The Gerena Humanoid Encounter

The Gerena Humanoid Encounter
One Friday in late November, 1978 (obviously November 24), the four witnesses, birth singular unite, were hunting ethical east of the Guadiamar Rivulet in the area linking the towns of Gerena, Aznalcollar, and Olivares, in the countryside of Seville, southwestern Spain.

They moreover had a six-battery flashlight. The night was overcast, short any snake, as soon as respectable visibility and warmth, under a totally damp sky. One of the acquaintances approved to repair to the car, so he saw zip of what therefore happened.

The area of the note is at declare 6^020' west longitude and 37^030' north latitude. It is assign of the quarter "La Pizana," 3 kilometers (2 miles) southwest of Gerena. Its biggest individuality are: low hills as soon as specific crop growing, clumps of eucalyptus leaves, vegetation placed exceedingly adjacent the Guadiamar Rivulet, the filtrate of a Roman aqueduct, and red meat pigs. The position where the incident occurred is a very untidy grove, at the outset of eucalyptus leaves, as soon as specific start on areas in the field of.

Our four witnesses went all the rage the inarticulate grove, after having waded across the dash. It was about 3:30 a.m. They had been contemporary a few hours otherwise, and, by means of their nimble flashlights, continued looking for their game linking the leaves, following a route ready by tractors. But let onlooker Manuel Gordillo tell us what happened:

"At the same time as still on the other side of the put up with, I told the others, act a show off, scrutinize at the red lights of a car.' The gypsy who was as soon as us (who might not be interviewed - I.D.) began to say 'Hey, what is that? In my mother's call, in my grandmother's call, what is that? That is a outlandish thing.' We were seeing it on the ground in the distance. We put out the flashlights and approached. The earlier we got, the added light was seen, and as well as I charge, well it isn't a car. If the car had its subsidize to us, we would pass been looking at the drivers, but being we were walking, it was not well-structured for it to be interminably red. Then we threw it off the follow a short. We crossed the put up with to the other side, where it was. We began to hunt and forgot what we had seen, dedicated in what we were play a part. I was nearing in competition, short court any of the others. I shone the light voguish and contemporary and didn't see persona. I turned off my flashlight and whistled for them to salutation. Then they turned on their flashlights and I whispered to in my opinion, contemporary they are,' ever since as soon as the leaves no one might be seen. Then they came hurriedly and asked me, 'Hey, didn't you see that again?' I deeply hadn't seen it, until they told me about it. Since we had seen from the other side was still in that position. Donate was deeply a light contemporary, and as well as I told them, 'Are we leaving to get closer?' They were very frightened. The red light was contemporary and it was play a part a outlandish thing, as if it was trembling. Then I told them, opinion me from last-minute, I'm leaving to get a short earlier.'

"The leaves did not let us see the position at once. Distinct attendant pleasant to line of attack as soon as me, and we went on winning of the other two. Donate was a team or whatever thing walking in this area it."

It was not ethical one light, but a row of lights. He might not see whatever thing, and didn't know how tall the being was. But his legs were very big, and he saw ethical the legs.

"The object seemed round to me, and it was adjacent the ground, fetching meticulous to the ground. The lights were low. They were about 3 meters (10 feet) high and they must pass been about 4 or 5 meters (13 or 16 feet) across. The lights were of disparate pattern. The man condescending about ten meters (33 feet) and we lost sight of him. He approached another time and grabbed whatever thing. I don't know if he went in the object or in this area it, I couldn't see. I didn't see any bravado in the object.

"I saw the man up to the waist, as I was lingering out on the ground. The light was last-minute him, and I couldn't make out well what he was hip. It seemed to me he was hip shoes or boots, and he was dialogue. The reply seemed as if he was in a arcane well, it was to the same extent 'Mnn, mmm.' The ladder were stalwart, he came near where we were and went subsidize. I was a short worried, and I charge of my other half and my youthful, so I didn't be subjected to very strong.

"The object was about 30 meters (100 feet) outmoded, and the man approached us. Before I go, we got out of contemporary very frightened. We no longer felt to the same extent hunting. So we absent restriction, and I fell and the others fell on top of me."

From Francisco Lopez Rivero's receipt we can undertaking the following: This onlooker remained last-minute his attendant, and observed the probability in a be over line of attack, still as soon as intemperance details. The object seemed to him to the same extent a robust ceramic jar, upside down, as soon as a red light on top, reserve. Near the center of the object he saw a few rows of lights of disparate pattern, sea green, tawny, red, and golden. A short base he observed specific bright-colored, silver legs. He had the impression that at the balanced of the man's eyes and mouth contemporary was a legroom, to the same extent on a motorcyclist's head covering. He isolated saw the statuette to the waist, and didn't see any arms. The head covering was black or overcast, and the rest of the foster silver. As to the sounds emitted by the being; as well as his movements, he agrees as soon as the other onlooker. He seemed to be a very strong and tall being, of specific two meters (6'7") or added.

On Sunday, January 14, 1979, the investigators went to the site of the understood landing as soon as Francisco Lopez. At the back physical difficulties in finding the spot where his note was ready, they sympathetically strenuous the ground and observed the following:

The position is, as a originate of fact, very wooded, and it is not gentle to see. Not considering, the complete position where it is understood that the object landed is a totally circular area, where the leaves themselves are situated in this inquiring algebraic option. The land was more readily rich, due to the rains that had fallen being otherwise November. They found no sign of traces store for a inquiring follow, which seemed to pass been bewildered all the rage the ground tons living otherwise. At the back sympathetically drawing the flaw, they measured it, and its terrible nature was 42 cm. (16.5 inches). Certain meters (yards) external on they found two added trail, ready in the secure, and they were the same terrible nature as the first. The regard experiments showed the flaw, in assortment to the balanced, would tally to an sort out specific two meters, ten centimeters (6'11") tall. The distance linking the trail was about 13 meters (43 feet).

Recall to this subject investigation, onlooker Francisco Lopez Rivero gave physical intemperance details that approved investigator Antonio Moya Cerpa to make drawings in his ghost that he legitimate, which are included in this report. - "Ignacio Darnaude, APRO, Sept. 1979"


Five people were in a nocturnal hunting party ethical east of the Guadiamar Rivulet in the area linking the towns of Gerena, Aznalcollar, and Olivares, in the countryside of Seville, southwestern Spain, at at declare 6^020' west longitude and 37^030' north latitude. The position is assign of the quarter "La Pizana," 3 kilometers (2 miles) southwest of Gerena. Its biggest individuality are: low hills as soon as specific crop growing, clumps of eucalyptus leaves, vegetation placed exceedingly adjacent the Guadiamar Rivulet, the filtrate of a Roman aqueduct, and red meat pigs. The position where the incident occurred is a very untidy grove, at the outset of eucalyptus leaves, as soon as specific start on areas in the field of.

They moreover had a six-battery flashlight. The night was overcast, as soon as no snake, respectable visibility, normal warmth, under a totally damp sky.

As one of the acquaintances approved to repair to the car, he saw zip of what therefore happened.

The other four went all the rage the inarticulate grove, after having waded across the dash. It was about 3:30 a.m. of the 25th. They had been contemporary a few hours otherwise, and, by means of their nimble flashlights, continued looking for their game linking the leaves, following a route ready by tractors.

Memo Manuel Gordillo told the investigators that like still on the other side of the put up with, he alerted others' request to what he charge were the red lights of the subsidize of a car. A Gypsy who were as soon as them, and might not be interviewed, whispered, according to Gordillo, "Hey, what is that? In my mother's call, in my grandmother's call, what is that? That is a outlandish thing."

Gordillo whispered that the hunters were seeing these red lights on the ground in the distance, they put out the flashlights and approached. The earlier they got, the added light was seen, and as well as he charge that it was not a car: if it were, it would be leaving outmoded from them but more exactly they approached, the lights were added and added evident and still they might not see the drivers.

Gordillo whispered that they as well as went off the follow a short, crossed the put up with to the other side, where the light was. They began to hunt and forgot what they had seen, dedicated about the hunting.

At one conscript, Gordillo was as well as nearing in competition, short court of the others. He shone the light voguish and contemporary and didn't see persona, turned off his flashlight and whistled for the others to salutation. Then they turned on their flashlights and came to him hurriedly and asked: "Hey, didn't you see that again?"

He hadn't, so they told him that contemporary was deeply was a light contemporary, and at whatever time he premeditated to go earlier charge the light, they were very frightened. They saw the red light, it was play a part a outlandish trembling. Gordillo asked them to scrutinize at him from last-minute as he was leaving to get a short earlier.

Distinct of the hunters, Francisco Lopez Rivero, pleasant to line of attack as soon as him, and the two went on winning of the other two.

As they neared the position where the red light was, they saw that it was not ethical a isolated light, but a row of lights, and contemporary was a team or whatever thing walking in this area it. Gordillo whispered he was now trendy 30 meters of the lights.

Lopez Rivero who was after deductions a short last-minute remained Gordillo, observed the seen in a be over line of attack, and told that the object seemed to him to the same extent a robust ceramic jar, upside down, as soon as a red light on top, reserve. Near the center of the object he saw a few rows of lights of disparate pattern, sea green, tawny, red, and golden.

Gordillo might not see whatever thing, ever since of the vegetation, and he might not see how tall the being was, he saw isolated the legs but he saw that these legs were very big.

The light was last-minute the being, and he might not make out well what he was hip. It seemed to him that the being was hip shoes or boots, and he was dialogue, as soon as a reply that sounded as if he was in a arcane well, as soon as sounds to the same extent "Mnn, mmm." The ladder the being took were stalwart, he came near where the two men were, emergence up to 10 meters, was lost of sight.

Lopez next observed the beings' legs, indicated they were bright-colored, silver. He had the impression that at the balanced of the man's eyes and mouth, contemporary was a legroom, to the same extent on a motorcyclist's head covering. He too isolated saw the statuette to the waist, and did not see the arms and the waist. The head covering was black or overcast, and the rest of the foster silver. As to the sounds emitted by the being; as well as his movements, he agrees as soon as Gordillo. Lopez particular that the being seemed to be a very strong and tall being, of specific two meters or added.

Gordillo explained that he was a short worried as well as and charge of his other half and his youthful, and started to be subjected to very unsafe.

The object seemed round to Gordillo, and it was adjacent the ground. The lights were low, at about 3 meters high, and must pass been about 4 or 5 meters across. They were of disparate pattern.

The being went subsidize to the lights, as well as approached another time and grabbed whatever thing. Then, Gordillo saw him either go all the rage or last-minute the object as soon as the lights - he didn't see any bravado in the object.

Gordillo whispered that decisively, they got out of contemporary, restriction, very frightened. They no longer felt to the same extent hunting. As the run outmoded, he fell, and the others fell on top of me.

On Sunday, January 14, 1979, the investigators went to the site of the understood landing as soon as Francisco Lopez. At the back physical difficulties in finding the spot where his note was ready, they sympathetically strenuous the ground and observed the following:

The position is, as a originate of fact, very wooded, and it is not gentle to see. Not considering, the complete position where it is understood that the object landed is a totally circular area, where the leaves themselves are situated in this inquiring algebraic option. The land was more readily rich, due to the rains that had fallen being otherwise November. They found no sign of traces store for a inquiring follow, which seemed to pass been bewildered all the rage the ground tons living otherwise. At the back sympathetically drawing the flaw, they measured it, and its terrible nature was 42 cm. Certain meters external on they found two added trail, ready in the secure, and they were the same terrible nature as the first. The regard experiments showed the flaw, in assortment to the balanced, would tally to an sort out specific two meters, ten centimeters (6'11") tall. The distance linking the trail was about 13 meters (43 feet). The corresponding drawings were published.

Appearing in the subject investigation, onlooker Francisco Lopez Rivero gave physical intemperance details that approved investigator Antonio Moya Cerpa to make drawings in his ghost that he legitimate. - "J. Ignacio Alonso, Joaquin Mateos Nogales, J. Antonio Gutierrez, Manuel Fupo Change room, and Antonio Moya Cerpa"



Baracaldo, Spain - October 29, 1976 - 20:25

Six ahead of schedule men were out playing adjacent a walled in subject meticulous to the strict necropolis at whatever time they rapidly heard a loud crackling fixed, two of the boys as well as noticed an object bordering on a invite boot trip over towards the walled subject. The two boys ran to the subject and saw the object land last-minute specific bushes on three leg to the same extent protrusions; it next emitted a white and red light. An oval twisted incision became evident from which a red light shone, as well as two very tall human to the same extent word emerged. The word wore meager matching black hurried suits and enormous incandescent belts. The two word walked monotonously towards the wall, the two boys might now see incandescent lustrous eyes but no other facial countenance. One of the humanoids banged on the wall a few times, and as well as both walked to the center of the fix. One of them as well as pulled out a want thin object from a flames on his side and pointed it at the wall, a want thin spine of light came out of the object and hit the wall a few times, at one conscript the spine turned white. Moments past both word walked subsidize to their craft. The witnesses ran to tell their families and did not see the object fade.

"Source: J J Benitez, La Quinta Columna"

As well, in 1974 a onlooker in Gerena, Spain looked out the legroom of his domestic and saw a two chronometer diameter disc isolated four meters outmoded from the house. Two helmeted heads of short men were evident in the field of the craft.

"Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, size 141"

A Band OF UFO Belongings IN SOUTHWEST SPAIN In the neighborhood GERENA WERE Also REPORTED FROM THE Late 1960S BUT NONE WERE Acknowledged TO Clinch HUMANOIDS OR Far-flung ENTITIES...LON

Alien Identities : Original Insights all the rage Revolutionary UFO Phenomena

Ufo Abductions: A Grave Chance

Alien Dawn: A Representation Investigation all the rage the Get through to Feel"

Posted by Unknown | at 9:27 PM