Actual Et Writing
By Mary Joyce, website editorSkyshipsoverCashiers.comThis is a copy of extraterrestrial writing that was FOUND AT A SPACESHIP LANDING SITE in Brooksville, Florida on March 3, 1965. It was received at this website in February 2013 along with a six-page handwritten letter from 71-year-old Jerry who felt it was time to share his eyewitness account of a remarkable story with the public.
Jerry wrote that in 1965 he and his parents were neighbors and friends of JOHN F. REEVES who happened upon a SPACESHIP and a SPACEMAN in brushy land near their Brooksville homes. At the time, Jerry said he was in his 20s and Reeves appeared to be in his 60s.
Jerry said he and his parents may have been the first ones Reeves told about his extraordinary experience. He even TOOK THEM TO THE LANDING SITE where they observed the imprints of the spaceship's four landing legs plus the spaceman's boot prints.
In the photo below, Reeves is shown pointing to one of the SPACEMAN'S BOOT PRINTS in the white Florida sand. Jerry described it as 10-11 inches long and "dog bone shaped" because it was equally bulbous on each end. The boot print also had grooves running both lengthwise and crosswise.
In a follow-up phone call, Jerry told me what Reeves said to him and his parents right after Reeves' out-of-this-world experience. HERE IS A SUMMARY OF WHAT JERRY TOLD ME:
When Reeves stumbled upon the spaceship, he ducked behind some bushes and observed it from his hiding spot. HE DESCRIBED THE SHIP as dull metallic gray, about 40 feet in diameter and nine feet high at its center. He said he could see three windows, a clear dome top, four landing legs and a retractable ladder that dropped from the bottom center of the ship.
Then a SPACEMAN APPEARED from behind some other bushes. He was about five feet tall and wore a tight-fitting suit with a glass-like helmet, metallic boots and mittens - not gloves. As he walked toward Reeves, he stopped and took something from his uniform and AIMED IT AT REEVES. It was a little box that made a flash of light. Reeves thought it might have been a camera.
The spaceman then walked toward Reeves with open arms INDICATING HE MEANT NO HARM. Reeves said the spaceman looked humanoid and had slanted eyes and a slit-like mouth.
When Reeves overcame his fears, he stood up. That's when the SPACEMAN TAPPED HIM ON THE SHOULDER three times and pointed toward the ship. Reeves said he walked toward the ship and at the encouragement of the spaceman climbed the ladder just high enough to peer inside. He saw a table, instruments and gauges, but quickly retreated down the ladder.
The spaceman, who was waiting at the bottom of the ladder, then guided Reeves to an open area about 80 yards from the ship. With a stick he picked up from the ground, the SPACEMAN DREW A SYMBOL IN THE SAND that indicated the place where his spaceship would land again. After that, he pointed to the eastern horizon, then the western horizon and then drew a line in the sand. HE DID THIS 29 TIMES. Somehow he made Reeves understand that he would return in 29 days.
After the spaceship took off, Reeves found TWO SHEETS OF ALIEN WRITING on the ground at the landing site. Though the sheets looked like paper, they weren't. Reeves and a friend, who also was a local news reporter and photographer, tested the "paper" in various ways. They even tried to burn an edge of it but IT WOULD NOT BURN.
THE MILITARY SHOWED UPWhen the reporter's account of Reeve's story was published in the local newspaper, U.S. AIR FORCE PERSONNEL showed up and CONFISCATED THE SHEETS of alien writing. Later copies of the sheets were returned to Reeves but not the originals.
Jerry emphasized that Reeves was an HONEST, KIND AND QUIET MAN who retired to Brookville from the North. In our research to confirm all of this, we found a number of positive testimonies from those who knew him.
ONE WOMAN WROTE: "He used to have Sunday dinner with my family back in the 60's and 70's almost every Sunday. He also helped me on a science report for school and we did it on his experience and he also told me that the space people took him to their planet which was called Monheaya which he said was what we know as the North Star. I submitted my paper and never received it back from my teacher."
ANOTHER PERSON WROTE: "I knew him, spent time with him and watched him during the days after his encounter. Did you know that his hair became less gray and he appeared younger after the encounter? Last time I spoke to him he was 82 YEARS OLD AND JUST AS SPRY as he was at 65."
Jerry told us that when Reeves got older he moved to South Florida to be closer to family and that he LIVED TO BE 104.
And, yes, Jerry told me the SPACEMAN DID RETURN 29 DAYS LATER but his ship was prevented from landing by jets from the nearby MacDill Air Force Base.
A WALK ON THE MOONReeves continued to have meetings with his spaceman and other space people over the next six years. In August of 1968, about a year before Neal Armstrong walked on the Moon, Reeves was taken on a quick flight and to the backside of the Moon. They actually landed and Reeves was escorted into A CLEAR DOMED BASE where he was able to walk comfortably without any kind of special gear. He returned to Earth with gray MOON DUST IN THE CUFFS OF HIS PANTS and a SOUVENIR CRYSTAL about the size of a baseball. Reeves showed his treasures to a number of people, but kept them locked and hidden so the military/government would not confiscate them as they had done with the sheets of alien writing.
REEVES' FLIGHT TO ANOTHER PLANETOn his days off, Jerry said he often stopped at that special landing spot in hopes he, too, would meet an alien. Then one day HE SAW SOMETHING THAT PUT HIM ON FULL ALERT - three sets of shoe prints in the sand. There were normal human shoe prints in the middle and quite unique sets of shoe prints on each side. It looked like someone, probably Reeves, had been escorted away by two spacemen.
Jerry took a quick look around and then decided to rush home to get his mother to come and see what he had found. When they returned to the special spot, Jerry's mother began searching the area more thoroughly and DISCOVERED A RED BROOM STICK stuck in the ground. THAT WAS A SIGN FROM REEVES. He had told them he would always take his makeshift walking stick with him to the landing spot and if they ever found it stuck vertically in the ground that would mean he had gone with the aliens.
For four or five days, Jerry said REEVES WAS MISSING. He wasn't at his home, his laundry was left on the clothesline, and his little dog was left inside the house unfed. Jerry's family immediately fed the little dog, which was the love of Reeve's life, but they really worried about Reeves.
Days later, they got a phone call from Reeves. With stress in his voice, he asked them to come over. They rushed to his house and found him SITTING IN A CHAIR WEEPING and gasping "NOBODY WILL BELIEVE ME! NOBODY WILL BELIEVE ME!" This was so out of character for their quiet and rather reclusive friend. Eventually, he calmed down enough to tell them what had happened.
The space people had taken him to their home planet which they called "MONIHEYA." These were NOT like the spaceman Reeves first encountered who had slanted eyes and a slit for a mouth. THESE SPACE PEOPLE WERE BEAUTIFUL - tall and slim with smooth skin and facial features a bit like those of Orientals on Earth. They wore tight-fitting jumpsuits and all appeared to be about 30 years old though they told him they were much older than that.
In Earth time, Reeves said it took 1 1/2 DAYS TO GET TO MONIHEYA and the same amount of time to return to Earth. He also said he spent a day and a night on the alien planet as the guest of a couple with two children. Reeves marveled at the appliances or devices in the home but didn't understand what they were.
Reeves spoke of TWO MODES OF TRANSPORTATION on Moniheya. There were moving sidewalks which didn't exist on Earth at that time but can be found today in most large airports. Then he spoke of "ROCKERS" THAT CRUISED JUST ABOVE THE GROUND. Perhaps they were a bit like Volkswagen's prototype electromagnetic hover car (shown above) that was introduced on Earth in May 2012.
Reeves said the Moniheya had TWO SUNS and the SEA WAS A PINKISH color with creatures in it that looked like dinosaurs. Reeves also said the RAIN WAS BLUE. Jerry saw possible proof of the blue rain because Reeves returned to Earth with blue stains on the shirt he was wearing. Reeves said the people on Moniheya stayed out of the rain for that reason.