Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories
I like reading conspiracy theories - from the really interesting like 911, JFK, NWO - New World Order, Aliens to the weird & way out like Reptilians living among us ">

Ones like 911 and JKF raise some interesting questions on both subjects and give pause for thought but Reptilians living amongst us and in place of power? Now that is just too weird for me.

If you believe the theory there are reptilian humanoids living alongside us and they have a secret agenda to control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to control our societies. They believes that many of the world leaders are reptilians and were trying to gain power to run the world.

George W Bush ">purporting to show people showing reptilian features.

The list of Apocalyptic prophesies is probably too long to list here but a couple are - Niburu, Mayan Calendar and 2012.

There are others that have a basis in truth - Area 51, Roswell, Montauk Project, Philadelpia Experiment, HAARP and Chemtrails.

Then there is the Staged Moon landings - that we never landed on the moon but the whole landings were filmed in Hollywood.

And what about Paul McCartney? He was supposedly killed in a car accident in 1966 and replaced by a lookalike who had some cosmetic surgery to make him look exactly like Paul. You can even listen to a tape supposedly recorded by George Harrison spilling the beans on the who affair.

Now I do believe that we are not alone in this universe, sightings of UFOs seem rather numerous over the centuries; and even if 99% are proved to be natural or planes or gas etc that still leaves 1% unexplained.

I don't subscribe to fake moon landings nor do I think the Queen is a reptile... lol.

What's your favourite conspiracy theory?


Posted by Unknown | at 11:23 AM