Black Rectangular Object Seen Over Idaho

Black Rectangular Object Seen Over Idaho
REPORT FROM MUFON:DATE OF EVENT: May 14, 2010LOCATION OF EVENT: near Meridian, Idaho "I'm logging this report for a friend of mine who described seeing a huge, black rectangular object in the sky while driving to work this morning on I-84 westbound heading from Meridian to Nampa ID. The object moved rather slowly across the sky moving from North to South. My friend witnessed this object for a duration of 5 minutes and got a good look at the rectangular object. It did not have wings.For a while the object appeared to be following a plane, but the plane eventually took a different course and the object disappeared behind the clouds shortly afterward. This friend of mine is a trustworthy person who has been skeptical of the UFO phenomena, but now has had a sighting of her own!I trust her word, and the description I gave you is indeed accurate to what the witness saw. If you can identify this for us, or if anyone else can report seeing something similar we would really appreciate it!Thanks!"


Posted by Unknown | at 1:06 AM