John Lear And Jim Marrs Exopolitics And The Secret Empire Et The Moon And Life Beyond

Follow @THEMADHATTERXXXIn March 1989, Lazar took John Lear to an area close to Rachel Nevada where he witnessed the flight of a flying saucer at the exact time Lazar told him it would occur. Two weeks later on another UFO spying mission, John, Lazar and 3 others were caught by security forces - (that's CAUGHT folks) - and the next day, - the very next day - Lazar lost his job at the government program for that breach of security. Lazar has been branded by many as a fraud, a charge to which John responds, " Those who say that Lazar was a fraud simply don't know the facts of this incredible 12 month period. I was there - they weren't." During the late 1980's, John tracked down and found the Army Intelligence Analyst who read, probably by accident, the U.S. government report Grudge 13, which documented the history of the U.S. UFO coverup and details of saucer recoveries, disposition of their occupants, and handling (That's HANDLING) of civilian witnesses. The report included clear photographs of these recovered extraterrestrial craft and beings - (That's BEINGS) found inside. It further detailed how recoveries were made worldwide and specially designed transports to accommodate the craft. John spent time poking around other UFO related areas to include Dulce, Secora, Aztec, Alamagorda, Albuquerque, Los Alamos and Bentwaters airbase near London. Since that time, John has learned many incredible and interesting facts about the solar system and planets including the existence of huge structures, arches, bridges and domes on the moon, cities on Mars, huge extraterrestrial ships mining the rings of Saturn, the incredible but secret agenda of Apollo 17, to the huge rectangular opening in the south massif of the Taurus-Littrow Highlands called Nansen.ET'S THE MOON AND LIFE BEYONDJohn Lear shares information from his life's work about extraterrestrial life, bases and development on the moon, Mars, Saturn, and topics like disclosure, military knowledge, impact on human life and more.Exopolitics and Secret Societies - Jim Marrs Jim Marrs - an amiable Texan with twinkling eyes and a mind like a steel trap - is a veteran researcher and speaker on all topics connected with the agenda of the New World Order. There have always been powerful financial interests and secret societies. However, from 1947 to the present day a new player took the field - the "Secret Empire" - the intelligence wing of the military/industrial complex. Jim Marrs, author of the best sellers Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule by Secrecy, has written about it all and will bring a new perspective to the connection between secrecy, extraterrestrial related phenomena and the wealthy elite. Beginning with a documented UFO crash that predates the Wright brothers through the development of Nazi flying saucers to President Kennedy's UFO connections, Marrs will weave together these fascinating topics. OUR MYSTERIOUS SPACESHIP... THE MOONREAD MORE HERE... MUSINGS ON THE MOON by JIM MARRS

Posted by Unknown | at 10:03 AM