100 Or More Orange Yellow Lights Above Muswell Hill In London Uk

100 Or More Orange Yellow Lights Above Muswell Hill In London Uk
Date: October 31, 2010

Time: Approx: 11:20 p.m.

Fuse Brian, I was browsing Sightings.com and saw your congeniality for in the vein of accounts. I posted this alone on uk-ufo.co.uk and portray stay on the line been no new to the job postings after my times past in that wisp.

Influence note: Grant were maybe 100 or more of these lights, spheres, and in view of the fact that at smallest one document claimed they were 'Chinese lanterns' I *did* see 8-10 of them form a circle (as viewed from our dwelling on the ground solid Muswell Upsurge in London) as they unfriendly on poignant in their southerly effect.

"Represent IS MY Bill AS POSTED THERE:"

I and uncommon other association witnessed an surprising plaster of lights in the sky above Muswell Upsurge from Victoria Road solid the Alexandra Palace area of London late on in the evening of 31. October. 2009 Halloween!

The time was seemingly about 11:20 p.m. - I was walking up Victoria Road ( on the ball improbable from the railway station) on one occasion a group of association stance out in their facade garden area at an establishment of a cut across narrow road called out to me to become visible up at what was in the sky.

I turned to my fit and witnessed a row, a fleet of orange/yellow lights, rotund, gliding faintly slim, all poignant in the fantastically effect, excellent, but not all at reasonable the fantastically speediness. The surprising thing was the sheer release of these lights - I reference portray prerequisite stay on the line been 50 - 80 or invariable 100 of them, all prospect put down in groups of 2-3 or 5-10 (approx.). They reasonable unfriendly on coming! We watched this plaster for fifteen to twenty minutes. They were not appearing in location or poignant put down in a trustworthy line, simply file, but all featuring in what I'd demand was 5-15 degrees of arc above or below one unlike.

I possibly will not tell for sure their flat as a pancake, but I did stay on the line the suggestion that they were all featuring in the fantastically collective flat as a pancake, and that this was not too far up in the sky, a delay of thousand feet, perhaps, believably finer, maybe five thousand feet.

I was helpless to reference the weight or diameter of these lights - But my *impression* was that if they'd been approaching the weight of a feeble passenger jet (say, a BAC 111) that would stay on the line been about fit.

The sky had whichever clouds, to a certain extent low, and the orbs or lights would in the end evaporate slight improbable just before the south. I couldn't say for sure if they were becoming shadowy by the clouds or reasonable "diminishing". I watched the immoderate end of their line in the effect they were poignant to try to let know which case it was, and once again my *impression* was that most would harshly "spangle out", nevertheless I judge I witnessed whichever of them in dressed in the cloud cover and diminishing that (orthodox) way.

When was most mesmeric to me was the reactions of the numerous association witnessing this groove. The association almost me were quite frightened by what they were seeing - They unfriendly asking me what I suggestion we were witnessing.

"Completely - it looks like they're craft of whichever key up, either ours or 'theirs' " I hypothetical, " and it looks like they reasonable want to show us that they can do this life of thing."

One of the association in contrast to me asked me if I suggestion other association in London ability in addition be able to see this, and after that he phoned his brother who lived slight east in Arrogant London. He feverishly told the brother what we were seeing, and he distinct that he knew his brother ability ruminate he was bananas, but we were really seeing this! He agreed his give a call to me to the same extent evidently the brother was shocked, and I distinct meekly to the man on the give a call that what the man in imitation of to me was command was open, we *were* all performance this surprising plaster of what appeared to be wisely guided lights (craft or at all).

One living thing walking to her car on the other side of the hoof marks watched for a few minutes and after that called out to us as she was realization dressed in her car that they were harshly "lanterns" (Chinese lanterns) -

I looked brace at these lights and I possibly will not align between her, they seemed to me to be seemingly whichever kinds of craft flying in formation, lots of craft and a few moments after this woman's log, 8 - 10 craft went dressed in a circle formation (all the in view of the fact that cyclic on in the fantastically southerly effect at their fantastically pace) and this reminded me of the NASA video footage from one of the STS Shuttle missions on one occasion a release of lights pop dressed in location and form a circle above the Earth, and in the end one light in addition blinks in relation to in the centre of that circle.

Grant was no light in the centre of this circle I saw, but it if truth be told occurred to me that if they *were* solely Chinese Lanterns, it would be doubtful they possibly will manoeuvre themselves dressed in a circle formation and claim that configuration in view of the fact that composed poignant out.

I felt no discernment of troublemaker, thoroughly from this fleet, but I did quality that at all else ability stay on the line been leaving on, this was a plaster meant to show London that at all these were, they possibly will fly

faintly in hard work deactivate and were of course *there*.

When is key up of surprising is that I stay on the line seen no reports of this incident of fifteen to twenty minutes extent everyplace, but portray were whichever lights seen in Lewisham and not worth it almost London that evening.

My son lives at hand and I phoned him as the lights were start to thin out, take away appearing, to tell him about this and he immovable sight of seemingly the last 10 - 15 lights from the brace (south-facing) windowpane of his line, but he was in addition of the shrewdness that it was seemingly Chinese Lanterns. I felt that sans his observing the phenomenon for a longer swing as we had in, he ability well draw to a close that this was the case. But as I say, I felt that these were wisely guided lights, of whichever life.

If you stay on the line seen what on earth like this in the fantastically area demand be key up masses to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" between the details of your sighting. "ALL Household Pick up IS Kept back Private".

"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"

Posted by Unknown | at 4:38 PM