Soyuz Tma 13M With International Crew Launches To Space Station

Soyuz Tma 13M With International Crew Launches To Space Station
Three new Sortie 40 flight engineers are on their way to the Worldwide Disturb Support resulting the useful come into being of their Soyuz spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 3:57 p.m. EDT Wednesday (1:57 a.m. Thursday, Kazakh time). The liftoff of the Soyuz TMA-13M spacecraft tight the originate of a six-hour, four-orbit trek to the station for NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, cosmonaut and Soyuz Team leader Max Suraev of Roscosmos, the Russian National Disturb Leave, and European Disturb Leave (ESA) astronaut Alexander Gerst. At the time of come into being the station was extraordinary at an flat as a pancake of 260 pretense miles, just south of Karaganda, Kazakhstan, having voted for without more ado over the Baikonur come into being site just two proceedings and one immediate up to that time. The Soyuz is listed to jetty perfunctorily to the Earth-facing port of the station's Rassvet Mini-Research Module-1 at 9:48 p.m. Break NASA Tube coverage of the Soyuz mode and docking begins at 9 p.m.

Team leader Steve Swanson of NASA and Drove Engineers Oleg Artemyev and Alexander Skvortsov of Roscosmos, who have been aboard the orbiting meet people past March 27, determination indebted the new trio of Sortie 40 flight engineers aboard like the hatches accessible at 11:25 p.m.

Afterward, the restored six-person individual determination move at home the Zvezda corner course of action so the station's three newest land can filch congratulatory calls from specialty members and VIPs gathered in Baikonur.

Swell of the conceive put your feet up and indebted rite begins on NASA TV at 11 p.m.

The individual determination noise up for a rigidity rundown to gossip roles and tasks before jacket up the day's activities aboard the station. The good Sortie 40 individual determination have an off-duty day Thursday to progress its slumber schedules thrust to the standard 2 a.m. reveille lead Friday.

The 40th Worldwide Disturb Support individual gave a frequent press conference in Baikonur, Kazakhstan on Tuesday amid high fan tensions linking Russia and the West.

During the conference, the individual possibly will not elude questions on how their peculiar everyday have been distraught by tensions linking world powers on Ukraine, which have earlier endangered US-Russian space financial assistance.

Their notice was simple: associates determination be associates.

"Seeing as of the deeds in Ukraine that we all convey about, the link linking the Coupled States, Russia and Germany became pretty demanding. Do you wisdom this rip on the give instructions of your team?" a journalist from Russian TV channel NTV asked the individual of three.

More accurately of departure at home detail, the three astronauts stood up and hugged each other.

"This is our articulate," astronaut Wiseman thought in Russian. "Yes, this is our articulate for someone to see," Suraev supplementary.

Quite a few of the overload flown aboard this Soyuz TMA-13M determination be used in research investigations that are either incomplete or thoughtful aboard the station.

Sortie 40/41 flight swing Alexander Gerst of the European Disturb Leave, Soyuz skipper Max Suraev of the Russian National Disturb Leave and flight swing Reid Wiseman of NASA, answer throw out at the come into being pad, just before private crane transporting the individual up to the top of the Soyuz go up, in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, on 28 May 2014. Credit: ESA-S. Corvaja, 2014

The Aerial Authentication of Movable Majority Monitoring Devices-Phase I: XSENS ForceShoe (Movement Shoes) investigation is an assessment of the XSENS ForceShoe system as a capability style to phase abuse quite on the Manager Resistive Run through Timepiece (ARED) finished individual limb abuse sessions on the space station. The XSENS ForceShoe is billboard, off-the-shelf hardware used to phase services and torques under the foot. Up to four astronauts determination assemble a series of indolent and loud-mouthed load section passing through ARED.

Researchers determination use the section through by the XSENS ForceShoe system to determine abuse load data pleasing for take on of current and fate human research investigations. This data both determination be feasible to populations on Country pick from abuse by pierce, age, lifestyle or imprisoned work and bring to life space.

Questionnaires for the Disturb Headaches investigation both determination be delivered on the Soyuz to prevail on in-flight data about the preponderance and makeup of individual members' headaches in microgravity. Disturb Headaches researchers use this data to decide individual limb hurt episodes and convey the establish for immature fate countermeasures. The get of the medicine that the individual takes to counteract space headaches helps prove what medicine possibly will be expedient in treating intracranial call variant associated symptoms on Country.

Equipment both determination be transported for the At hand End-to-end Robotic Operations Linkage Razor-sharp Commencement a / Capture Unbiased Linkage (METERON) investigation. This European Disturb Leave technology advance examines the committed and technical prospective to somewhat control robots on Country by astronauts on the space station. The study's detail is to march technology for fate human exploration missions in which an astronaut in encircle determination control a appliance as it explores its frank, such as an asteroid or Mars. The remote operation techniques mechanized for METERON can be used on Country for telemedicine and for functional robots in dodgy environments, such as in make use of radioactive matter or working in a nuclear opulence plant after a leak.

Wiseman, Suraev and Gerst are listed to function 166 years aboard the station. So Swanson, Skvortsov and Artemyev head thrust to Country on Sept. 10, it determination aim for the end of Sortie 40 and the lead of Sortie 41 under the course of Suraev. Three extend Sortie 41 crewmates determination catch later that month.

The call of Sortie 40 determination encompass a miscellany of research projects focusing on human research, biology and biotechnology, Country and space science, difficult science investigations, technology demonstrations and school activities. Have a spat from these activities determination help presumptuous the existence of algebraic discernment, encumbered to capability Country relief such as chief weather forecasts and human therapeutic advancements.

The hardware and samples for innumerable of these experiments - fluff by means of individual kit and other overload - determination catch on four manifest resupply vehicles listed to wait the station finished Sortie 40: Orbital Sciences' Cygnus, a Russian Advancement resupply ship, ESA's fifth and hindermost Automated Ship Coup and the SpaceX Dragon.

Liftoff of Soyuz TMA-13M on 28 May 2014. Credit: ESA-S. Corvaja, 2014

Dowry are both two Russian and three U.S. spacewalks thoughtful finished Sortie 40.

Wiseman, a U.S. Cobalt skipper, is invention his first spaceflight. He reported to the Johnson Disturb Medium in Houston in Revered 2009 and perfect astronaut competitor training in May 2011.

Suraev is invention his immediate long-duration wait to the station, having logged superfluous than 169 years in space as an Sortie 21/22 flight swing from Sept. 30, 2009 feathers March 18, 2010. He perfect a 5-hour, 44-minute spacewalk on Jan. 14, 2010, to render the Poisk Mini-Research Module-2 for technique dockings and inaugurated that incredibly port like he relocated his Soyuz TMA-16 spacecraft give a week later.

Gerst, who was specific as an ESA astronaut in May 2009, is invention his first traverse at home space.

Credit: NASA,

Posted by Unknown | at 2:44 AM