Bbc3 Documentary On Ufos Including Stirling

Bbc3 Documentary On Ufos Including Stirling


Hi, we are a little late in posting this, since the initial email from the BBC was blocked either by our spam filter or the Men In Black.

BBC3 are currently producing a documentary which focuses on people who believe in UFOs. They want to hear from people who think that aliens have visited us on earth, and who may think that the government has been hiding evidence of visitations from the public.

They are offering five people the unique chance to take part in a two week road trip across America, where people will have the chance to explore their views and put them to the test.

The researchers for this new show thought this might be something some of that the poeple in Stirling might be interested in, given how many UFO sightings there are in the area. (We are assuming they have already contacted Billy Buchanan in Bonnybridge who is probably the best know person in the Stirlingshire area when it comes to UFOs).

BBC3 is a channel aimed at a young demographic audience, so the are looking for people to take part who are aged between 18 and 35. (Therefore ruling out the editors of out).

Anyone who wants to get involved can contact the production company directly for a confidential chat over the phone. Please contact Laura McCutcheon, Researcher, Renegade Pictures 0207 449 3251


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Posted by Unknown | at 9:09 PM