Kepler Telescope Bags Huge Haul Of Planets

Kepler Telescope Bags Huge Haul Of Planets


The science team sifting data from the US space agency's (Nasa) Kepler get smaller says it has identified 715 new planets farther than our Stellar System.

This is a enormous new assume.

In the well-nigh two decades seeing that the first assumed exoplanet was naked, researchers had claimed the remembering of just over 1.000 new worlds.

Kepler's latest heaps are all in multi-planet systems; they influence very soon 305 stars.

The huge mound, 95%, are slighter than our Neptune, which is four epoch the radius of the Dust.

Four of the new planets are smaller quantity than 2.5 epoch the radius of Dust, and they influence their crowd suns in the "habitable zone" - the zone round about a star anyplace water can ambit a fluid state.

Whether that is the case on these planets cannot be open for sure - Kepler's targets are hundreds of light-years in the keep apart from, and this is too far not permitted for very detailed investigation.

The Kepler space get smaller was launched in 2009 on a 600m (lb360m) occupation to indication the possible populace of Earth-sized planets in our Gray Way Galaxy.

Sour pointing mechanisms finally dulled its abilities last engagement, but not early it had identified thousands of voluntary, or "contender", worlds in a floor of sky in the constellations Cygnus and Lyra.

It did this by looking for transits - the frequent dips in light that be real for example planets move on both sides of the faces of stars.

Before Wednesday, the Kepler spacecraft had encouraging the existence of 246 exoplanets. It has now short of this sum up to 961. That is broaden than half of all the discoveries made in the office over the scarce 20 living.

"This is the biggest choice of planets that's ever been announced at one time", assumed Douglas Hudgins from Nasa's astrophysics turn-off.

"Flash, these domino effect break new ground that planetary systems plus multiple planets round about one star, nearing our own Stellar System, are in fact well-known".

Posted by Unknown | at 7:46 PM