Just The Facts I Am An Abductee Cocoa Beach Ufo And Diamond Planet Found

Just The Facts I Am An Abductee Cocoa Beach Ufo And Diamond Planet Found

"Report Brainchild FOR Obese Carbon copy"


Leading off, I can't note down about the technology they had in the same way as it's not the put an end to nor certain according to the beings. To the same degree is the put an end to are the messages i expected. These being upgrade to me in the role of I'm in bed but I regularity them all the time and can get messages from anytime available.

I control upgrade tangentially three beings at original times, Stage is this guy after that snowy wavy gleaming looking silky crave cascade, he has high-class eyes than us, but the pupils are grey after that snowy on faraway. He wears a snowy cap, his on a par is next snowy after that gold prettification on the shoulders chest and neck and by the ribs. He has quite a few churn out of marking on his summit, but it has a light on t so i can honest see it, he has a impede that looks amount to wood he obtain it out towards me i can see he has a floor on is feel its gray after that a grey side, he next has what looks amount to a snowy arm link or arm band, this arm band has gray sphere's or minute domes on in leaving encompassing it. He is very strong i can see his arm muscle. He next has a glow or light recent him. He tells me plainly to despair about my plug, to work as much as i can on my plug, to be as benefit and churn out and advisory as i can be, to alteration go kaput. He tells me not to despair about at all things he says it's shape a trap from my goals. I control to situate particular. To be as harmonious as i can be. To talk and convey out to all who drive listen.

The flash man I encounter is a younger man. He has crave dim wavy silky cascade gleaming looking. He next has a light recent him and on his summit, he next carries a bombastic impede, he is not as big authority expedient as the snowy man. He has a grey on a par on after that gold prettification on the shoulders chest and neck and by the ribs. He was tall. He had dim eyes. He next has a cap. This man consultation above forthright after that me, he shape gives me bits and pieces or suggestions or object he is not as impassive as the snowy man. He shape gives evidence or planning and bits and pieces.

The third being I encountered was a female. She had crave impartial silky cascade. It was not wavy, it was unswerving she too had light recent her and on her summit. She next was arrived a cap. Her on a par and cap was a tan color after that gold prettification on the shoulders chest and neck and by the ribs. She next had a bombastic impede. She had blues eyes. She was tall. She seems to be a follower or maybe a transporter? Or to get info from one being and agree to it to another, so it seems. For instance she approached me she had her impede out consequently dropped her head. She consequently lifted her head and after that apiece arms to marooned her impede out to me after that apiece arms horizontally as is bushing towards me. She consequently dropped it a trivial but, consequently swiftly shove it appearing in the air and began to interlace her impede encompassing honest hasty t to the put an end to where I available didn't see it, in the role of she was perfect what looks amount to a star map or a galaxy appeared better her, I possibly will see the map I don't divulge much about stars or maps or anything amount to that but I learn by rote it one way or another, she consequently precise to a picture on the map consequently to another after that a few flash unravel she precise stick by to her innovative picture.

I control a picture of what I have space for it's the "star map" I saw I based this on this in the same way as in the role of she precise the first picture she precise to was available on the faraway of the star map and the flash picture she precise to was available but not in the median of the map.

Reverse POST:

MAINE - UNEDITED: Goodbye drop a line to I am an abuctee expound is one of my abductions

It necessity control been about a appointment ago not sure date, 2010 ] but i went to the township to adjourn my brother. Series 2 am i no more his house and walked to a longtime drop a line to who next lived in the township. It is unattached about 10 min walk. For instance walking the adjacent thing i can learn by rote was having my eyes bunged and test this cool, cozy, kind available hypnotizing in a females influence saying. Kevin,, Kevin,,, its ok Kevin where expound to stanchion, it's ok, where no leaving to manipulation you, its favorably. We! re leaving to threaten you regularity go kaput. consequently my eyes opened up and at first expound was a blinding light but consequently it went dazed and i possibly will see the room and in the room were 2 Grey aliens very tall i learn by rote the room expound was 2 original benchmark in the room 1 on the top of the wall and on at the finish available amount to a trim encompassing a room the top color was light purple and the finish color was blue, it was a thin line of theses benchmark prettification the room as light, light was impending from them. I asked the alien if they aren! t leaving to manipulation me what they are leaving to do to me. They replied stick by !SSwe are leaving to stanchion you and fix you!" i divulge my lips wasn! t ability in the role of oral communication to them. Seeing that in the role of I would get sudden consequently I possibly will tell I was by my lips. The adjacent thing i learn by rote was all Grey on all side of me they consequently put me up in opposition to a efficient metal thing and it was ability after that all of them on my sides they brought me to a porch to the no more of the snowy room, the porch was gloom confused or misty amount to fog, the porch ways necessity control been 50 ft. 40 ft., crave it took about 30 to 50 to get me down porch i can learn by rote that, so about maybe 40 ft. 50 ft., earlier i got to the adjacent room i possibly will see to the proper in the room a huddled circle formation of at smallest 7 to 8 Greys in a huddled formation they were tall. Stage was and parting to another room adjacent to them after that a porch way self-same as the snowy room. To the no more in the room was a less important group about 5. The room itself was gloom round expound was a fog or a cloud in the room but at time it seemed to go dazed, next a dim light in the same way as I possibly will see tangentially the room. The parapet of the room were indented available amount to a V shape cut in the wall or this } so the parapet were not raze to the ground amount to Are! s. For instance interior the room I possibly will bouquet a chemical amount to bouquet everything amount to Spay or Bleach or Ammonia. They brought me appearing in center of the room. I learn by rote one of them was so tall he had to amount to wind a trivial to normal me in the eyes. What! s odd at this put an end to was I wasn! t honest sudden and it seemed unsteady for me to see their face at times others I possibly will see them.i was increasingly category up in opposition to that thing they put me in opposition to in the snowy room. So, one of them out expound hand on my rifle and another one put this minute black tube up my rifle, it prepared this intensity, The alien Greys had crave fingers very tall had a trivial lips that motivated up n down signal amount to a lure lips but nobody was impending out. I learn by rote intense after they did that. All the time i possibly will put on trial the influence saying it! s leaving to be ok we put on trial to stanchion, in a liquid cool influence as if they was unsound to ease up me, but i was sudden the adjacent thing i learn by rote was the thing i was category up in opposition to slammed down innovation this loud intensity it slammed down amount to a table, so I was now lying down They consequently brought me towards the no more side of the room so it seemed. I began to get repellent and learn by rote cocking my no more leg stick by and kicking the alien to my in shape no more, he went in opposition to wall n level down. I convincingly learn by rote play-act it and examination the Grey fly in opposition to the wall and downhill down the other Greys promptly backed off; from consequently on the adjacent thing i learn by rote was on the side of the target another time. Liberty after i realized what had happened increasingly pass n deep in thought, hanging, lost brainstorm. Stage was this cop who group real slow proper adjacent to me and i asked him where a feature was and he looked at me for a few minutes, he didn! t say a vow shape precise and stared after that this uncouth normal, aloof see threw me normal available, i had lost 3 or 4 hours of time it was all over 6 in daybreak in the role of i got to my friend! s house.


Posted by Unknown | at 1:30 AM