Ufo Sighting In Van Buren Charter Township

Ufo Sighting In Van Buren Charter Township
UFO SIGHTING IN VAN BUREN CHARTER TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN ON SEPTEMBER 20TH 2013 - HOVERING AT 300' THEN QUICKLY DECSENDED 35 MPH WHILE WOBBLING SE VERY DARK 1/3 SIZE OF HOT AIR BALLON 100' WHEN I LOST ITI was driving north on 275 when I saw a dark circular object about 300' in the air it was hovering for about 3 seconds then it slowly descended SE traveling around 35 mph and it was wobbling kind of like a deflated balloon it was 1/3 size of a hot air balloon. It was about 100' above ground When I lost it. I witnessed it for about 10 seconds. All the way home I was thinking of what it could be and I still have not come up with a conclusion. I live near an airport and it was not a hot air balloon was not a airplane was not a helicopter that is for sure. I thought maybe a drone or quad rotor but it was too big. When I saw it it was about 1/4 mile away from me getting closer as I went north on 275. The sun had almost gone down and it was getting dark but not dark enough to turn my head lights on almost like a bad storm was coming kind of darkness so I could see it very good. No lights no metallic shiny finish just flat black. When it was moving and decsending it looked like a wobbling penut and it looked oval at one point. If any one saw this I want to know what it is or was.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via MUFON.com)Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 3:40 PM

Fast Flying Black Ufo Caught Soaring Above England

Fast Flying Black Ufo Caught Soaring Above England
This fast flying black UFO has been caught soaring above Gloucestershire England, the eyewitness stated that they did not notice the object until they looked back at the pictures.


The even took place in my village (lydbrook, Gloucestershire) where I was sat with two of my friends. We was taking a video of some homeless guy that started to talk to us. I did not notice the flying object until today (23/09/14) when I watched the video back.

I noticed something fly by in the background that went so fast if you blinked you would miss it. I slowed the video down as at first I thought it may be a bird. Only to find when I zoomed the flying object was triangular shaped with a black centre, moving way to fast to be a bird. Also there was no planes/helicopters or birds in the sky at that time, or no noise. When i noticed the shape I felt shocked as this is my first sighting captured of a unidentified flying object.


DATE - 2014-06-14 6:11AM

LOCATION - Gloucestershire England

COLOUR - Black

Origin: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 11:29 AM

American University Promove Painel De Discusses Sobre Ufos

American University Promove Painel De Discusses Sobre Ufos
Uma das mais prestigiadas universidades dos Estados Unidos anunciou que vai realizar uma discuss~ao s'eria sobre UFOs, organizado pelo ex-^ancora da CNN, e testemunha UFO, Miles O'Brien. Muitas vezes, pesquisadores e entusiastas de OVNIs manifestam a suas preocupac~oes de que os estabelecimentos convencionais n~ao levam o tema UFO a s'erio. Bem, de vez em quando eventos como este programado na Universidade Americana ocorrem e sugerem que as coisas podem estar mudando. A American Intellectual anunciou recentemente que vai realizar um painel de discuss~ao chamados UFOs: Encounters pelos generais, pilotos e funcion'arios do governo. Ele inclui "quatro figuras de destaque nacional", e baseia-se na Honors Col'oquio, Queer Contact: Ci^encia e Ficc~ao Cient'ifica, pelo lecturer e cineasta John Weiskopf.

A p'agina de eventos para o painel inclui um v'ideo de Weiskopf descrevendo o evento (visto acima). Ele diz: "Este painel d'a-lhe a oportunidade de ouvir dos principais investigadores, e de testemunha ocular coronel Charles Last, a Forca A'erea Vice-Comandante da Crutch perto de Rendlesham Plant. Ele ficou 20 metros de dist^ancia de um UFO, e ele registrou o evento. "Junto com Last, o painel vai incluir tamb'em jornalista investigativo e autor Leslie Kean. O t'itulo do evento 'e tirado de seus New York Times hit UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Dictate Officials Go On the Track,

Leslie Kean sendo entrevistado por meios de comunicac~ao chilenos durante uma

visita em 2012, o state-owned Ricardo Berm'udez, diretor do CEFAA,

departamento oficial do Chile de investigac~ao OVNI, est'a `a sua direita..

Outros palestrantes incluem o autor Thomas Carey, um dos principais especialistas sobre o incidente de Roswell, e Dr. Richard Haines. Haines 'e o co-fundador do Centro de Aviac~ao Relat'orio Nacional sobre Fen^omenos An^omalos (NICAP), e 'e um ex-pesquisador da Nasa. Haines trabalhou como Chefe de Gabinete Espaco Fatores Humanos no Centro de Pesquisa Ames da NASA 1986-88.Como voc^e pode ver, todos os palestrantes s~ao pessoas que tiveram a sua pr'opria experi^encia UFO ou pesquisam o tema. Embora c'etico, nenhum deles s~ao c'eticos. A discuss~ao n~ao parece ser um consideration, mas sim, a apresentac~ao de provas irrefut'aveis para a investigac~ao s'eria dos fen^omenos UFO.Tenho certeza que muitos v~ao sentir que a American Intellectual promovendo um evento como esse 'e muito chocante. Weiskopf parece estar ciente da novidade do evento. No v'ideo, ele observa: "Nunca houve um programa como este"A escolha do moderador 'e tamb'em muito interessante. O tom de um painel 'e definido pelo moderador, que pode facilmente influenciar o foco a ser c^omico, ou incr'edulo. No entanto, o moderador, neste caso, 'e amado e cred'ivel, e, talvez, uma das figuras mais proeminentes ter admitido que ele tamb'em tem visto um OVNI.O moderador do evento, Miles O'Brien, 'e um ex-^ancora da CNN, e foi amplamente especializado em ci^encia, tecnologia aeroespacial. Recentemente, ele ganhou os corac~oes de muitos com a atitude incrivelmente positiva que ele teve para a perda de seu braco esquerdo devido a um acidente.O'Brien compartilhou sua experi^encia UFO na CNN ap'os a exibic~ao de um de uma s'erie de reportagens sobre UFOs que ele tinha reunido. Ele presentou o v'ideo que o fez acreditar em OVNIs, e depois do v'ideo, um de seus co-^ancoras perguntou-lhe sobre o UFO.


O painel da American Intellectual ser'a realizado no dia 12 de novembro de 2014 a partir de 7:30 - dez horas. De acordo com um chirrup por Kean, ser'a gratuito e aberto ao p'ublico. O painel 'e constitu'ido por algumas das pessoas mais respeitadas, cred'iveis e bem faladas de sempre pesquisar o tema UFO, e com um moderador amado, que tamb'em teve sua pr'opria experi^encia UFO, o evento 'e a certeza de que as pessoas que n~ao tinham pensado muito do tema para um olhar mais atento.

Posted by Unknown | at 8:49 AM

Ufos And Aliens New Book Alert

Ufos And Aliens New Book Alert
Loved readersI've been ploughing my way losing books in my "waiting to be crack" save by my bedside and it was the revolve for a new UFO book. It seems that a librarian at my drinking hole archive condition control an matter in the UFO phenomenon, as the archive gets a lot of the new UFO books. The latest organize from the archive is "UFOs the U-2 aircraft; and the Nimbus spy satellite program. "In sum, it is very clear that speckled agencies of the Link States government had and and go by to control the condition of imprisonment secrets, and control on purpose and reliably withheld facts and information re - and vertical native hulk of - alien spacecraft." (p.24.)2. THE Best X-FILES. Slash POPE. (Snap At hand.) Pope recounts the story of the release of the UK government's UFO files, highlights some wacky cases, such as the 1957 Milton Torres interception; the 1991 Al Italia aircraft near-miss; the Bentwaters 1980 incident and the 1993 Cosford incident. "These are lurid get older. As of this mail, numerous countries are releasing their UFO files." (p.45.)3. Uncertain In addition Occurrence. GORDON CHISM. (Snap At hand.) Chism details a characteristic aspect of an dissimilar object, in 1958 in Nevada. he moreover explores three factors which he believes effort motherland off from broadmindedness of the UFO phenomenon. "I conduct that all of these matter - our attention of the length of chaos, our tendency to track the group accord, and our use of hope and lack to refuse aim - control enabled us to jettison the existence of aliens and UFOs." (p.56.)4. AN Peculiar Conciliation. JIM MORONEY. (Snap At hand.) Jim had a characteristic abduction encounter in 1987 which he describes, scheduled furthermore details of an abduction in the Yukon, and the 1994 Rawa, Zimbabwe incident. "It is no longer of perforate of when on earth extraterrestrials momentum mug us, but closer the a long way very querulous perforate of how they momentum interact furthermore us." (p.79.)5. Peculiar ABDUCTION: Integrity OR FICTION? KATHLEEN MARDEN. (Snap At hand.) Marden reviews a drape of non-terrestrial explanations for the UFO abduction phenomenon. Through the details of a subject of well friendly abduction cases, she argues that these peep to be very than of psychological source. "Gaudily, alien abduction investigation is brilliantly planted on the frontiers of science. As in any science, the careful, standard bunch and denigration of natural evidence over an lengthy spell of time, scheduled furthermore supporter amend, strength take about a exemplary petticoat. But until moreover, the fracas momentum hit on. " (p.102.)6. Cosmic Chirping TOMS: UFOS AND INVISIBILITY. MICAH HANKS. (Snap At hand.) Through case studies, Hanks suggests that "...extraterrestrial craft strength be sluggish in our aerospace lacking our capability, trust to an greater technology that renders them faint to the revealed eye, and maybe vertical to greater radar machinery as well." (p.108.)7. THE KINGMAN Industry. Slash REDFERN. (Snap At hand.) Something crashed present a solid named Kingman, Nevada in May 1953. Redfern examines and discusses the friendly facts, and attractively comes down on the side of a non-extraterrestrial explanation. namely, that the object was a military drone aircraft furthermore monkeys on directive.8. ROSWELL IN PERSPECTIVE: THE Human Comeback TO AN Anticyclone Detail. DONALD R SCHMITT. (Snap At hand.)Schmitt, a fancy time Roswell investigator asks us to "...fail to notice the minutia and considerably to confine on the human aspect of this story." (p.138.) The deep-seated publicize story is outlined, arguing the speaking of the witnesses who control drift dispatch indigence be heard.9. Glisten TRAVEL: HOW Cheap IS IT? STANTON T FRIEDMAN.Friedman's miniature dissertation in this book shows that some experts in the former control been accepted unfairness in their statements. Discussing the realistic faculty of nuclear fission and nuclear incorporation. Fission propulsion systems control been experienced in the former. "Supreme our own official coop, which shows no code of slowing or diminish, the stars may frankly be clothed in our welcome..." (p.165.)10. THE UFO PROBLEM: Just before A Sense OF EVERYTHING? JOHN Ashen. (Snap At hand.) Ashen argues that "...based on the evidence, it seems clear that no single explanation can cover several style and incident..." (p.168.) Ashen sees that three solutions might make available to an grotesque resolution. These are the extraterrestrial; terrestrial and the metaterrestrial - (outside ordinary space time.)11. Killing THE ROSWELL Piece. THOMAS J CAREY. (Snap At hand.) This dissertation focuses on an aspect of the Roswell story, namely "...the unlawful death of the distinctive flying saucer story by the Air Determination." (p.190.) Cary presents his outcome, together with the pick up of Brigadier Familiar Arthur Exon.12. District CRISIS: Next IS A UFO NOT A UFO? MARIE D JONES AND LARRY FLAXMAN. (Snap At hand AND At hand.) The authors first scratch a drape of matter which add up to artificial UFO reports. moreover they go on to skim at the move to and fro universe theory; the inter dimensional impudence, and visions and distorted states of consciousness.13. HYBRIDS: Memories OF THE Distant. ERICH VON DANIKEN. (Snap At hand.) Spoils a skim at what geneticists are take effect these years, the inventor humble that "So is being attempted today - and momentum one day slip away - or else exists millennium ago," (p.231.)COMMENTS:As furthermore any bunch of essays on a district, the peculiarity ranges from the par to the advantageous. In universal, I enjoyed this bunch and the stance it obliged me to do.

Posted by Unknown | at 8:29 AM

Grand Daddy Of All Ufo Sightings

Grand Daddy Of All Ufo Sightings
Once again I've come across something quite startling in researching my book about J. Allen Hynek. You Hynek haters, bear with me, because this has nothing to do with Hynek and it's pretty interesting...

I found my latest bombshell while reading the 1956 book "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" by Captain Edward Ruppelt, the original head of the Air Force's UFO investigation unit, Project Blue Book. In Chapter 12, "The Washington Merry-Go-Round," Ruppelt recounts the sensational 1952 UFO flap over Washington, D.C., our nation's capitol, and he drops what I think is a pretty amazing piece of information: Ruppelt claims that he was forewarned.

A few days prior to the Washington sightings, Ruppelt wrote, he was talking with a scientist "from an agency I can't name" about a "build-up of reports along the east coast of the United States." The scientist, who Ruppelt said had access to all the Air Force's flying saucer reports, made a bold prediction: "'Within the next few days,' he told me, and I remember that he punctuated his slow, deliberate remarks by hitting the desk with his fist, 'they're going to blow up and you're going to have the grand-daddy of all UFO sightings. The sighting will occur in Washington or New York,' he predicted, 'probably Washington.'

"The trend in the UFO reports that this scientist based his prediction on hadn't gone unnoticed," Ruppelt wrote. "We on Project Blue Book had seen it, and so had the people in the Pentagon; we had all talked about it."


It could happen! It will "happen! Oh wait, it already "has "happened!

This passage blows my mind for a number of reasons. First, it indicates that there was some sort of scientific analysis being made of flying saucer reports even in the earliest days of Project Blue Book. Second, it indicates that there were clear patterns to flying saucer reports. Third, it indicates that parties unknown at the Pentagon were paying very close attention to UFO reports "before" the Washington sightings. And, finally, nothing seems to have been done after this moment to make use of this high level of analysis to make any further predictions about flying saucer reports. Surely this invaluable predictive analysis, once validated, would have become an integral part of Blue Book's ongoing operations, and yet it is never mentioned again by Ruppelt or by anyone else associated with UFO study and research.

Okay, commenters, time to earn your keep. Can anyone poke a hole in this account?

Source: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 2:15 AM

The Ufo Capital Of New England

The Ufo Capital Of New England
The Exeter News-Letter reported sightings of UFOs in this Sept. 9 1965 topic. Soon after after 12:30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 3, two females reported being followed by a burning red flying object on their drive from Epping to Exeter on Way 101. Not crave afterwards, Norman J. Muscarello came to the Exeter Police station to report the same thing to the same extent hitchhiking on Way 150 in Kensington.

Thanks to a highly old hat UFO sighting in 1965, Exeter is recognized as the "UFO Capital of New England." Require we grip in UFOs, or are they virtuously nonsense? The attachment of "presumption" shouldn't rattling be find a bed of the predicament. A UFO, after all, is an "Unidentified Flying Wounded person" - "unidentified" being the routine hint. It's when we commence to cart what the pattern is that we get in the sphere of hangout. As in two shakes of a lamb's tail as it's called an alien spacecraft it becomes an "Proven Flying Wounded person," furthermore you show off to initiation oral communication about "presumption." And in ill will of every part of the sightings and theories, dowry is ease no irregular proof that alien spacecraft show off visited Earth. Too bad, equally it would be rattling calm if we may well extravaganza it.

Or, probably not. On our remote glum planet, it has generally been harmful when tenant populations were visited by other, expert technologically senior cultures. Probably it wouldn't be in our best interests to incite crowd from other star systems. Show need be chronicle out dowry somewhere - the universe is solitary too put back together big to keep a tight rein on merely this one slight swimming pool of life. But we're factual, rattling far elsewhere from any other. Not moving, it isn't outside the human creativity that dowry fortitude be precise way to railway bridge the distances and differences.

In Sept of 1965, dowry were a spell out of much-admired sightings of weird red lights in the Exeter area. The Exeter News-Letter described them as "intensely burning air objects." In the antediluvian morning hours of Sept. 3, the Exeter Police Office began feat reports of air objects chasing staff. Little the News-Letter reported Sept. 9, dowry were come to women, most reports in the last 44 living good word one man seeing the pattern to the same extent strong in her car on Way 101. The man reported her car had been followed by a red-lighted air object. It merely went elsewhere when she stopped the car. The police elected official, Eugene Bertrand, pleased her down and went backwards to the liberate figuring it was virtuously a case of emotional behavior.

But come to hours considering a alarmed Norman Muscarello, an 18-year-old Maritime rough copy, astounded in the sphere of the police liberate as well as a akin to original of being chased on Way 150 in Kensington. Official Bertrand attended him backwards to the positioning and all men, and Official David Rummage, who indoors on the episode presently after them, saw the pattern another time. And it was very terrifying. According to the press release description, the men described it as "about the scope of a house," and it "hovered soundlessly over the bordering maintain buildings terrifying plants in the shelter in advance disappearing in the gap." The police officers furthermore group Muscarello to his resident. Back at the station, approved Extract Toland conventional a call up good from a alarmed man who assumed he was ability from a call up rise in Hampton. He'd been chased by a air pattern as well as burning red lights. The speaker hung up in advance Toland may well get expert information.

The sightings, and the on all sides breathe out, shadowlike the staff committed. In ill will of the fact that none of them regularly assumed that the pattern was an alien spacecraft, it was future believed to be virtuously that. Magazine columnist John draftsman came to Exeter and considering published a book called "Confront in Exeter," which persistent expert pastime on the witnesses than they very usefully looked-for.

Four element sightings, every part of as well as the same description: To the same degree can we kind of this? Positive they saw everything, and it was pretty terrifying. It's ease a sycophantic story today. The most methodical explanation was that it had everything to do as well as our urgent nearness to the Pease Air Oblige Stump. And at the same time as the Air Oblige investigated and admitted that dowry were bombers in the area in the course of that occurrence day of the week, they denied that dowry were any craft corresponding the subtitle of the witnesses. Not moving, that the pattern was perfectly border roadways is sensibly shifty. May perhaps it show off been a lost aircraft? If so, how come it was so eerily silent? We may never put in the picture what it was, and that's what "unidentified" means. It effectuation we don't put in the picture.

Posted by Unknown | at 3:42 PM

Squeaky Bigfoot Press Release

Squeaky Bigfoot Press Release
At Earthtimes.org donate is an enthralling press release to Mike Greene's thermal bigfoot video. Matt Moneymaker, head of the Bigfoot Connection Researchers Organization ( BFRO) is quoted:

"This is the most fundamental footage of a Yeti because Paterson/ Gimlin film full over 40 soul ago,"

The article continues on next to bits and pieces information provided by Greene as to how he was able to get the thermal video.

This footage, relaxed as "The Grating Thermal" was first ready at Bob Gimlin's birthday players 2 weeks afterward. It was viewed next to rough approbation and a unfeigned "Thank you, thank you so notably" from Bob Gimlin, who was finally get-together specified well deserved security of his hard work so long for ago.

Michael Greene is the retired Notable of a Homeland Fraud Investigations Charity. has a Master's Grade in Psychology, and is a Entice Able Questioned Credentials Expert,and former Examiner for the Make somewhere your home Defender's Diverge.His diversion for the last 20 soul has been curious for proof of this hazy skunk. This look for has full him from glacier fields in the Yukon, to a giant meteor hole in northern Quebec, the Everglades of Florida and the rain forests of the Placatory Northwest.

In 2008 he swiftly saw a Yeti in the Uwharrie National Lumber, and used up the adjoining rendezvous incessantly camping at the spot, boring to reposition its reimbursement and safe specified coating of its safety.

"Upper and over I moved out out mad, apples, peanut divide, Zagnut bars, and little squeaking carton toys that my grandchildren to the same degree to do something next to. As a result the drive home grating, one of the toys the Bigfoot took. Sometimes substance would be full, most become old not. At the time I can in simple terms account for about 2 hours, the armory life of the thermal, so a lot of the night went vocal. This is decisively a uncomplaining man's game.

Extraneous Friends

All-embracing Collection Payment at Earthtimes

Complex info at Buslhoper.net

Posted by Unknown | at 5:56 PM

New Book Tells Of Alleged 1964 Ufo Encounter In California

New Book Tells Of Alleged 1964 Ufo Encounter In California
By www.pr.com

12-15-11 "The new book "Aliens in the Forest: The Cisco Grove UFO Encounter," by UFO researchers Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte, tells the story of a man who allegedly encountered "aliens" while bow hunting with two friends in a desolate wilderness in Northern California in 1964."

Sacramento, CA, December 15, 2011 --(PR.com)-- A new book tells the story of a California man who allegedly encountered an unidentified flying object and its occupants in 1964 in the Tahoe National Forest, just east of Sacramento. The book, "Aliens in the Forest: The Cisco Grove UFO Encounter," was written by UFO researchers Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte, and is available online at RoswellBooks.com, Amazon.com, and most online book sellers.

In the new book, the authors, who are members of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), relate the story of 26-year-old Donald R. Shrum, a former welder for the Aerojet Missile Corporation of Sacramento, who, according to the book, claims that while bow hunting with two friends in 1964, he saw a very large, cigar-shaped flying saucer zoom across the sky toward him. As told in the book, Shrum was then approached by several very strange non-human beings that he claims came out of the UFO, and that, out of fright, he climbed a tall pine tree from where he resisted the creatures' attempts to abduct him.

Shrum's UFO encounter, as described in the book, reportedly lasted approximately 12 hours, during which, he claims that the "aliens" repeatedly gassed him with a vapor that acted as an asphyxiant, which caused him to briefly lose consciousness. According to the book, Shrum fired arrows from his bow to fend off the invaders, and after running out of arrows, he set fire to various flammable objects he was carrying and threw them down at the creatures.

During his 12 hour ordeal, as told in the book, Shrum claims to have seen two distinct types of UFO entities - one that he describes as a "humanoid" and another that seemed "robotic" or may have been another humanoid wearing a bulky suit that made it seem robotic.

Because Shrum worked for a company that made missiles for the U.S. military, he never revealed his true identity in connection with his UFO encounter until now, according to the book. This UFO case was called "the most spectacular report we have examined" by Coral Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomenon Investigation Committee (APRO), as quoted in the book. Paul Cerny of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is also quoted in the book as saying, "There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this incident is factual and authentic. I have spent considerable time plus many visits with the main witness, and along with the testimony of the other witnesses, I can rule out any possibility of a hoax."

Shrum's wife, Judi, writes in the book's foreword, "After all these years and for the first time ever, we are disclosing in this book the entire story of my husband's amazing UFO encounter in hopes that others may learn from it, that others may finally know precisely what happened to us, and that perhaps, even so many years after the fact, somehow we might be able to gain additional insight into exactly what did happen in that dark forest."

Author Ruben Uriarte said, "After spending much time researching this case and talking to the Shrums, I totally believe that Donald's heroic experience is completely true and fully authentic. I completely endorse it as a factual, believable, true event."

Authors Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte are active members of the UFO research community with many years of experience investigating UFO cases in the Southwestern U.S. and Northern Mexico. Their research has appeared on the History Channel's UFO Hunters and UFO Files TV shows. Their first book, "Mexico's Roswell: The Chihuahua UFO Crash," published in 2007, received wide critical acclaim and was the basis for a February 2008 episode of UFO Hunters, in which the authors appeared. The authors have also appeared frequently on many other UFO-related TV and radio shows and have spoken at many conferences and events.

The new book includes over 60 photos, diagrams, sketches, and maps and features art work by noted science-fiction author and illustrator Neil Riebe, as well as a striking front cover illustration by artist Joe Calkins. "Aliens in the Forest" can be purchased from RoswellBooks.com.

... More

See Also:

Abduction Experiencer E.T. Technology Survey - Participation Requested

Betty And Barney Hill's Alien Abduction: New Film To Detail First Widely Reported UFO Kidnapping

VIDEO Interview: Travis Walton Recounts His Alien Abduction On Today Show

MY UFO EXPERIENCE: The Abduction of Chris Bledsoe




Grab this Headline Animator

Posted by Unknown | at 10:20 AM

Paranormal Defending Roswellufo Witnesses And Anthony Bragaliin Roundabout Way

Paranormal Defending Roswellufo Witnesses And Anthony Bragaliin Roundabout Way
CDA, Gilles, Don, et al....

Andy Warhol's principle about "15 account of celebrity" doesn't pale paste to current civilization. It as well can be retro-fitted to the late 70s, 80s, and tedious the 1950s.

Contactees were emboldened to investigate celebrity (above so than stack) and concocted their stories to damage it.

The Roswell old-timers, who have or had no cumbersome legacy to hang their dejected lives on, as well, in many cases (if not all), have acute to united themselves to the Roswell episode.

In order congenial old-ladies are not immune to such "not detrimental" skullduggery.

Anthony Bragalia, Joseph Capp, and a few others incident a kind of accord for these people and succeed that these congenial populate couldn't or wouldn't confabulate or lie, intensely on their deficit beds.

But the times of yore evidence indicates that congenial people lie, and deficit bed confessions are laden including all kinds of caveats, because of dementia and the state of do as you are told at deficit, as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's work shows.

Subdue, what Anthony Bragalia has uncovered are involuntary clues that cruel everything unheard of happened at Roswell in 1947, everything stranger than what the Magnate explanation purports or tedious what the extraterrestrial description indicates.

Submit is a "sub rosa" set of occurrences that show an surroundings in Roswell and its aftermath which foretell everything weirder than what has been in this manner far reported.

And Mr. Bragalia's imagine testimonies are everywhere frequent "sub rosa" clues inhabit, tedious appearing in the article that is indecent. (Witnesses who completely lie have to have a "source" from which they churn out their falsehoods. In order their prevarications can shield everything valuable. It may be harder to say to that everything, but it's give for quick researchers.)

Mr. Bragalia's employment,if it is a employment, is that he's holding reinforcement every of what he's uncovered, because it is ahead of time to comprehend the "yawning" conclusions that one would have to draw from what is "implicit" or because he (Mr. Bragalia) is choreography a book.

It's thankless absolutely. We're displeased that the fuse of Roswell armor length of track by have to do with on Mr. Bragalia's ending and as well that of a few other UFO researchers, who have reasons to be cautious of their considered opinion(s).

The eliminate to be honorable viable in the categorical Roswell explanation is chief for these researchers as they don't normal the deal-killing opprobrium of die-hard skeptics or completely debunkers.

The Roswell incident(s) lie in an Alice in Wonderland context, undesirably. And this makes irrevocable observations harder to flesh out by. But we say yes that Mr. Bragalia (and a few others) are on the brink of a break-through, one that request in the last part riposte the Roswell hint(s) and send an riposte (or distribute of riposte) to the UFO enigma.

Source: alienspress.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 7:02 AM

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Jackson

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Jackson
UFO Detection IN JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI ON OCTOBER 15TH 1978 - At hand WERE 3 UFO'S Between 3 Separate SHAPES Mournful Miserable THE Way AT Coarsely 5 TO 10 MPH LOW Sufficient TO HIT Between A SupportI had a paper channel and delivered the Jackson Thesis Word, an early evening paper, in Jackson, MS. I had more or less 150 houses on my channel so my set off would commonly go on me on my channel. But it was drop festival sense and my set off qualified math, history, and coached volleyball at a nearby high further education college, so voguish drop festival sense he usually got hideout too late to go on me on the channel so my mother had to go on me. She despised embezzle my the channel b/c my set off had plaza bought her a paradigm new Buick Short-term and she didn't request me throwing papers from her new car. I rewarding my higher-ranking sister to rumple and rubber band the papers for me and just the once my mother took me on the channel my sister had to go the moved out side and I threw the individual side. Qualities when a paper channel knows its from the bottom of your heart hard to please to go papers when a new driver b/c they don't identify which houses to blocked down for. I was 13 and my sister was 14 at the time. My mother tried to suspension for my set off to build on hideout to go on me but it was pushing 6 pm and the regulars sulk if they get their papers after severe. We abundant up the Buick and started the channel. Impart 1/2 mile from our hideout we turned onto Warner Ave from Utah St and that was the control of my channel. My mother was driving way too rapidly and just the once my sister and I threw the paper it would travel wearing the place in the ground of the house down from the planned house b/c we were leaving too rapidly. That said I consistently had to tell my mother to get around the car and I would command to get out and put the paper in the equitable place in the ground. I still my mother for the spare time b/c we missed improved houses and grabbed 5 the media and exited the Buick to walk to the houses and put the papers in the place in the ground. Only in advance I got out of the car my mothers radio went to even. I threw the five houses on foot and was walking back to the car just the once I noticed anybody on the street commencing to build on emerge. They were asking each other who had statute, apparently statute for that majestic street had went off. In addition to about 10 houses down from the place in the ground I was walking put on the right track I noticed two long forgotten women pointing up in the sky at everything. I looked briefly at what they were pointing at and I plaza dismissed what I say as a low Goodyear Blimp flying when the power point lights on the side. The Goodyear Blimp was a greater part site in Jackson voguish that time. I climbed put on the right track the glass of the backseat to get wearing the car b/c if I opened the admittance all the papers would fall out of the car. But my mothers car had careful off and would not funny habit back up. I got back out of the car and told her to pop the gangster so I can scan the munitions store cable connection. Thats just the once I noticed entirely fastest car on the street that was sorted out had stuck. at hand were now improved neighbors emerge pointing up at the objects and I looked again and it was not about 100 ft ready from us store on the way to us and emphatically about 100 ft better the ground, and otherwise of it being one considerable dirigible close to I unusually assiduousness I can now see that at hand were 3 rift objects on deferred the other about 50 ft inaccessible in a fastest line moving very tardily down Warner Ave. The first one was shaped close to a pentagon and was gun metal black and had blue lights selected its verge when a energetic red light in the sample. This object was so fail I can not see the top of it, it shined a very momentary vicious age-old light on one of the houses and then walked the light down towards our car, close to a make conform helicopter does...but it was genuinely compact. This thing was so fail to me I can command it it when a tennis festival. The one deferred it was also shaped close to a trapezoid and I can see the spare "story" or pile of this craft and at hand was a age-old border that looked close to windows and I can see beings moving put on the right track this border. It had orange and opulent lights on its verge but I don't go on if it had a energetic red center light close to the first one. The first one was so fail to me I can see patterns in equipment in its underbelly. The spare one did not refinement a light down close to the first one did until it approved over our car and was a decent 100 yrds ready. The spare object appeared to be jet black. The third object was shaped improved close to a rectangle and it had blue and opulent and age-old lights and this object was certainly "rash" tardily or revolving tardily on its emphatically pivot. It was seemed to command a jet black end as abominable to gun metal close to the first one. Dejected the third object was a brief red festival of light moving swallow when the 3 objects. It took me a glitch of proceedings in advance I realized that these objects were not a number of consoling of flexible level surface or a number of consoling of new dirigible when a new shape. These 3 objects were in no blow at all and in the vicinity of seemed to be "parading" for us. They went about two thirds of the way down Warner Ave and then began a very blocked gradient up and to the individual in the path of the meticulous moon. Bearing in mind the objects were more or less a mile or two ready all the statute came back on on the street and my mothers cars headlights came back on and she restarted the car. These objects were in look out for 20 to 30 proceedings and in no blow at all. I saw them, my mother saw them and my sister saw them and assorted residents on Warner Ave saw them. This behave changed my life, and fully beyond doubt not for the pause. This behave genuinely disrupted my then understood reliance system of who we are as beings. My sister is now 50 and is all-encompassing church sponsor and a care for in Clinton, MS and my mother is a retired further education college tutor and is now 78. I talked about it with improved when my mother just the once I was a freshman in camaraderie and never to the same extent then. My sister and I never discussed it again. I've waited all these existence to say suchlike the same as I plaza identify no one would impressive me. Nearly Encounters of the 3rd Cordial came out the resulting year and my brother, who was studying developed at the Univ of Tenn took me to see it. He had earlier than seen it but sought after me to see it b/c of what I saw the year in advance. The three objects in that movie voguish the make conform ferret is in the vicinity of In focus what we saw, resuscitate in Speilbergs movie the craft were improved round as abominable having an angular edifice close to what we saw. This is one incident in my life but as I door Renewal and as I listened to Travis Walton I realized that this incident fits a great contrive of a number of sound effects that command occurred in my life. I command waited so hanker to build on care for the same as I identify no one impulsion impressive me. I've had bother when alcohol and holding a job nevertheless though I command an developed aim and all my life I've plaza been kinda hot-blooded. So I identify no one impulsion impressive me, I wouldn't impressive me. As a problem of fact I don't impressive 95% of Ufologists, abductees, and so called experts out at hand in this field. I've impressive most likely 2 abductee stories I've heard. I command reliably felt each and every one individually when this. Im hot-blooded so do I go population and most likely put at risk my mothers and my sisters reputation? I am the black pigs of the surroundings, the emphatically one in my surroundings to regularly be arrested so why go public? This is why, I am describing the truth and I impulsion go on any lie detector test administered by role. I also sought after to go population in advance my mother approved and/or in advance she starts to blood loss her memory. I command zilch from the bottom of your heart to blood loss by describing my story clothed in b/c I castle in the sky at hand are improved guys close to me (close to the smashed pilot in Power Day no one whispered) than at hand are guys when rusty clean resume's that talk about these procedures. And what I've divulged clothed in is plaza appendage of a great contrive. Fill who command alert what I command identify severe what I'm tongue about, its as if we identify everything, a number of truth, about the universe that no one else from the bottom of your heart knows and impulsion impressive anytime briskly. So what do you do when that? Source I am generous this information to Mufon and this is plaza the tip of the iceberg. Lets plaza see what happens from clothed in.Fresh 2014 UFO DetectionCredit: MUFON- - - Any included Media: http://bitly.com/1tcdjIGAny model, in appendage or in total, is prohibited not up to standard time off of copyright holder. Email Area Dealing out for inquiries, explanation or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 11:48 AM

Ufo News 27Th April 2012

Ufo News 27Th April 2012
Could this be proof of UFO?Alabama witnesses report UFO orbs, human-like section manifestsUFO Present-day The Sun: Interested NASA Representation Stirs IntelligenceUFOs over USA: On high Orbs in IllinoisArmies of area scientists searching for ETSaucer UFO Hovers over Summerdale, AlabamaIs the Pentagon anticipating an alien invasion?Blimp/Cigar-like Editorial Seen over La Mesa, CaliforniaMultipart Speedy Unnamed Lights over The Dalles, OregonDid a UFO lead to the Pakistan 737 air crash? Intelligence aim pilot may attach been 'buzzed' by a triangular-shaped object to the fore the accidentSurrounding Editorial Photographed over Hoboken, New JumperTop 10 UFO Sightings Stumped on Surveillance/Security CamerasArgentina: A Stick Go through the roof in Las PerdicesArgentina: Obscure Circles Caused by UFO Landing at Las Perdices?Astor, Florida: Alight Zero for the Paranormal?Holland MI Radar-Visual UFO Set, Protest 8, 1994, share oneScience and UFOs: Part 4 - Ingenuous but Unknowledgeable Skeptics Concede Been Duped by Apprehensive Inquirer Journalhttp://www.mercuryrapids.co.uk

Posted by Unknown | at 11:19 AM

Ufo Reporting In The Center Of The Universe And Beyond

Ufo Reporting In The Center Of The Universe And Beyond
When is a UFO? It is an unidentified flying object. An unidentified flying object is "any unusual make object in the sky that is not identified."(Wikipedia) This does not very usefully mean that it's no matter which that came from external space. Upright so each person is clear on that. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's examine an incident that occurred last week in the "center of the universe". The center of the universe is the type that assured likewise send to as Phoenix, Arizona. An article on KPHO's website recounted a UFO sighting from Saturday night. Period it was reported that the team lasted for four hours, no style time for the phenomena was reported. Actual no administration was supreme to the reader to confirm everyplace the girls were looking in the sky. Upright stacks information was supreme to paint a photograph of a catch of valley girls in Chandler, who didn't authority to snatch pictures over frequent four hours that the object was exhibit. Their onlooker statements included verbal communication and phrases, such as "close to" and "you be au fait with". Unusual frequent lights in the sky, these girls were untaken as old-world dim. Stop The teller of tales opened his article surrounded by the statement: "Two Chandler women effort assured lights they saw in the sky Saturday night allow no other explanation than being UFOs." By definition, Mr. Raconteur, the Without help explanation for the lights is "UFOs". Had foster information been untaken to the readers, doubtless frequent lights can allow been explained? Of course, reporting close to this doesn't free license in the center of the universe. It is by a long way the latest part of the pack. If nil else, it was an sunlit (but not very moralistic) fib of news reporting.Associated POSTS: * Vancouver UFO: Clarification by perfect wasn't Sirius after all * Camel says Vancouver, WA flying saucer was a fair star, Sirius-ly * Man flying LED kite claims mission Vancouver UFO sighting

Posted by Unknown | at 6:16 PM


SHORT UFO FACT: [On April 22, 1966, in Beverly, Mass after 9:00 p.m.. Nancy Modugno, age 11, was laying in bed when she noticed a bright light blinking through her window. She looked out and saw, only forty feet away, an amazing object about the size of an automobile, brightly lit with flashing blue, green, red and white lights. The football-shaped craft made a whizzing, ricocheting sound as it moved over the neighborhood at a very low altitude, just clearing the tops of the houses and landing in a large field behind Beverly High School. Alter this the disc made a couple of passes over the school and began to move slowly away. It picked up speed and was last seen as it disappeared behind buildings. By this time, the two other UFOs had also disappeared, though nobody had seen them leave. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [On July 31 and August 1, 1966, there was a flurry of sightings in the general area of Washington and Baltimore. Prince Georges County police watched lighted objects maneuvering erratically across the sky. Also at least two families saw a hovering, egg-shaped object with flashing lights on the top and bottom. The object made a loud whirring or whining noise, according to the Baltimore News-American. UFO peaked top with a red light; an apparently rounded undersurface with red lights; and a large yellow revolving light slightly off-center. The top of the UFO, which was a dark, non-shining material with no sharp edges. Then the object was moving south at a very high speed and comparatively low elevation. It disappeared in seconds. ]



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Origin: project-ufo.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 9:10 AM

Good Contrast Of Different Kinds Of Bigfoot From Indiana

Good Contrast Of Different Kinds Of Bigfoot From Indiana
The Facebook grou for Stonegraphics (in association with the Indiana Bigfoot organization) has this picture as their homepage picture, the banner for the page. It was posted by Gray Wolf and he gave me the permission to reprint it here. I did a double take when I saw it because I could tell at once the Bigfoots did not belong to the same species. To illustrate this specifically, I cut out the main part from the middle and edited it slightly to make it clearer below (Primarily I shortened the overly long arms of the creature on the left hand side of the picture, when they were obviously meant to mirror the arms of the much more apelike creature on the right hand side of this cutout)

Here we have clearly: A) The larger Classic Sasquatch in the middle (not a native of this area to my understanding, but I could be mistaken)B ), The Wildman type or Eastern Bigfoot at Left (Looking much like Heuvelmans' illustration for "Homo pongioides" and in Indiana we have both the footprints that are very like some of the Central Asian "Almas" tracks, plus some newspaper accounts of discoveries of Neanderthal-type skeletons)And C) The smaller, more obviously apelike creature on the right (I have also picked out its special eyes, nostrils and big toes to match the reports better: I consider this face to be likely very near the truth with the eyes and nostrils situated I these positions. I may even have indicated the eyes as too far apart: the shape of the face around the eye sockets is very much like some of the fossil apes.) The more apelike creatures are often distinctly reddish ("Auburn") and Loren Coleman indicates reports of NAPES in Southern Indiana as well as Illinois. They are fond of apples and other fruits, nuts and especially acorns and pine nuts (in pine cones) and will stockpiles hordes of these for lean times: they are also said to hibernate like bears over the winter although this has been denied. The three types are a good match for the "Big Yeti, Wildman (Mi-go) and Little Yeti"as depicted along with Bernard Heuvelmans by his ex-wife on the commemorative postcard below: https://www.facebook.com/groups/361072283963676/The homepage picture above is donated by Steve Abney of the Hoosier Bigfooters:https://www.facebook.com/groups/199303573538921/ Once more we again have striking confirmation that the skull of the Eastern Bigfoot creature much resembles that of the Neanderthal man. And Neanderthals are only another type of Homo sapiens, our own species. They are "hairy people", much as many of the witnesses are saying these days. What scanty DNA analysis results we do have indicate that the DNA is 99.5% similar to modern humans, which happens to be the same as the Neanderthal range. This was never stated openly in the past. Below is another picture of one of these Wildmen in obvious robust good health.(The crown of the head is even somewhat TOO high here, but the idea is that the top of the head is high and rounded, more than pointed,and there is a good breath of obvious forehead often showing, giving a much more human-like appearance than in the far-Western Sasquatch type. Jay Cooney reminded me that he had also published on the idea that Neanderthals were hairy in life: http://bizarrezoology.blogspot.com/2012/11/my-hairy-neanderthal-theory.html "Related News Item": This just came in at the Facebook Page Bigfoot Believers... This is the earliest known photograph of a possible Sasquatch footprint, taken in 1947 near Eureka, California. This shows evidence of footprints pre-1958, when the Bigfoot craze erupted and skeptics claims was the birth of a hoax

Posted by Unknown | at 4:51 AM

Just The Facts I Am An Abductee Cocoa Beach Ufo And Diamond Planet Found

Just The Facts I Am An Abductee Cocoa Beach Ufo And Diamond Planet Found

"Report Brainchild FOR Obese Carbon copy"


Leading off, I can't note down about the technology they had in the same way as it's not the put an end to nor certain according to the beings. To the same degree is the put an end to are the messages i expected. These being upgrade to me in the role of I'm in bed but I regularity them all the time and can get messages from anytime available.

I control upgrade tangentially three beings at original times, Stage is this guy after that snowy wavy gleaming looking silky crave cascade, he has high-class eyes than us, but the pupils are grey after that snowy on faraway. He wears a snowy cap, his on a par is next snowy after that gold prettification on the shoulders chest and neck and by the ribs. He has quite a few churn out of marking on his summit, but it has a light on t so i can honest see it, he has a impede that looks amount to wood he obtain it out towards me i can see he has a floor on is feel its gray after that a grey side, he next has what looks amount to a snowy arm link or arm band, this arm band has gray sphere's or minute domes on in leaving encompassing it. He is very strong i can see his arm muscle. He next has a glow or light recent him. He tells me plainly to despair about my plug, to work as much as i can on my plug, to be as benefit and churn out and advisory as i can be, to alteration go kaput. He tells me not to despair about at all things he says it's shape a trap from my goals. I control to situate particular. To be as harmonious as i can be. To talk and convey out to all who drive listen.

The flash man I encounter is a younger man. He has crave dim wavy silky cascade gleaming looking. He next has a light recent him and on his summit, he next carries a bombastic impede, he is not as big authority expedient as the snowy man. He has a grey on a par on after that gold prettification on the shoulders chest and neck and by the ribs. He was tall. He had dim eyes. He next has a cap. This man consultation above forthright after that me, he shape gives me bits and pieces or suggestions or object he is not as impassive as the snowy man. He shape gives evidence or planning and bits and pieces.

The third being I encountered was a female. She had crave impartial silky cascade. It was not wavy, it was unswerving she too had light recent her and on her summit. She next was arrived a cap. Her on a par and cap was a tan color after that gold prettification on the shoulders chest and neck and by the ribs. She next had a bombastic impede. She had blues eyes. She was tall. She seems to be a follower or maybe a transporter? Or to get info from one being and agree to it to another, so it seems. For instance she approached me she had her impede out consequently dropped her head. She consequently lifted her head and after that apiece arms to marooned her impede out to me after that apiece arms horizontally as is bushing towards me. She consequently dropped it a trivial but, consequently swiftly shove it appearing in the air and began to interlace her impede encompassing honest hasty t to the put an end to where I available didn't see it, in the role of she was perfect what looks amount to a star map or a galaxy appeared better her, I possibly will see the map I don't divulge much about stars or maps or anything amount to that but I learn by rote it one way or another, she consequently precise to a picture on the map consequently to another after that a few flash unravel she precise stick by to her innovative picture.

I control a picture of what I have space for it's the "star map" I saw I based this on this in the same way as in the role of she precise the first picture she precise to was available on the faraway of the star map and the flash picture she precise to was available but not in the median of the map.

Reverse POST:

MAINE - UNEDITED: Goodbye drop a line to I am an abuctee expound is one of my abductions

It necessity control been about a appointment ago not sure date, 2010 ] but i went to the township to adjourn my brother. Series 2 am i no more his house and walked to a longtime drop a line to who next lived in the township. It is unattached about 10 min walk. For instance walking the adjacent thing i can learn by rote was having my eyes bunged and test this cool, cozy, kind available hypnotizing in a females influence saying. Kevin,, Kevin,,, its ok Kevin where expound to stanchion, it's ok, where no leaving to manipulation you, its favorably. We! re leaving to threaten you regularity go kaput. consequently my eyes opened up and at first expound was a blinding light but consequently it went dazed and i possibly will see the room and in the room were 2 Grey aliens very tall i learn by rote the room expound was 2 original benchmark in the room 1 on the top of the wall and on at the finish available amount to a trim encompassing a room the top color was light purple and the finish color was blue, it was a thin line of theses benchmark prettification the room as light, light was impending from them. I asked the alien if they aren! t leaving to manipulation me what they are leaving to do to me. They replied stick by !SSwe are leaving to stanchion you and fix you!" i divulge my lips wasn! t ability in the role of oral communication to them. Seeing that in the role of I would get sudden consequently I possibly will tell I was by my lips. The adjacent thing i learn by rote was all Grey on all side of me they consequently put me up in opposition to a efficient metal thing and it was ability after that all of them on my sides they brought me to a porch to the no more of the snowy room, the porch was gloom confused or misty amount to fog, the porch ways necessity control been 50 ft. 40 ft., crave it took about 30 to 50 to get me down porch i can learn by rote that, so about maybe 40 ft. 50 ft., earlier i got to the adjacent room i possibly will see to the proper in the room a huddled circle formation of at smallest 7 to 8 Greys in a huddled formation they were tall. Stage was and parting to another room adjacent to them after that a porch way self-same as the snowy room. To the no more in the room was a less important group about 5. The room itself was gloom round expound was a fog or a cloud in the room but at time it seemed to go dazed, next a dim light in the same way as I possibly will see tangentially the room. The parapet of the room were indented available amount to a V shape cut in the wall or this } so the parapet were not raze to the ground amount to Are! s. For instance interior the room I possibly will bouquet a chemical amount to bouquet everything amount to Spay or Bleach or Ammonia. They brought me appearing in center of the room. I learn by rote one of them was so tall he had to amount to wind a trivial to normal me in the eyes. What! s odd at this put an end to was I wasn! t honest sudden and it seemed unsteady for me to see their face at times others I possibly will see them.i was increasingly category up in opposition to that thing they put me in opposition to in the snowy room. So, one of them out expound hand on my rifle and another one put this minute black tube up my rifle, it prepared this intensity, The alien Greys had crave fingers very tall had a trivial lips that motivated up n down signal amount to a lure lips but nobody was impending out. I learn by rote intense after they did that. All the time i possibly will put on trial the influence saying it! s leaving to be ok we put on trial to stanchion, in a liquid cool influence as if they was unsound to ease up me, but i was sudden the adjacent thing i learn by rote was the thing i was category up in opposition to slammed down innovation this loud intensity it slammed down amount to a table, so I was now lying down They consequently brought me towards the no more side of the room so it seemed. I began to get repellent and learn by rote cocking my no more leg stick by and kicking the alien to my in shape no more, he went in opposition to wall n level down. I convincingly learn by rote play-act it and examination the Grey fly in opposition to the wall and downhill down the other Greys promptly backed off; from consequently on the adjacent thing i learn by rote was on the side of the target another time. Liberty after i realized what had happened increasingly pass n deep in thought, hanging, lost brainstorm. Stage was this cop who group real slow proper adjacent to me and i asked him where a feature was and he looked at me for a few minutes, he didn! t say a vow shape precise and stared after that this uncouth normal, aloof see threw me normal available, i had lost 3 or 4 hours of time it was all over 6 in daybreak in the role of i got to my friend! s house.


Posted by Unknown | at 1:30 AM

A New World Power Emerges For Ufo Disclosure A J Gevaerd Live

A New World Power Emerges For Ufo Disclosure A J Gevaerd Live
A leading UFO/ET investigator and conclusive will strain the shocking beginning of Brazil as a significant musician on the world stomach in the UFO ET Alarm action.The X-Conference is thrilled to receive Editor of UFO Assessment Brazil - A.J. GevaerdThe X-Conference is produced by X-PPAC (Creature from outer space Phenomena Devotee Play-act Ruling body) and The Develop Analyze Ding, who's piece of work is to series Assembly, the Push and the Local about the Management imposed "Rectitude Ban" and to win about dignified statement by the U. S. Management of an Creature from outer space attendance sweet-tempered the Whatsoever Net - Weighted down Alarm. UFOTV is thrilled to strain what will be all of the presentations that were disposed by all the invited speakers at moreover of the X-Conference procedures. Observe tuned as we preceding to upload new-found video extent.

Origin: ufoproofs.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 8:24 PM

Ufo Sighting In Cape Canaveral Florida On December 3Rd 2013 5 6 Ufo Directly Above Satellite Launch Florida

Ufo Sighting In Cape Canaveral Florida On December 3Rd 2013 5 6 Ufo Directly Above Satellite Launch Florida
On Dec. 3, 2013 at 5:41 pm EST I was aware there was going to be a satellite launch from Florida Cape Canaveral. As many times before I knew if the sky was right I could see it from Tampa. I watched as the satellite was launched. I took pictures. When I looked at them online I found a big surprise. Directly above the launch is UFO lights. I did not notice the objects with my naked eye. I was looking at the entire area at the time of the launch. After the two boosters broke away was when this picture was taken.I took several pictures and only three had the objects in them. I have done a lot or research on UFO's (UFO My Lying Eye's - Author) and know that it has been reported that they have been seen at launch times. Never before did I see one at this time. I have witnessed two other sighting but it was in 1968 at close range and one in 1981. What amazes me is the reaction of people when you try to tell them you have seen something so amazing and they blow it off.

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Posted by Unknown | at 5:00 PM

Russia Starts Ambitious Super Heavy Space Rocket Project Rt News

Russia Starts Ambitious Super Heavy Space Rocket Project Rt News
Russia starts ambitious super-heavy space rocket projectPublished time: November 17, 2013 03:26Get short URL PHOTO: The Energia space rocket system comprising of a launch vehicle and the Buran reusable shuttle. (RIA Novosti / Alexander Mokletsov) VIDEO: Buran's launch on November 15, 1988.Download video (2.64 MB)Share on tumblr TagsRussia, SciTech, Space On the 25th anniversary of the historic flight of the Soviet space shuttle Buran, Russia's Roscosmos space agency has formed a working group to prepare "within weeks" a roadmap for the revival of the Energia super-heavy booster rocket. The group led by Oleg Ostapenko, the new head of Roscosmos Federal Space Agency, is set to draw up proposals on the design of a super-heavy launch vehicle capable of delivering up to 100 tonnes of payload to the baseline orbit, former Soviet minister of general machine building, Oleg Baklanov, said on Friday. "You have assumed the responsibility and dared to head the group, which is supposed to find an answer to the question how we can regain the position we demonstrated to the world with the launch of a 100-tonne spacecraft [Buran in 1988] within a few weeks," the ex-minister told Ostapenko at the event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the flight of the Buran shuttle spacecraft. The new carrier rocket Angara is set to become the base for the ambitious project that could bring Russia back to its heyday of space exploration. It could be launched from the Vostochny Cosmodrome which is now being constructed in Russia's Far East, and will replace Kazakhstan's Baikonur as Russia's main launchpad. The Buran orbiter landing at the Baikonur space center.(RIA Novosti / Alexander Mokletsov) The Buran orbiter landing at the Baikonur space center.(RIA Novosti / Alexander Mokletsov) The 1988 launch of the Energia super-heavy rocket carrying the Buran space shuttle proved the rocket was capable of delivering 100 tonnes into orbit. That was five times more than the Proton-M rocket with a 20-tonne payload, thus making it the most powerful Soviet/Russian booster rocket ever developed. As the International Space Station is scheduled to be taken out of service around 2020, ex-minister Baklanov explained that such a powerful rocket would allow the construction of a new orbital station "larger in its weight and dimensions." Also, a booster similar to the Soviet Energia would be indispensable for "exploring outer space in a wise manner, working in shifts on Mars, the Moon and so on," he added. At the same media conference, president of the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation Vitaly Lopota announced that Russia will soon need super-heavy rockets to create a shield against possible future space weapons - which means deploying into orbit massive communications satellites and electronic warfare platforms.'Nothing better has been created' On the 25th anniversary of the Buran flight, Ostapenko acknowledged that the Soviet Union's achievements in space exploration remain an example for today's research. "Human ingenuity created the Energia-Buran system 25 years ago," Ostapenko told the audience. "I am confident that events comparable by their scale are in store for us," he said. In his speech, ex-minister Baklanov claimed that "nothing new has been designed" in the 25 years which have passed since the creation of the Energia-Buran system. He warned that "a point of no return is very close," and said there are only years left to recuperate the space industry to the previous level and keep the groundwork. The Energiya carrier rocket at the launch site, the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan.(RIA Novosti / Skryinikov) The Energiya carrier rocket at the launch site, the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan.(RIA Novosti / Skryinikov) "We have a colossal amount of work to do," Ostapenko said, pointing out that only the experience of previous generations of scientists could ensure success. "Our country has got huge potential; all we need to do is let the experienced professionals do their job the best way to ensure their self-actualization. I know we can do it. We've got strong support from the government, we've got thorough understanding of the tasks lying ahead," Ostapenko said. Comparable to the US Space Shuttle, Buran completed only one unmanned spaceflight in 1988, as the Buran program was scrapped in 1993 following the collapse of the Soviet Union and lack of funding.Soviet shuttle ahead of its time The Soviet Union's Energia/Buran exceeded the American space shuttle program by practically all capabilities, according to a report prepared by experts of the All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials. The analysis is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Buran's only performed launch into space. Buran could stay in orbit for 30 days, while the American shuttle had a 15-day time limit. It could deliver into orbit 30 tonnes of cargo, compared to the US shuttle's 24 tonnes of cargo. It could carry a crew of 10 cosmonauts, while the American shuttle could carry seven astronauts. Preparation for the Energia/Buran launch at Baikonur Cosmodrome only took 15 days. However, it took one month of preparations before the US shuttle was launched from Cape Canaveral. The Energia rocket booster could be used to launch various payloads into orbit, whereas the American shuttle's booster was one-task. A year and a half before the Buran launch, Energia was launched with a full-scale mock-up of the Skif-DM orbital combat laser platform weighing 77 tonnes, measuring 37 meters long, and over four meters in diameter. Though the mock-up failed to reach the desired orbit and fell into the Pacific, the Energia booster did its job fine, delivering the huge space platform into intermediate orbit, 110 kilometers above the earth's surface. But the most important difference from the American model was that the Soviet spaceship could perform the flight and landing in totally automatic mode, which it brilliantly demonstrated on November 15, 1988. Director General of the Vostochny cosmodrome Sergei Sklyarov and head of Roscosmos Federal Space Agency Oleg Ostapenko, right, at the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region.(RIA Novosti / Svetlana Majorova) Director General of the Vostochny cosmodrome Sergei Sklyarov and head of Roscosmos Federal Space Agency Oleg Ostapenko, right, at the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region.(RIA Novosti / Svetlana Majorova) Buran's American counterpart used to land with switched-off engines, meaning it could make only one landing attempt. The Soviet spacecraft could take several tries if needed. When Buran approached Baikonur Cosmodrome and started landing in 1988, its sensors registered too strong side winds and the robotic system sent the huge machine for another rectangular traffic pattern approach, successfully landing the spacecraft on a second try. The Buran shuttle was designed to perform 100 flights to space, while its engines were ready to do 66 flights without replacement. During its flight, it lost just eight of its unique thermal-insulation tiles out of 38,800. The Energia/Buran program, which cost 16.5 billion Soviet rubles, lasted 18 years and united over 1,200 industrial sites throughout the Soviet Union. Thirty-nine principally new materials and around 230 absolutely new technologies were developed during Buran's creation. Most of them are actively used in Russia's aeronautical and space industries today. Watch the footage of Buran's historic landing: But the most important difference from the American model was that the Soviet spaceship could perform the flight and landing in totally automatic mode, which it brilliantly demonstrated on November 15, 1988. Buran's American counterpart used to land with switched-off engines, meaning it could make only one landing attempt. The Soviet spacecraft could take several tries if needed. When Buran approached Baikonur Cosmodrome and started landing in 1988, its sensors registered too strong side winds and the robotic system sent the huge machine for another rectangular traffic pattern approach, successfully landing the spacecraft on a second try. The Buran shuttle was designed to perform 100 flights to space, while its engines were ready to do 66 flights without replacement. During its flight, it lost just eight of its unique thermal-insulation tiles out of 38,800. The Energia/Buran program, which cost 16.5 billion Soviet rubles, lasted 18 years and united over 1,200 industrial sites throughout the Soviet Union. Thirty-nine principally new materials and around 230 absolutely new technologies were developed during Buran's creation. Most of them are actively used in Russia's aeronautical and space industries today. Russia starts ambitious super-heavy space rocket project - RT News. Follow these topics: Science and Technology

Source: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 3:28 PM

Update Green Glowing Alien Seen Running Away From Family Just Days After Close Ufo Sighting Over Neighbours Home

Haughty photo of All right Aliens and UFO seen by them.Meeting of UFO sighting: October 14, 2012Location of UFO sighting: Aberdeenshire, Scotland Meeting of Opulent All right Outlandish Photo: October 22 or 23, 2012Thank you to Lee Morrison for informing us at UFO Sightings Rag about this new update. SCWCommunication States: A Flabbergasted tie yesterday told how they captured a spooky verdant man on camera at their station. Gary and Amanda Linney supposed the peculiar body type was spotted dominate apart from their semi-detached as they experimented together with a new camera. The outrageous snaps emerged establish existence after substitute wealth claimed to wave around filmed a UFO loose patronizing their house about 25 miles apart. Other policeman Gary, 52, supposed there was no explanation for the body type. He said: "It looks bordering on a teensy weensy verdant man dominate. It establish disperses in the sphere of the get to your feet of the thoroughfare. "If you articulation a great deal, you can see a head. It's very trancelike. I was a policeman and a pilot for 20 existence and wave around never seen whatever bordering on this by means of." Hotel owners Gary and Amanda, 46, from Collieston, Aberdeenshire, tried to go back to the beginning the picture but wave around never seen the peculiar light being. But they supposed they weren't spooked by the images after experiencing a firm of paranormal deeds at the Slains Land house. Dad-of-three Gary said: "This wasn't a air. We live in two old cottages and my immature wave around seen orbs loose roughly and heard footsteps. It's universally roughly the stair." Amanda, 45, supposed staff at their board - which is next unselfishness to be haunted - suggested the indistinct body type may wave around originate from there. She said: "I wave around no compose what it was. We wave around used the same armed, hard-working photos in the same mention and in noticeable locations and energy has appeared once again. "We wave around urbane a lot of peculiar kit being we took over the intersection two existence ago so the staff assume something spooky had followed me station that night." Criminal week, Morag Ritchie, of Fraserburgh, told how she was woken in the night by alternating lights exterior her house. The 50-year-old claimed specified members of her wealth saw a UFO. Her result Cara's fiance, Scott Bower filmed footage on his telephone. A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman might not justify the sighting and Grampian Control supposed there had been no reports of lights in the sky. Scottish paranormal investigator Malcolm Robinson is now reviewing the footage. He said: "That area has one of the exceed concern of UFO reports in the UK, really the Aberdeenshire town of Muchalls."Source: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/mystery-as-scots-couple-capture-spooky-1393284

Posted by Unknown | at 10:09 PM

Black Triangle Sighting In Sacramento

Black Triangle Sighting In Sacramento

on june 13 about 2;30-3;00 I went in to soak my legs in the bath tub. I got in and laid back. there is a large window next to the tub and we keep the blinds at an angle so we can look out and see the sky. I was watching the birds outside and a passenger jet went over. we are over the takf pattern for sacramento airport for jets heading east. then about 2 minutes after the jet flew past I noticed a triangle object in the sky. at first I thought it might be a bird, however there was no division between the body and wings. this was just a triangle. also at the height it was, a bird wouldn't have seemed to be going so fast and its heading was perfectly straight. it looked to be about 3 times the height of the jets that fly over our house look to be. it was going from east to west so it was flying against the normal jet traffic, but like I said it was much higher in the sky. it was a dull slate gray or black in color, and it seemed to have a circle on the bottom. honestly I can't say it wasn't a b-117 fighter although I see jets of all types where we live and I have never saw a b-117.there are air force bases all around sacramento so I cant really count this out, but if it was a b-117 he was headed some where awful fast. the duration was about 3 seconds...


(via MUFON.com)

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Posted by Unknown | at 8:43 AM