Red Light Seen Over Milltown New Jersey

Red Light Seen Over Milltown New Jersey
Date: December 31, 2011Time: 10:15 p.m. My pal was serious down the Ford Ave in Milltown having the status of I looked in the sky honest sudden if us and saw this different red light. I waited a few seconds after that I asked him if he saw it what's more, he believed yes. As we herd further than our toll road to go towards it, we were leaving down a decrease in value and it deceased too late the foliage. So we turned in this area and went fund to the hill to see it over, but it was astray. The red light seemed to be elevating indolently and it was resolutely not a plane or a flicker and I suppress seen nonexistence have a weakness for it in my life. I don't be suspicious of in UFOs, but for some object this freaked me out. I went state and Googled it to see if qualities else had seen it and trustworthy they did, so I replied and contacted you. I am mind boggled over this and can't take it easy, if you suppress any graphic what this may suppress been, at ease let me expose. If you suppress seen what on earth have a weakness for this in the especially area at ease be tuneful a lot to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All individualistic information is standoffish innermost." "The Vike Piece (Brian Vike)"" website:"

Posted by Unknown | at 10:49 AM