1030 at night on a monday outside on porch smokin cigar when i noticed a very very bright orange light take off from ground from approx 1 mile away.As it ascended it turned very bright white with no trail or vapor,at first i thought it was a flare but i saw this for 15 mins as it flew directly at me directly overhead with no sound at all as it approached i could see counterclockwise rotating white lights.Hard to beleive no one else saw this as it was bright as the moon.Was approx 100 ft across and flew 300 ft directly above me,i was scared,interested,all at onceWent inside grabbed ell phone to call my wife to see if she had film in camera,she thought i was nuts but as god as my witness i will take any lie test i know what i saw,it wasnt a plane,it wasnt a star,it wasnt a helicopter,the only thing i would compare it too is a blimp but this was completely round with a grey color with absolutely no sound and flew in a strait path.It looked like a childs sit n spin with a done under it. Went back outside at 1045 and too my surprise i saw another take off from same spot,much much smaller and flew from se to sw a totally different path but this one stood far away but much smaller same colors and flew directly strait no zig zag and both flew at constant slow speed. first one i noticed for 15 mins the second one about 5 mins... was waitin too see if anyone else came forward but they didnt,everythime im on porch smokin i stare up at sky waitin to c another which i doubt will ever happen. when i told family they beleived but were reluctant,its always on my mind and all i think of WHEN WILL I SEE ANOTHER! This object was very very very bright orange,flew directly over the braga bridge its impossible to beleive noone else saw it which is why im writing,im curious on what it was but also on how many people saw it.. It was during the persied meteor showers but this was no meteor i know the differece as this flew dirctly over my head for 15 mins.. til the day i die i know what isaw.If the airport said it was a plane they are full or crap,I KNOW WHAT I SAW!
http://ifttt.com/images/no image card.png
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Posted by Unknown
4:51 AM