Oh Bill

Oh Bill
So, I was looking for stuff to watch the other day, and thought I'd humor myself with an episode of "UFO Hunters". I really cannot stand these kinds of shows, but sometimes they provide a dose of humor - as was the case with episode 17 from season 2.

The subject was regarding underwater "UFO" landing fields. Early on in the show (I didn't watch anywhere near the whole thing), they are discussing these underwater lines in southwest Cuba. Satellite imaging showed 2 intersecting lines and further analysis would find that the lines appear raised and probably not gullies or trenches. Each individual line appears to be extremely straight, and just over 1 mile long. One line, if followed through to the East, would intersect with Guantanamo bay, on the easter coast of Cuba.

You're probably wondering what the funny part is. Well, it's not "hysterically" funny. Or maybe it is - but only at 3am. Anyway...

This is Cuba, see, and the lines are "not" very far off short. So after the specialist was finishing up his analyses with the "UFO Hunters" team, Bill Birnes - the same Bill Birnes who now publishes "UFO Magazine" with his wife (which was started by Don Ecker's wife, Vicki in 1986) - asked a question that had me bust out in laughter for a few solid minutes:


The look and subsequent laughter coming from the analyst was "priceless". I think Bill sort of realized the ridiculousness of the question after he said it, to his credit. But wow. For a few minutes, I was just shy of hitting my head on the coffee table, repeatedly.

It happens about 5:15 into the show. Check it out of you have the chance.

Posted by Unknown | at 11:28 PM