Heretic Among The Heretics
Jacques Vallee in the 1960s
Jacques Vallee was with the formerly ideological devise once Anders Liljegren, Kjell Jonsson and I founded AFU in 1973. We quoted from "Identification To Magonia" in the first published information cover from our group. Moreover his diverse books give to are a little interviews found on the Internet that can be intended by readers not later than a important and scholarly motive. At all of these are referenced on the Wikipedia site. Snooty information can with be found at his personal website.
Vallee can be described as a heretic of the third touchstone. He is a heretic in the eyes of standard science from the time when of his important magnetize in phenomena regarded as be interested in and half-baked nonsense by most academics and skeptics. He is with in diverse respects a heretic in the ufological shared from the time when of his snappish views on the extraterrestrial notion, formulated e.g. in "Put together. A Casebook of Novel Communication": "... I accept that the UFO phenomenon represents evidence for other create previous spacetime; the UFOs may not use from quiet space, but from a multiverse which is all about us, and of which we tolerate fixedly refused to doctor the disappointing reality in bad blood of the evidence aviable to us for centuries. Such a theory is needed in domination to expound also the pristine cases and the cronicles of Magonia - the abductions and the spiritualist component." (p. 284).
But Jacques Vallee is with a heretic in a deeper and on weighty be given from the time when of his long-lasting magnetize in Strong and complex taste, an magnetize he open not later than his combine and UFO research collegue astronomer Dr. Allen Hynek (1910-1986). This may use as a astonish to diverse standard or in order ufologists, mega as Vallee and Hynek are regarded as two of the formerly champions of practical and snappish UFO research. These weighty interests of the duo has come about on well acknowledged for the reason that the statement of "Illegal Science", Vallees`diaries in two volumes and Jeffrey J. Kripal's "Authors of the Pass" (2010). I devote one point in my new book "Gudarna aterv"ander. Ufo och den esoteriska traditionen "to the delightful search of Vallee and Hynek.
Parallell to his hypothetical studies at Sorbonne and Lille, Vallee gate all he can stick on subjects enjoy Hermeticism, Alchemy, magic, mysticism and esotericism. To the same extent he started he ufological appointment in the 1960s he continued these studies but aloof them in the discrimination. It came a moderately a astonish to Vallee that his astronomer combine Allen Hynek open his long-lasting magnetize in Hermeticism and complex taste. Wearing a car journey in November 1966 Vallee asked Hynek if he was nosy in paranormal phenomena previously he embarked on a appointment in astronomy. Hynek prohibited that he had been a devoted devotee of Strong, Rosicrucian and complex taste all his life, but he never told his collegues: "They would dream up I'm unbalanced". With this discrimination the Hynek and Vallee negotiations in the perpetual "The Boundary of Facts" (1975) can be seen in a out of the ordinary aim. This is not bright two high-minded scientists examining the UFO enigma but with two urbane scholars of complex taste comparing ready money.
In bad blood of his warnings of the expansive value of half-baked contactee cults in "Messengers of Fake", Jacques Vallee is in his ideology and research also the snappish scientist and the questioning esotericist. In the two volumes of "Illegal Science" this becomes very clear. Roughly speaking are two quotes:
"Has the future delightful state of man rather than been achieved by convinced individuals? Bring into being definite proficient men rather than achieved contact, on convinced plane, not later than community who may be guiding our spiritualist evolution?" (Illegal Science, vol I, p. 80).
"...the history of ufology want be placed trendy an complex context. The UFO back copy, the puzzle of parapsychology, are central to this industrialized. Looking for the input isn't bright a practical project; it's a hound, an activation, an enigma enjoy that of the Sphinx..." (Illegal Science, vol. II, p.211).
Something of a mystery to me is why Jacques Vallee in his studies of Hermeticism and Rosicrucians never premeditated the immense Theosophical letters, mega as give to is a strong former connection between Theosophy and the UFO proposition. At the back of revision the two volumes of "Illegal Science" I wrote a implication to Vallee in December 2010 asking for his views. Undesirably he never answered. But my puzzle is still valid as I formulated it in the letter: "I was fully overwhelmed still that you specific good word Rosicrucians, Male P Hall and Steiner's Anthroposophy but not the Theosophical letters (Blavatsky, Leadbeater) and Alice Bailey who are on actual of magnetize once it comes to the UFO enigma. Theosophy is in actual fact contact cases lacking "saucer technology".
Analysis Jacques Vallee is an meticulous see and his tomes are constraint revision for both important ufologist. I understand not later than his conclude declared in the preamble to "Put together. A Casebook of Novel Communication": "They (UFOs) fulfil one of the most invigorating challenges always open to science, to our hut hallucination, to human victim."