Mission Statement Of Sorts

Mission Statement Of Sorts
Dear Reader,

My entire life I have been interested in the possibility of extra-terrestrial life and UFO sightings. I remember back in the 1990's I would sit for hours in front of my TV watching Unexplained Mysteries and other shows that featured anything about UFO's with my Grandfather. Back in the 90's these shows didn't seem realistic and I couldn't fully comprehend the evidence being presented in them, so they were merely something to allow my mind to wander. My Grandfather is a diehard roman catholic and is from an era that sticks to their beliefs; one could say they're extremely stubborn. Watching these shows with him back in the day was for sheer entertainment; getting him to believe in any of this is simply just a lost cause. I have always been interested in space, astronomy, space travel, the beauty of what's out there, and the thought of not being alone in the universe.

For a couple of years I was extremely into astronomy; my idea behind it was to get a solid foundation on what we can see here from earth, as well as to get a look at all the possibilities of the beauty that's out there. I wasn't interested in the sciences surrounding astronomy, I really just wanted to witness and experience some of the beautiful images I had seen in textbooks throughout the years. Every chance I got I would visit observatories, check out people's telescopes, and I even attended a couple of my stepfather's astronomy classes at The University Of Michigan.

A few years later after my interest in astronomy kind of faded out I got heavily into music, in fact I still am very heavily into music. Growing up, the band Blink-182 revolutionized my life. I connected with all of their songs everything that they talked about made sense to me. They truly are 3 of my biggest heros. In 2002 Blink 182 came out with a new documentary and in this documentary they featured their guitarist/singer Tom Delonge talking about what he knows pertaining to the subject of UFO's. Seeing this, my interest in all of this was suddenly re-sparked. Ever since I have been actively researching everything and anything UFO related.

There are thousands of UFO sightings every year. This year, 2009, the number of sightings called in to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) has already peaked to the most called in sightings in any given year of our planets intelligent documented history. MUFON is the most well respected international UFO sighting call-in organization. They've been keeping records on UFO sightings for decades.

94% of these sightings have reasonable explanations behind them. That leaves 6% that go unexplained, and that's what I'm interested in. These unexplainable sightings are some of what I plan on posting here as well as other documentaries, photos, interviews, and other evidence that has led me to believe in this phenomenon.

My goal through this blog is to get people interested in the truth and to discuss my postings. I believe that the government has been hiding information on this subject from us and it's not in the least bit right. We the people of this planet deserve to know the truth as to what's out there and to know that we are not alone. Don't let this scare you either, in no way shape or form should you panic and think that the world is going to end because of extraterrestrial life being real and not just fantasy. A lot of questions get raised about the truth being revealed; one major question being of a mass panic if the government came out and told us all that they know. Another question that gets raised is what about the religions of the world? For that I don't have a concrete answer, I only have my own beliefs. However, I will explain my own beliefs through future posts. Government's from around the world including the United States', the UK's Ministry of Defense, Iran's Military, as well as China's all of have completed studies on UFO's. All the study's done surrounding this topic have all lead to one conclusion.. these extraterrestrial crafts and unexplained occurrences pose no threat to us. Case and point being if they did pose a threat, our planet would not be here today and you wouldn't be reading this blog. Therefore, panic is unnecessary while trying to wrap your mind around this phenomenon. I will be updating more information surrounding this topic everyday, posting what I think is the most legit information out there. Hopefully this subject will intrigue you as much as it has me and you will check back for my updates! For now I will leave you with this:

I'm not telling you what to believe, or to abandon your current beliefs, all I'm saying is that the truth is out there, you just have to look for it.

Origin: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 8:46 AM