20 Orange Colored Lights Seen Over Columbia Tennessee

20 Orange Colored Lights Seen Over Columbia Tennessee
Date: October 15, 2012Time: 7:15 p.m.Ciao, I live in Columbia, TN. and last night, 10/15/12 at 7:15 p.m., my Adolescent and Son-in-law had just gone our house to head room. They got down to Sustain Creek Channel, which is on the north side of Columbia and about 1/4 mile from our room, and they saw 20 ocher lights grouped in a thrifty tendency in head of them. They got out of their car to see what was leave-taking on and the lights thus divide and twisted a release file line in the sky. They called us and described them as looking in the same way as nicely ocher balls of aim. When court what they were witnessing, I walked outside to see if I may perhaps see at all in the sky for myself. This was a diverse minutes later because they beam amongst my next of kin first and thus she handed the car phone to me so that she may perhaps tell me what was leave-taking on. I thus went outside and looked in the manner of Sustain Creek Channel and saw go like a bullet for a time. With all of a instant an ocher light just appeared in the set aside and thus a specially one appeared in the set aside down in the dumps it. I only saw the two of them. At first they were cup in my manner, which was southward, at a decelerate steady pace, thus they through a steady stage in the direction of the east. As they were cup east towards I-65 they started to speed up a insignificant more willingly, and thus the lights no more. I'm 56 go old and I've never saw a light in the same way as this on any kind of aircraft since. I listened for any kind of fervent in the same way as would come from a helicopter or plane, but didn't judge at all. All the time I was torpid on the car phone amongst my teenager and she understood that the other craft or ocher lights had no more also. They were unconditionally several assemble of craft because of the way they were moving. They looked in the same way as fine ocher stars to me. The lights on them were not sparkling but steady and conclusive until they were turned off. When constant enclosed my room I got on the internet and typed in the following: "Odd ocher lights in the sky". I was shocked at the name of encounters that other people had witnessed of the identical ocher lights. They have been seen all over the Ally States as well as other countries. I'm wondering if they may perhaps credibly be the drones that the Government is thought to use to spy on us? I'm not fundamentally one that believes in UFO'S. My estimate is that they are drones or several assemble of Government craft that we aren't shrewd of yet. Attractively, I saw you site and forethought I'd section our consequence amongst you.If you have seen at all in the same way as this in the identical area fulfill be kind sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net amongst the details of your sighting. All personal information is standoffish clandestine. Each, fulfill air free to stake in your sightings that have happened go ago. So plentiful of these sizeable sightings are go like a bullet short of unexpected.The Vike Substance (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/The Vike Substance 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/

Posted by Unknown | at 4:22 PM