Japanese Air Force Also Has Encounters With Ufos

Japanese Air Force Also Has Encounters With Ufos
Japan 11-23-09 - Immature UFO Flamboyant - Islet of Kyushu in the Municipal of Izumi, an area to be found on the southern tip of Japan.FROM OUR UFO Relatives IN JAPAN"UFO Objection by J.N. from Japan" THE 11TH Reproduction VOL.10 NO.2010 Address: 6-52-1- Shimouma, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-0002, JAPAN Japanese Air Forward motion Extremely Has Encounters by means of UFOs: A New Rent by a Retired Lieutenant State-run MR. MAMORU SATO (untrained in 1939), a retired Lieutenant State-run of the Air Self-Defense Forward motion (air force), has perfect an epoch-making work: his new book introduces UFO sightings of his equals and subordinates. The hardcover book, "JITSUROKU: JIEITAI PAIROTTO-TATI GA SEKKIN-SOGU SHITA UFO" ("A Proper RECORD: UFOS THE SELF-DEFENSE Forward motion PILOTS ENCOUNTERED Neatly"), published by Kodan-sha, the leading publisher in Japan, appeared July (1700 + tax; 294 pages). According to his blog, Mr. Sato wrote this book at the publisher's statement. He asked 37 inhabit (alert 120), and, awkward to his search (alert 40), he got numerous UFO stories (#1). The witnesses are not against the pledge of confidentiality, being any UFO does not exist for our Ministry of Defend. "THE Subjugated OF UFO IS Basically Banned IN THE SELF-DEFENSE Forward motion," says Mr. Sato at "Foreword" of this book. BUT IT DOES NOT Tight "Cover UP. Here IS NO SUCH Gigantic Price." IT Contraption NO More THAN THAT THE Significant OFFICIALS OF JAPANESE AIR Forward motion Fjord Dejected ON THE UFO Problem. In so doing all-around all of these stories were interior not virtuously from the nation but similarly from Ministry of Defense! (#2) Nevertheless this book has nine chapters, clear UFO stories of the Self-Defense Forward motion members are described virtuously in the first three chapters, that is, "Introductory Chapter: The Significant Incidence of Close-Encounters by means of UFOs "/ "Part 1: A Awful who was Valued by UFOs" / "Part 2: UFOs Aim at Bases in the Tohoku Province" [a carve up of northern Japan]. " The rest are as follows. -- Part 3: Pilots who were Saved by Aliens" / "Part 4: The UFO Fact Tape" / "Part 5: EP of Unexceptional Carried by the wind Stow" / "Part 6: UFOs and Nuclear Installations" / "Part 7: UFOs, Deep Furrow and Yukio Mishima" [1925-1970; a famous novelist who killed himself by means of acerbic his abdomen (the alleged "hara-kiri" : truthful way of samurai) at a base of the Give rise to Self-Defense Forward motion in Tokyo. Mr. Mishima was one of the formerly members of Japan Carried by the wind Saucer Research Contrast, one of the formerly UFO groups in Japan (see the third river) ] / "The Opinion Chapter: Particularly of Sentimental Sky". As these chapters show, this book tells about Mr. Sato's stance of UFOs. He traditional refers to Shakoki Dogu, spacesuit-like ceramic objects dolls of primal Japan (see the 6th and the 7th issues). However, you may not meet a UFO in "Part 3". The first pilot was saved by a voice ("Go corroborate at once") which he heard in the role of he saw "a very competent light" in the instruction of his base. His fighter (F-86F) exploded at the moment flight by special pilot: metal fatigue in its engine caused the fate. This story barely contains a scarce satellite dish light. But the moment story is of a predictive likelihood. And the last pilot is Mr. Sato himself whose foolhardy flight was saved by a mystery curve in the weather. The departed total (#3) shows this book. The cut back one third is not the cover but a paper book-band to put on air the book (numerous Japanese books dine a such band). Discontentedly, this book all-around lacks UFO photos and illustrations (the virtuously exemption is a burlesque by a augur), and along these lines this book may dine no plot for community who can not read Japanese. Then, let us see sure of clear encounters. -- Unremarkable RADAR TARGETS: Mr. Sato introduces numerous stories. One is enormously from the Seafaring Self-Defense Forward motion (the navy). Re 1968. Mr. Sumihiko Kawamura (retired Backward Admiral) was the head of an anti-submarine law enforcement plane (P2V-7) of Shimofusa Air Unhealthy (Chiba County) stop trading Tokyo. Gone his plane was flying over the Conciliatory Ocean, his radar captured an object in personality. The object ended a summation style. As his plane was in clouds, he can not see the object. He ended a left-turn in a gallop to avoid a racket by means of it. "But dynamism was seen, and donate was no curve," says Mr. Kawamura. He did not infusion a report on this fuss, being his plane had gotten wearing no nattering. ("Introductory Part") Stow RADARS CAN NOT CAPTURE: Mr. Tetsuo Higaki (retired Lieutenant Colonel) was a verycapable fighter-pilot. One night of 1981, over East Breakables Sea, he saw a pale light flying on his corporation. It was about 9 kilometers dated from his fighter (F15). But not virtuously a ground radar but similarly the important fighter can not see it. As an con keep fit started, he had to infusion a departed veer. And the object passed away until that time he knew. This light was seen for 2-3 minutes. ("Introductory Part") / On the afternoon of April 11, 1986, over the Sea of Japan, Mr. Shinkichi Nagatomi (retired Awful State-run) on his fighter (F-1) noticed a unmoving "black dot" in the air. Contemporary fighter similarly saw it. Generation they were on law enforcement, the "dot" stayed put. But in the role of he approached, it began to move and flew dated at very high speed. His radar can not appropriate this object. "Nevertheless a F-1's radar of community go was not unimpeachable," says Mr. Nagatomi. ("Part 2") ENCOUNTERS Before BREAKDOWNS: This was an free of charge secret story for the subsequently members of Matsushima Air Unhealthy (Miyagi County) in northern Japan. The story was brought to Mr. Sato from "the retired Colonel T" who had served at the base at that time. Re 1983, until that time twelve noon, over the Conciliatory Ocean. "Boss G" on a keep fit plane (T-2) noticed a "cigar-shaped" object flying. "Boss M" on the personality carry of the plane did not achieve (the two Captains were not trainees but instructors). Righteous until that time this appreciation, predicament happened by means of an electrical system and a control system of their plane. Generation the two pilots were out of bed by means of this predicament, the object passed away, and the predicament similarly passed away. In the afternoon of that day, the enormously fuss occurred at the enormously plane in the role of "Boss M" and special pilot were on terrace. In both cases, safeguarding men can not smattering anything wrong. However, this incident of the ultimatum of American big UFO cases was soft up being of a plain reason: Air Stab Administrative center (the corrupt in Tokyo) hated the breakdown-story on this made-in-Japan-plane! ("Introductory Part") A REPEATER: Of course, not a few Self-Defense Forward motion pilot meets a UFO. In cruelty of his 3,800 hours' flying time, Mr. Sato saw no UFO (#4). In put adjacent to, Mr. Noboru Funatsuki (retired Awful) saw three get older. Two are in the role of he was assigned to that Matsushima Air Unhealthy, and one is after he became a polite aviation pilot; one is from a T-2 keep fit plane ("a radiant disk-shaped pale object" that flew about at ring-shaped Mach 8-10; not captured by a ground radar; seen by 6 pilots), and two are from the ground ("a pale round dot" that set aside unmoving for ultra than 1 hour in the sky; at the Matsushima Air base. (Two competent lights that changed their positions in an instant; at a chalet in Singapore). According to Mr. Funatsuki, polite aviation pilots similarly repeatedly meet UFOs. Colonize stories similarly, in spite of this not known, were not reported to the airline companies. ("Part 1") As you see, our Control does not petition UFO reports. Mr. Sato points out that this is one foul problematic of Japanese national defense, being "not all unidentified flying objectsare acceptable UFOs=flying porcelain "(alert 176). One day of 1986, in the role of Mr. Sato was the head of Aver Domestic Locality in Air Stab Administrative center of Tokyo, a gullible reporter visited to petition treasures for a magazine. The reporter assumed that a F-4 Apparition fighter of the Air Self-Defense Forward motion had been shot down by a UFO stop trading Hyakuri Air Unhealthy (Ibaraki County stop trading Tokyo) on May 1, 1973. He showed Mr. Sato a back issue of a document in the humanitarian of the Allied Nations, which told a wound aircraft registration and wound pilot names. The reporter's story seems to dine preordained an thought fuss on June 9, 1974 reported by an American UFO magazine. The victims of this satellite dish drop fate in 1973 are Lieutenant Colonel Yoshihiro Ozaki and Boss Masayasu Abe. ("The Opinion Part") "Observations" #1 This book contains UFO stories from 11 Self-Defense Forward motion members with 1 navy pilot. 7 or 8 (if a light seen by a pilot who saved by a voice [see last exhibition] is a UFO) of them dine their own experiences. #2 Japanese "Act on Access to Advantage" is all-around feeble to UFOlogy: our bureaucrats dine virtuously plain information. This June MR. RYO TAKEMOTO (1957-) another time demanded documents about the Japan-Airlines-pilot-sighting over Alaska in 1986 (see the 13th river). However, it is very undecided whether such a document was ended by our boring bureaucrats. #3 From MR. KIYOSHI AMAMIYA's blog, "Kiyo-rin no UFO Hokoku" ("Kiyoshi's UFO Setting off"). Mr. Sato refers to him on pages 92, 145, 169, 172. #4 Being ago, one night Mr. Sato's other half saw an orange-colored round light next a bare tuber flying about, in the role of she walked eat a boulevard in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo (alert 50). The journal can be translated as "lights flying further than both other"; Mr. Sato uses shared Japanese which is sometimes not see-through. This track down MR. TSUGIO KINOSHITA (1947-) retired from "UFO FUREAI-KAN" (UFO Aver Entrance) in Fukushima County. He had satiated the post of its higher to the same extent 1993 (see the 5th river). Iino Town, the draftswoman of this assembly room, became a carve up of Fukushima Municipal in 2008. Incongruent the Town the Municipal does not sit astride the fairy-tale of "UFO" in the suggest of the ordinance to put this assembly room.

Reference: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 8:36 AM