Are You Still Alive Ufo Deaths Revisited

Are You Still Alive Ufo Deaths Revisited
Do ufologists die in high-class odd lob than most people?

Roger K. Leir, D.P.M., 79, agreed to the side on Lay bare 14, 2014. Leir was a podiatric medical doctor and poet, but he is best communal for his work investigating held extraterrestrial implants.

As if stepping from an period of "The X-Files", Leir and his work gained international notice due to his interests in the phenomenon of apparent alien implants and his held taking away of several such objects from the bodies of abductees. He anyway investigated the 1996 Varginha, Brazil case and the 2007-2009 UFO sightings in Kumburgaz, Fiasco. Leir became common in the exercise from his appearances on screen documentaries and radio programs, as well as a narrator at compound international conferences and symposiums.

Leir's reason of deficit is unspecified. A few wolf said he died from complications of shingles. According to Fortean poet Christopher O'Brien, Leir was in the clinic on Lay bare 14, 2014, awaiting surgery on his own foot that had been beaten in a 2010 car accident. Leir reportedly not here to use the restroom, but never came out.

Due to Leir's age, he could be called branch of the "old hold on to." Younger ufologists wolf died in recent verve too. Country die all the time, of course. But of late, put on has been amplified talk of ufologists being murdered or departure furtively.

"John Mack and Budd Hopkins, UFO Union awards ceremony; "Create in your mind Stuart Conway, 2002."

Pristine odd deficit rubbish that of Harvard fall back, Pulitzer Coveted clash, and poet of "Abduction: Human Encounters by means of Aliens" (1994), Dr. John E. Mack, who died on Monday, September 27, 2004, in the role of in London to speech. Mack was killed by a drunken driver title west on Totteridge Sense. He was walking retreat isolated, after a extensive meal by means of family, when he was struck at 11:25 p.m. existing the trade off of Totteridge Sense and Longland Boost. He lost comprehension at the point of view of the accident and was rigorous dead shortly thereafter. The driver was arrested at the point of view, and was latter convicted and detained for the bad behavior, even though put on was very meticulous media put on of this. Give are at a standstill folks who rob that his deficit was presume as it appeared to be far too "means."

"Mac Tonnies, 34, a mounting intellectual ghost in Fortean thought and the "Posthuman Blues" blogger, was found dead in his home on October 22, 2009. His book The Cryptoterrestrials" (Anomalist Books, 2010), published after his deficit, elongated the view of John Keel's ultraterrestrials. Tonnies' deficit, allegedly, may wolf been united to one of several causes, but certainly it was one bounded by quiet difficult details. (Request dispatch to Mike Clelland's verity in the log item below for high-class on this.)

RRR'S "Failure Information bank"

Fantastically, Mac's call appeared at the end of the "deficit list" of populace that a group of teen ufologists to be found in their legendary rearrangement of Lay bare 22, 2008, 19 months or so, or else Tonnies' stunted. The so-called "RRRGroup," in their "UFO PROVOCATEUR(S)" blog evidence entitled "Failure(s) command hygienic the UFO palate," along the names of populace whom they in the vicinity of seemed to be wishing would die high-class hurriedly so the "nominate" of the exercise could set out high-class hurriedly.

They wrote:When ufology's old-guard passes on - Dick Foyer, Stan Friedman, Kevin Randall, John Schuessler, and honest the 60ish Jerry Clark to call a few - embezzle hangers-on and sycophants by means of them (and you snitch who they are), the UFO palate command be cleansed.

That is, the mummified concepts of ufology command be washed to the side, and new paradigms command be permissible to come out of yourself.

Place in the wings or else is a group of middle-agers who, in the role of not superlatively perceptive about the UFO history and oblique to be cavalier by means of their commentary and characterizations of ufology and UFOs themselves, presume they are the news faces of ufology, which is a mantle they consortium to twirl.

People populace have available Paul Kimball, Clip Redfern, Greg Bishop, and Mac Tonnies.

...Taking into consideration the old-guard is ancient history, and the mid-lifers dismissed since of their harshness, the pubertal crop of UFO mavens' newer credo command get stuck brawn by means of the common and media....Blood diverse by means of ink. At the back the ultra was on paper, Richard H. Foyer died on July 17, 2009. Mac Tonnies died on October 22, 2009. Stan Friedman, Kevin Randle, John Schuessler, and Jerry Clark are at a standstill made flesh.

Pioneer Socorro, New Mexico legalize formal and put out of misery encounter outsider to one of the most common UFO cases in history, Lonnie Zamora died on November 2, 2009, of crux ignominy.

C. D. B. Bryan anyway died in 2009, and Wendelle Stevens in 2010. The Time of 2011 saw a extent of remarkable ufologists die, as well as Budd Hopkins, Ion Hobana, and several others.

Friendly 1896-1897 Dirigible historian and Fortean archivist Lou Farish, 74, agreed to the side on January 26, 2012. Fortean acquaintance, ufology wit, and writer James W. Moseley, 81, died November 16, 2012. He agreed to the side at a Key West, Florida, clinic, several months after being diagnosed by means of plague of the gap.Ten days after Moseley died, on Monday, November 26, 2012, the RRRGroup posted once more on this field of study, in "Ufology is departure and ufologists by means of it."

The RRR blogger wrote:

The deficit of "distinguished" UFO mavens this court -- by means of high-class to mature by verve end -- command take out the heavy UFO field of study....The aging UFO researchers are either ill or near-death, a range of divorced and stressed to stay a UFO influence, but in need regard any longer or credibility.One log author, Michael D Swords, first poet of the UFO Elapsed Group's "UFOs and Situation", wrote in, dying the in the same way as on November 28, 2012:

So long. I woke up this morning and found that I was made flesh. This did not shock me. I anyway found that Patrick Huyghe was putting group a UFO research stay for the Alliance for Procedural Exploration go out with in June, as well as Eddie Bullard, Remnant Rodeghier, and for my part. Also of them were made flesh and completely when I plaid.

To the same extent I returned to Kalamazoo last sunset, put on was my pubertal acquaintance, in his thirties, who is verbal skill a comprehensive go through of the Hillsdale-Dexter Wetland Gas malfunction. He was made flesh and completely and gave me a move retreat. A pubertal man came from Western Michigan Academic world the month of Respected
verbal skill a Master's essay amid a UFO connection. An art show on school was choose meaning and the singer was emotional by UFOs in her work.

I am bewildered to discover that we are all dead or hospitalized, or that convinced populace elect us to be so they can move on.


On June 24, 1908, Grover Cleveland, the 22nd British contactees Arthur Bryant and Richard Cathedral in 1967; and Willy Ley in 1969. Unambiguous Edwards, indoors UFO poet and radio character in the 1950s, died a few hours or else Bryant. Information of the distinct deficit of Unambiguous Edwards confused delegates assembled for the 1967 Union of Procedural Ufologists in New York City's Board Commodore on June 24th.

I wolf continued to streak June 24th UFO-related deaths because Binder's time.

One variety that has been overlooked is Robert Charroux, the best-known pen-name of Robert Joseph Grugeau (untrained April 7, 1909 - died June 24, 1978). He was a French poet communal for his ancient astronaut theories and writings in other Fortean subjects. Charroux's books include: "Treasures Of The World" (1967); "The Baffling Mysterious" (1972); "Preceding Worlds: Procedural Secrets of The Ancients and Their Trace For Our Split second" (1973); "The Baffling Past" (1974); "Inheritance Of The Gods" (1974); "The Mysteries Of The Andes" (1977); "Masters Of The World: Groundbreaking New Revelations Reveal The Historic Astronauts" (1979); and "One Hundred Thousand Existence Of Man's Mysterious Elapsed" (1981).

Others wolf died on June 24th. An brood zealot of flying saucer research, Jackie Gleason, died June 24, 1987. UFO writer Unambiguous Edwards' publisher, the individualist Lyle Stuart, died of a crux attack on June 24, 2006.

On June 24, 2013, originally punch scientist, rail terminal scientist, and poet of "At the back the Internet: Overseas News" (2000), James Martin, 79, was found on the edge dead in the waters off Agar's Atoll. Dr. Martin bought Agar's Atoll in 1977 and prepared his retreat in Bermuda. The multi-millionaire aloof a fully low shadow in Bermuda.

For ufologists this date is of disparaging importance. On June 24, 1947 the current era of UFOs began by means of Kenneth Arnold's emotional sighting of "saucers" flying in the company of Escalation Rainier and Escalation Adams in Washington. The head of government be of interest of this regard date, St. John's Day, cannot be diminished inside ufology.

Clip REDFERN: "Urgent ENCOUNTERS OF THE Toxic Product"Playwright Clip Redfern has a new book about UFO-related deaths that is being released on June 23, 2014. Equally it vigor wolf been high-class in accord for his publisher to use the pub date of June 24, it does stare to be an intriguing kismet.

The book's luminary is "Urgent Encounters of the Toxic Kind: Dubious Deaths, Baffling Murders, and Funny Disappearances in UFO Elapsed".

On May 16th, I asked Redfern a few questions about this subject as it relates to the RRR Group's writings. Popular are his responses, which I catch a glimpse of Clip break by means of me.

"Twilight Spoken language": Do you try that the exercise of Ufology is fount or doubtingly impacted when previous, arise researchers die?

"Clip Redfern": I presume the exercise of Ufology can completely be impacted doubtingly when a huge speculative dies. In pure conditions, that variety - rash they were at a standstill energetically proceed research - is no longer able to give doesn't matter what else of enjoy to the subject, so that's why I opinion such a stunted as a derogatory bring about. If their files and records are preserved, that's very meaning, because it allows us to pledge what they not here down doesn't withhold. It's adoration by means of John Keel: we wolf his legacy, his set. That's flawless. But it would be honest greater at a standstill if he was at a standstill verbal skill. Of course, if the speculative was an utter hoaxer, cheat or not the done thing, thus the point of view is exceptional off in need them.

"Twilight Spoken language": Younger ufologists die too. How do you try the exercise is singular when individuality adoration Mac Tonnies dies, when his output is badly communal yet?

"Clip Redfern": To the same extent a younger UFO speculative dies, I presume that - first and important - it's a failure for the offspring. No youth obligation die or else his or her parents. So, realizing individuality is a human being or else a UFO speculative - and the baggage that an brood deficit vegetation down for the offspring and family - is the popular and most remarkable thing. But, in conditions of research and on paper output, it's endlessly broke if a pubertal speculative has a flawless pact of control and dies or else their time. Who knows what they vigor wolf accomplished in the decades ahead? It could wolf been groundbreaking. But, in such cases, we'll never, perpetually snitch. You statement Mac Tonnies. Mac died in his mid-30s, and completely had a double act of books published. Potentially, he could wolf been verbal skill for original 40 verve. I completely perpetually met Mac while (for a weekend conference in Canada 7 or 8 verve ago), but there's no cynicism he was a man who had a lot to give the exercise of Ufology and the wider well up of Forteana in standard.

"Twilight Spoken language": Do you presume pubertal ufologists in the RRR Gang valid elect the "old hold on to" to bequeath so the RRR intimate and younger UFO theorists command be heard high-class clearly?

"Clip Redfern": No, I don't presume a person in the RRR definitely requests any of the old hold on to to die. Seeing that I presume they do elect, and what I presume is very remarkable too, is to strengthen the close colleagues of researchers, and the one after that. Not at the price tag of the old hold on to, but to pledge the subject continues to get an shot of new blood, new try, new thought processes, and new research. The foul suspect I wolf by means of widely of the old hold on to is they are very widely blocked in the ETH mode. Now, yes, that may well be the put in route to pursuit. But, on the other hand, it may not. But, I presume a lot of populace, as they get previous, they get dressed in a wanted, firm zone. And, when it comes to Ufology, I don't presume research obligation be wanted or firm, at all. It obligation be callous, and full up by means of populace not afraid to rock the dispatch and announce expected beliefs. That's why I presume new blood is brisk, and I presume that's what the RRR populace are turn of phrase."Twilight Spoken language": Thank you, Clip.

In 2008, I not here the in the same way as log at the RRR site. I haven't numerous my forethought too rise on these unchangeable view.

It seems melodramatic to enormously see these words: "...the pubertal crop of UFO mavens' newer credo command get stuck brawn by means of the common and media, since this new colleagues isn't conscripted by originally old-think about UFOs, presenting moderately strange thought and pursuit of the UFO mystery..."Being a excessive Fortean observer remark the potential and goodbye of all accept of writers, researchers, and theorists in the last four decades, you wolf precise me a meaning cluck.Every one of "new" colleagues sees themselves as having the "real" solutions or the close best outside-the-box suggestions. Of course, it command completely be something you command cogitate upon when the close colleagues after you, the new group of "Lush Ones" advance nibbling at your aging heels, [and] says something block to you.

It's endlessly been that way, and it command continue so dressed in the nominate.

Posted by Unknown | at 12:42 AM