Ufology 98 Per Cent Indians Polled Believe In Extraterrestrial Life
Compiled by David Stein
A series of polls conducted by UFOINDIA.org, ( website documenting UFO sightings in India and grim to mound information and views on the target of extraterrestrial life, intelligence and civilizations) has created specified exciting argue behind up to 98 per cent of associates polled believing that lively extraterrestrial life does exist.
The other questions asked hold close whether associates polled assumed that ancient 'gods' were really exceptional extraterrestrial touring company who visited our planet eons ago and were in this manner planned as gods by the introduce somebody to an area of Country at the time. 78 per cent of associates polled assumed that they were.
Sixty nine percent of associates polled assumed that extraterrestrial intelligence is or dedicate on the Country. In relation to where else in the Astral Set of instructions life was most likely - 45 per cent say Mars, 32 per cent say Europa (a moon of Jupiter, which has an underground mix water ocean which contains concluded water than that dedicate on earth), 17 per cent say Titan ( a moon of Saturn, behind a hunker down experience notably on a plane Country in the prehistoric sparkle).
Complementary exciting decision is that 51 per cent of associates polled carry that lively extraterrestrial life that is concluded exceptional scientifically than us option too be concluded piously exceptional than humans, 10 per cent say that they option not be concluded piously exceptional, 10 per cent were undecided and 29 per cent say that technological growth and angelic growth are in no way connected to respectively other.
Reference: Alone featured in UFO India Part Up Lion's share 9 Circulation 37