Quantum Computing And Ufos

Quantum Computing And Ufos
"The New Yorker" magazine has an article in its May 2nd, 2011 casing that may be relevant to the observation of UFOs: Make up Machine by Rivka Galchen, Slip 34 ff.

David Deutsch, who wrote "The Pertinent of Sincerity" and "The Daylight of Infinity", may not be keen in UFOs per se, but he does distribute insights about quantum mechanics, computing, physics and science, commonly, which may possibly be recycled by injurious UFO researchers to tell that serialization underhanded.

Deutsch is the considerable outfit to the philosophy of quantum computing, which he suggests can tell the Multiple Worlds/Universes assumption, for example approach clarification of quantum's theories of superposition and embarrassment, that distribute a UFO connection most likely.

If several of you are on a slope to deduce, intellectually, about the UFO mystery, you would do well to log on the New Yorker stuff. It moral fiber distribute grist for creative ruminations.

Posted by Unknown | at 4:29 AM