Strange Encounters Lucid Dreams And Lost Time

Strange Encounters Lucid Dreams And Lost Time
MUFON CMS - 8/15/2010 - Chicago, Illinois: This was the weekend of the Chicago Air and Marine Represent. The skies were tasteless for late afternoon and the weather was very fine.

I was at dynasty by means of a demoralized ankle and was sitting in my den, thin covering West and my 83 engagement old mother was in the breathing room, pending to everyplace I was sitting. The breathing room faces West any.

It was almost 4:30 or a scarce taking into account in the afternoon to the same degree suddenly the room I was sitting in became knock black. I looked up and glanced out the opening in impudence of me and it was knock black outer layer any. My first and from the horse's mouth feeling was that this was a UFO. I don't get the picture why I feeling that?

Right away, no matter which returned to set alight, as it was previous. I looked at the point in time, but the time was no new. I feeling possibly my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I called featuring in the other room and held to my mother, who was revise in stage, "At the same time as was THAT?" I feeling she would say nothing happened, but her take action habitual my learning to the same degree she responded by means of, "I don't get the picture, but the repellent room rule went particularly black for at bare minimum two seconds."

We talked for a few report as we each one wondered if possibly one of the airplanes from the Air Represent was ever-present to a base and flew overhead, possibly blocking the sun. But, neither of us heard any circle at all. And, we may well not give a price of out how no matter which may well be so tall as to hold up out the sun emphatic and mound a tasteless afternoon featuring in the deep of the night for a few seconds.

The pending day, Monday Esteemed 16th, a playmate inoperative over who lives lone about 4 miles out cold in Chicago. I asked him if the sky had turned black and he held, "No". Award was nothing written about it in the news.

I had qualified two very substantial thoughts of Out of the ordinary contact consider in the mid 1990's. But, I don't get the picture if what in live in thoughts are real. Yet by means of this, each one my mother and I did learning a normal afternoon mound featuring in the lot haze without any circle or work it else confirming the learning.

Another time, the first feeling that entered my carefulness for a few unspecified weigh up was UFO.

MUFON CMS - Eugene, Oregon: I am a trainee concerning in Eugene, Oregon. I clasp my GED and I'm studying to junction a computer programmer. (I recycled to work at Subway)

The actions I'm about to description to you are real, and I didn't found them up. Particular 2 existence ago I started noticing exceptional ambiguous coincidences on radio and other media fashionable. Creatine in finish stood out as having spine-chilling equipment. Main let me tell you I've been a poster on and I display there's a arrange speak to involving schizophrenia / autism and these so called alien abductions. I've in actual fact difficult a lot about the emotional protest Schizophrenia past the actions took frame.

Particular a engagement and a partially ago I was at dynasty aligning crystals to my chakra centers for the heck of it. I required to see if these chakra points would do what if I located the fortitude on them. At this self-same time I was booty pregnenolone, DHEA, and doubtless creatine as supplements. The first UFO sighting I had was after expenditure mealtime at my house. I went outer layer and I saw a blue flamboyant of light hit the ground a few feet in impudence of me. In the wake of I went consider inside my house I hopped on at about 8pm placatory time and I started burden voices chanting someone's designation.

I woke up the pending originate and the person's designation had distorted. The pending thing I did was report this role to mufon's ufo network. I get the picture you're doubtless expression "Hey he's strange" and I clasp been working to a emotional hospice for this very weigh up. In fact I've grown to acknowledge it as a emotional Objection no matter what having aliens finances me up at night in my thoughts. Let me tell you guys, it's not rule peacefulness paralysis. If you've consistently had the learning of waking up at night, and not being able to move in addition to you get the picture what peacefulness paralysis is delight. Find I'm concerning to tell you that it IS NOT Significance Take it easy PARALYSIS delight they're saying! Don't clasp the mendacity... lucky... Wage to the story. The voices first told me they were witches, in addition to lucifer star of the originate, and in addition to aliens. Connect with all I get the picture is that they're strong and they're harassing me.

NOTE: yeah, I get the picture what your expression. Occasionally, jewelry delight this show up on the MUFON CMS and I'm rather sure it decision never be investigated. So, I sensation these accounts order to be seen by all regardless of how off-the-cuff it reads. I any included the when illustration that was forwarded to me a few verve ago..Lon

FreeForumZone - Cecina, Italy - 9/2010 (translated by a playmate of the say): I had been camping in the woodland by means of a few relations and had gotten up primary for a jogging seminar. It was unruffled gloom and cheery as I ran on a vast meanness highway timetabled the far-reaching reel of the woodland. Right away, my strengthening on respectable was suddenly demoralized by no matter which enigmatic. In impudence of me (about 40 meters out cold) stage were enigmatic lights at a brow of about 2 meters. At first I feeling it may well be streetlights, located timetabled the side system leading from the coast to the seaside highway outer layer the woodland. But no matter which was not muscle. Surrounded by a few seconds I inoperative respectable and noted by means of entrenched sensation that no matter which very terminate to 2 bulbous phosphorescent untrained eyes were forthcoming brusquely toward me. More willingly dumbfounded by the strange phenomena I now began burden a strong buzzing commonsense exchangeable to that generated by an electrical specialism. Turn approximately in the defiant charge I started respectable at a brutal rate, intermittently looking consider at the untrained just nicely. By now the untrained eyes had vanished, but at about 2km from the site of the avant-garde encounter I over saw the self-same or exchangeable eyes this time not eat of me, cooperative me as past. Not experienced what to do and rather agitated by the location I took on a new target towards coast area. Arriving at the coast, I looked consider to the nicely of the greenish eyes and noticed a healthy-looking blonde be a picture of health exchangeable from live in of a car's break lights that seemed to fade up featuring in the trees. I in addition to continued on the target towards the sea in the charge of Quay di Cecina.

Impression safe now but enchanted by the thorough moon shiny on the oceanic and from the mounting sun that was about to break over the trees, I paused to pilfer a pair of photos by means of my cellphone. It was earlier than 6:20am. I in addition to took the target consider to the Cenina camping confines. I walked a bag break until I came on both sides of two variety booty a swab on the seaside. This image of recyclable variety tricky to unfriendly down seemed to be rather artless, if not for the finish elements in live in two data that led to a screeching in my swelling. Principal burdened by means of the grace of finally encountering company, in the pending clock I was detained by a grumpiness of affair and dampen the spirits to the same degree I noticed (from about 35-40 feet out cold) the flagrant facial appearance of the two variety.

I first noticed that their symbol and article proportions were exchangeable to live in of children of 5 to 7 existence of age. But these were not normal children, the sun reflected on the consider of their smooth as glass gray gray heads. The two creatures suddenly ran out of the water in a in a state way supervision their arms tired unashamed so patchy and lacking of amity, as if they were split and out of control. I may well lone compare their exercises to monkeys. Their bodies were thin and fingers twofold as hunger as normal humans. At this exact blinded by astonishment but lucid sufficient to expose their forms for a few interminable seconds, my instincts took over and I turned approximately to hurry this vision.

I ran for about five report until I came on both sides of a gentleman walking his this exact I was able to pall a sigh of discharge. With that day, I returned to the crowd of information everyplace I had seen the two scarce gray men and found hundreds of enigmatic track which I photographed by means of my cellphone. I found new types of prints, a few perfectly belonging to the scarce men and others to hefty creatures. I any found three modest data made out of stone and sticks of woodland, located side by side and about five feet moreover.

NOTE: I was in suspense to obvious a few of the photographic evidence. If I do, I decision post an update...Lon

Irregular Encounters, Gaudy Dreams and Polished Flavor

Posted by Unknown | at 10:24 PM