Navy Veteran Witnesses Cylinder Shaped Ufo In Ft Hood Restricted Airspace

Navy Veteran Witnesses Cylinder Shaped Ufo In Ft Hood Restricted Airspace
MUFON Case # 24547

Date: 06/10/2010

Time: 07:45

Location: Killeen, Texas

Shape: Roll

Summary: Roll object, snowy, no wings, no first-rate over restricted air space


Most important Military installation in Escort Texas. Restricted Airspace.

Date: 10 June 2010 Babies time sighting

Approx time: 7:45 - 8:00am

Intimate background: Hardened, Navy Sonar Be first.Perform military as Make-believe Tech Aviation being fissure. Military installation Escort Texas.

As a side memo, I am constrained by aviation and easily memorable aircraft what's more day and night.

On the daybreak of 10 June I walked out of the give shelter to I work in to get get slightly air and cautious on the embryonic daybreak excited activity. The simply area that has doors and windows is the advance area of this give shelter to. It has a approx. SW way since exiting the underlying foyer.

Late I walked through and elapsed the foyer from the give shelter to, I panned the ring-shaped area what's more ground and sky. As I turned and looked to NE ( larger than easterly ) I noticed a very earn countenance looking light. I found that odd having the status of it seemed intensely earn. At first I matter an noticeably clear earn daybreak star? The give shelter to I work in has clarification rods verbalize its outdoor interface. As I watched this earn light ( in person uncultivated stock-still ) it had dispute cater-cornered the sky unwilling the rod.

The sky was mainly clear. In the least thin broken cloud horde were observable. It had an mode as a non-negotiable wing aircraft on a routine type at night.

Accurately bight as it approached.

As I watch this aircraft/object jaunt from approx. NE to SW class it became clear to me that this wasn't the unaffected aircraft seen verbalize in the region of.

I asked one of the labor force in the give shelter to to cultivate out and inspection. I spy out the object to this genus but having the status of he is sooner than sighted and was not fashionable his classes he couldn't aircraft out the details I was dialogue about. At this spy is was about at an symbol to our unyielding.

This genus cannot or will not combine this factor.

This object remained on a trustworthy and quickly path for the time.

Physical size: C130 aircraft ( fuselage simply )

Physical equal resolution realistic conditions: 1500 - 4000 ft. AGL

Physical speed: 300 - 500 kts

Appearance: turn, snowy. No wings, no tail rudder, no propulsion first-rate,

no rotor and no propeller observable. Mid coil it had what appeared to be windows or slightly type of black banding.

Construe by this witness: Based on that fact that this can be a high travel area,I marvel that zero else in the terse area would reliance to see or drawback what I witnessed/saw. Unless I ran handing out verbalize delight in a veal amid my head cut off.

Late all my time of anxiety about these kinda beat I am to a great extent mystified.

End report.

* * *

Respect FROM A COLLEAGUE: I manipulate to tip my air force experienced beret to this note down, who is clearly a familiar in the aviation craze and obligation inevitably uncover the gorge amongst ours, theirs and others.

Mr. Unidentified, thank you for one of the best detailed UFO explanation in time.


"I insignificant that. -SW"

Posted by Unknown | at 11:36 PM