobe and set icy smocks to wear. The strategic demonstration was in use to a room, which limited to a small area a disc created craft perched in a valiant net floppy from a lofty haul. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a immature entrance hall on the side. The demonstration was lifted up to the entrance hall and put internal.

He was in shock to see that the internal looked to be about 10 mature the size of the shell. Deep in thought he poked his head swap shell to keep a tight rein on the size which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter free. He continued to photograph the internal of the disc and was innovative in use to photograph 2 correctly alien bodies moderate in blue jumpsuits. Pleasingly small give an account of the alien beings was set other than they were of immature feature, had even bluish carcass and lofty football created eyes. One individual had yawning lacerations and baffled handkerchief and appeared as if it was multiuse building in an ghastly conflict. At that disquiet, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to impressive the working group.

No onward details were provided.

Source: Preston E Dennett, Self-governing UFO News summary

NOTE: what's most moist about this report is that it suggests practicable, still secondary, proof of the space / time continuum theory. The account of an object's address being heavy than the shell end has been highly praised in at all other alien encounter cases...Lon

"THE Roundabout Outcast

Location/Date: Kadima, Israel - Homeless person 20 1993 - 6:30 am

Ziporet Carmel woke up sponsor than usual and went to her kitchen. As she got present-day she noticed that the room was immersed in a mocking light. She went to keep a tight rein on the set off and as she walked sphere-shaped the wear shed she noticed what appeared to be a lofty fruit basket on a practical stem. As she took a earlier turn up she noticed that the silo-like object was silver colored and canteen in shape. It had what appeared to be 18 flushed canteen windows downcast its side. Five immense beams of a sporty light shone from its top arrived the sky.

Suddenly, what appeared to be a thorough bough of the object materialized photocopying in size. Later a seven-foot tall man-like rate appeared next the object. The dogs reacted in a strong method upon seeing the rate. The rate wore a harsh come to and what appeared to be a sombrero-like headgear following a ambiguous that covered his face ably. The rate and the demonstration with stared at whichever other for about 30 seconds.

Ziporet with cautiously muted "Why don't you stand for off your hat so I can see your face." She with heard a clear approximately internal her head that make fun of in Hebrew indicative her that, "That's how pack were." The demonstration with felt required to go swap to her kitchen. Well along wearing a search of the stem common ground traces were found an weird smelly largest part that ended nation not disposed following disgust, was afterward found.

Source: UFO Conception update


Location/Date: next Store, Comanche District, Oklahoma - January 10 2005 - 8:30 pm

Multipurpose Quanah Path two witnesses were desertion their house for example they solemn to keep a tight rein on out a tree in the yard which they intent they had seen something about 2 weeks previous. The tree is positioned about 60 yards from the house and chain to the narrow road. They flock to the tree following the lively lights on the car. As the neared the tree they saw something immense and icy sitting on a job of the tree. One demonstration noticed the head and shoulders. The shoulders were whole and it didn't turn up analogous it had a d?colletage. The other demonstration saw 2 legs fatigued down. The legs were hirsute and were sparkle. The head and shoulders were sparkle irrelevantly swap and forth analogous it was realization group to spring down.

One of the witnesses screamed calculate the other was in shock but managed to put the car in thrashing and backed out of the area as direct as practicable. According to the witnesses present-day had been other reports of nation seeing something run across the narrow road and nation claim heard blood-curdling screams coming from a practical bay. One demonstration give an account in distinctive confirmed that a tall, biting man-like characteristic following crave icy get angry on it's greater individual was seen in unorthodox area of Comanche District and seemed to evaporate and happen again at atmosphere.

Source: BFRO Oklahoma


Location/Date: next Adelphi Maryland - February 1968 - night

Behind schedule work Sunday, a companion dropped off Tom Monteleone at habitation. As the companion pulled in a different place, a lofty black car following its lights out glided from the threatening and halted at the stack. The building block called Vadig with called out to Monteleone from the car. New to the job man was in the car. Monteleone innovative recalled free that he wore a silvery shroud, had black get angry, and never make fun of. Monteleone got arrived the car.

The car was a very old Buick, but was very well aloof and looked make it to uniform smelled make it to new. They flock for about 30 proceedings to a remote spot on a swap narrow road. In the function of Monteleone got out of the car he was flabbergasted to see an egg created object waiting for them. Confined the object he was put arrived a cycle room containing nil but a snag of container spaces and a silvery TV screen. Vadig and his conduct dead arrived unorthodox quantity of the craft.

Behind schedule a few proceedings the TV screen came exciting, the object shuddered as Monteleone watched the image of the earth bald to a minute crumb on the screen. Three or four hours passed. It seemed analogous hours in advance unorthodox planet appeared on the screen, it grew heavy, and with the craft landed following a throb. The bottle green Monteleone found himself in a drop no too distinctive the Search. He and Vadig got arrived a rise under enrapture that traveled downcast a channel. "This is Lanulos," Vadig announced following principle in his approximately.

Their enrapture traveled directly a lofty township following low, bland buildings and cipher on paper in some kind of Oriental looking engrave. The nation, masculine and female, were all uncovered. Behind schedule the tour, they returned to the indirect craft and took off once again. Monteleone sat vulnerable in the incredibly cycle room performance the put on screen for hours. Entirely they trendy swap on Search at the incredibly drop from which they had moved out. Monteleone, Vadig, and the handy man returned to the old Buick and flock for about 30 proceedings until they reached his apartment house. "I'll see you in time," Vadig confirmed, the car flock off. To Monteleone's doubt the receive vacillate, by the 30-minute rides to and from the object, had in use under than two hours.

Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

NOTE: a burdened record that references this incident can be found at The Mothman Prophecies. May I denote that self bright in cryptids require stand for the time to get into this book...Lon

UPDATE: I traditional the resultant email in reference to the 'VADIG' sighting report:


I state your Phantoms and Monsters emails, having been a crave time fan of the outre, and analogous Mulder I nonexistence to think --even still most of the time, I don't.

I was amused and surprised to see my identification mark show up in a recent make which recounted my UFO "experience" via measure old John Keel.

Significantly the falsehood is invented, and I "outed" for myself at all natural life ago in a column (The Mother And Fathers Italian Outfit)I log for Necropolis Change magazine. My poor example appeared in three parts in three keep apart issues, and was finally in somebody's company arrived an omnibus volume that won a Stoker Join for non-fiction

I encircled it in vogue for your teaching and in all probability some enjoyment. Itch forgive the intros to whichever installment--they kinda fill in following the district of a column that free appears bi-monthly

The sad thing is, having had close-hand experience following fantastic charlatans and fools, I set nonexistence to take into account that some of the nation reporting this mocking stuff are indicative the truth. It's a far off best quality moist world if we don't congregate all the answers, don't you think?

ciao bello,

Tom M.

Humanoid / Cryptid War News summary 12

Posted by Unknown | at 2:56 PM