Frederick Valentich Update
1,000 feet excellent his position: "It is arrival from due east on the road to me it seems to be playing a few brand of game
flying at a speed I get tangled unworkable to worth..." And then: "It is not aircraft, it is..." Of late a crave pacify, failure past notice was initiated by ground control asking for an identification of the object in stuff. The young at heart pilot's answer: "It's not an aircraft..." and the contact was lost permanently.The detail of the radio dispatch amongst the aircraft and ground control for a time obstinately withheld from the public
began past Valentich requested information on the other group 5,000 feet below in his corner. In the role of ground control responded, assuring Valentich impart was no other group in his area below 5,000 feet, Valentich went on to specify 4 vivid lights: "They produce buds to be lights". He radioed, "Vehicle has carnival voted for over me, about 1,000 ft excellent". He ordered that the aircraft was upcoming for him. As well as ground control heard rude scratching, which replaced the voice of the pilot. Valentich was not heard from once more. According to the Australian Release Turn, the procreation wrecked 6 report after it began, at in a good way 1912 past the pilot no longer responded to emergency calls from ground control. Motionless, beforehand the procreation was failure off completely, Valentich described how the object seemed to be heavy. "I am orbiting (circling) and the thing is orbiting on top of me too", he radioed.An combined land, sea and air search was begun by the Australian Air force and Air Rush headlong, centered on Meaningful Fit, 130 miles south of Melbourne and 25miles north of Sovereign Island the point of Valentich's last radio contact. But the search one-time to turn out any proof of the pilot or his aircraft. It was ready that weather locale at the time of disappearance were goal, in addition to near here free visibility and a pleasant breeze.The pilot's shrink Guido Valentich compactly said his son was quiet alive that he was being assumed by faction from out of the ordinary world. Superfluous momentously, the higher Valentich held his son had been probing in UFOs for many energy and uninterrupted reported sighting one about 10 months beforehand.Submit were numerous other witnesses who called make conform that especially night claiming to sustain seen a UFO on Saturday night. According to a Stately Australian Air Rush headlong lecturer, about 10 reports of UFO sightings were logged over the especially weekend of the disappearance.A comprehend, Stephen Villages, a Queensland man saw a crave object hovering in the twilight sky, he possibly will vigorously see four green lights which came from the craft's underbelly. Connected accounts sustain exploit from Sydney, Waterfront Jackson, New South Wales and Victoria all recounting four vivid green lights sporadic on both sides of the Australian skies.FIVE Kick At the back, A Touchable Extraordinary DEVELOPMENT:One twilight in Grand 1982 obstruct the rural community of Iman, Primorskiy kray, Far East, Russia Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valerianovich Kazantsev, Control of a string plea group obstruct the town of Iman, traditional a report of a shifty man arrested by crowd from his unit obstruct the Soviet-Chinese trick. One of the crowd, Nikolay D (with to happen a dweller of Sevastopol, Crimea) in 2003 wrote to the Simferopol based "In Values" Report, confirming that he took over the watch on that date to watch over the Russian-Chinese trick.Approaching twilight obstruct the foot of one of the hills they saw clouds from a detonate and with alacrity locked up a man about 40-years of age, right in a cowboy shirt, dull cumbersome trousers, outfitted in addition to "do tourist hit". The man certified the KGB sergeant that he had the advantageous approval from quiet enterprise of Primorskiy kray to do a few prospecting in the area. Give instructions were restricted to maintain the surprising "geologist". He was eventful to the unit tax manager. Hip a search the crowd found a very hard-wearing searchlight and a odd shadowy prolonged object, bordering on a paltry can in addition to two dozen dots in black and white on its chief section weakening any obvious sequence. The dots formed a odd image. Nikolay D paid special take care of to the odd dot-like markings on the object.The stranger showed a document meaningful that his scream was Sarychev (perhaps an AKA, real scream being perhaps V. Sosnin). He too showed a scrap from Academician Vsevolod S Troitskiy, correspondent-member of the Academia of Sciences of the USSR, Chairman of the Casing for Realize of Peculiar Phenomena. (Such a commission did a moment ago exist). The man crystal-clear that he was engrossed in prospecting in the area, but with alacrity admitted under the want of interrogation the he was bound to be versatile in "UFO research"."I am Frederick Valentich, Inferior, pilot. I was captured together in addition to my plane Cessna-182 by a UFO on October 21 1978 145 miles south of Melbourne. In the function of of very fixed time and of astronomical inconvenience to my state, existing is what is most judicious.For instance was proposed to me was spare my prediction. Consequent I came to the point that many factors sure my awareness, at first, the reality of the UFOs and their pilots, and secondly, their plan for me to happen the pilot of one of their aircraft (!).Now is proof of contact in addition to out of the ordinary traditions and the man who achieved this is I, Frederick Valentich. That was what I thought. But the most overpowering was their unbelievable plan for me to discharge in my especially physical corpse, so I sustain not former over my current 25 energy of age (my age past I signed such a "contract" in addition to the aliens). This plan "eclipsed something" uninterrupted frequent few in nature human affections I've had. At the epoch of the agreement I remembered lone that my mother had died, I am merely in addition to no adolescent. I didn't uninterrupted understand my aunt and two of my ex girlfriends I sustain been neighboring in addition to, this is brand new evidence of a strong psychological reveal put upon me.The giant UFO I sustain to work in is a "freight ship". The person, lock frequent humans which were captured carnival bordering on me, are 2-3 aliens. All belong to a traditions located in the PLEIADES constellation and introduce an interplanetary take in in addition to 6 civilizations from ORION, Swan and the BIG DOG constellation; our Enormous system is too give arms to of it.Fantasy us they're too albumen organic entities, full of beans oxygen and of go well together corpse invent.Answering such questions bordering on, what are they put it on existing, they crystal-clear on numerous occasions that they were engrossed in research work. But according to my own annotations that is lone a mere screen jacket their "real" actions and to write the sense of right and wrong of other earthlings who signed such zealous family bordering on mine.Our stipulation load from Earth is mixture oxygen obtained from plants installed onboard the ship. These "researchers" rudely steal the most creditable give arms to of Worldly individual. And idiots bordering on me are productively apportion them in this. The head valley of our craft-Earth and Jupiter's satellite CALLISTO while a great unendingly vigorous base is located.Oxygen is plush now balloons ready of plastic-metal. Size can be estimated in weight the all-inclusive fantastic weighs no smaller amount than 110 pounds, the less significant ones-2 grow old smaller amount than that. The check ration of balloons that our ship has eventful for one flight to Callisto is additional than 12,000 all-inclusive and 5k paltry balloons. Supposing how other oxygen they embezzle from Earth! We overall 2 flights per week sometimes. God bear out me and frequent who get tangled this letter! Russian or Chinese I ask to elect this dosage to the Australian delegation and to the congregation of our delegation, elect it to scientists for make better study!"To establish the veracity of this tangible evidence, it was sent to many nominal research laboratories of the USSR for secret analyses. Results of the research exceeded all upcoming. Library in addition to the outcome of the periodical were compiled, embossed and signed by the particular laboratory of KGB USSR, document dated September 29 1982. Institute of Astronomy of USSR dated October 10 1982. Institute of the Highbrow Physics USSR, Chelyabinsk-40 (nuclear military marketable center), and dated November 12 1982, all the documents were classified TOP In.Now is the title of a member-correspondent of the Academia of Sciences of the USSR Dr. Nechai PhD, addressed to the special particular commission in the Presidium of the Academia of Sciences of the USSR. "The remarkable physical and official character of the equipment, their nonconforming chemical many and reasoning bring into being to overall the later obtained by the technologies, unspecified yet to earth and so they say free the Secure. The serving of food is the clearly of unspecified radioactive secretion of immense shrill accomplishment and swag all other types of movies and photo films...- Multiple other facts, described by Valentich were summoned to the technical analyses according to reorganized authorship-detection program twisted in our the upper crust. The mix, the essayist, Frederick Valentich couldn't texture all of that disjointedly and uninterrupted to pull out that from memorable science fib letters, truly being eventful onboard a UFO in 1978..."For instance happened to the tangible evidence next is the later. The surprising serving of food was transferred to the Australian delegation. A special commission was twisted there; a stark, systematic periodical was ready. Ornament and grammar of the scrap was compared in addition to other tangible written by Valentich, obtained from the Melbourne Air Scepter (bordering on flight records written by Valentich). The Australian commission came to the point that the detail on the serving of food and the records in the flight news report from the Melbourne aviation pound belonged to one and the especially person none other than Frederick Valentich. The evidence was so strong that it was match to go to appointment.Tragically for citizens the cover up was machinist and something was classified TOP In, perhaps in addition to the verbalize of the American CIA. Someplace the alien dosage in addition to the scrap is now, is not memorable, perhaps in the USA (in a original burial chamber under the Pentagon?).By chance uninterrupted additional terrible is a case investigated by Spanish moot Manuel Carballal. According to the testimonial of a give out of witnesses, a young at heart man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who enigmatically passed away in 1978 was income and well in 1990 at Clear DEL CHARCO, a harbor lozenge on the isle of TENERIFE in the CANARY ISLANDS. Displaying an Australian testimonial to corroborate his treatment, Valentich told frequent in addition to whom he tease on many occasions that he now belonged to a group of humans who had been "recruited" by extraterrestrials. It is too outlay noting that the alleged Valentich showed no cryptogram of aging, and resembled the photos verbose something like the time of his disappearance at the age of 20.HC logSource: Yuriy Belikov quoting Emil F Bachurin in "Komsomolskaya Pravda"Moscow January 17 1998"Oxygen from Secure eventful to Callisto?" in "Interesnaya Gazeta" Kiev D+ version # 5 2004Valentin Psalomszikov PhD "NLO" Saint Petersburg # 21 May 21 2001Shade from Nikolay D "Frederick Valentich UFO Pilot?" in "The In Values"Simferopol # 1 2003Iskander Trano "Interesnaya Gazeta" D+ impede Kiev # 19 2005Crimean Era # 14 January 24 1998Lawrence McBridge Australian Editor of UFO Notice # 3 summer 79 Type: GScott Corrales, "Human-like Ufonauts reported in many countries" Mufon Life story #405, January 2002.Comments: By chance the most famous of the "durable abductions". The latter give arms to of the story is bound to be refined and shoddily to gulp but who knows while many of frequent who "suspend" go? For instance if what on earth are visiting aliens taking from Earth?See"Our thankfulness to Albert Rosales, Humanoid Sighting News flash for this updateThe excellent article was published in UFO Experiences blog in Grand of 2005.