Alien Technology On This Craft Has Similarly Stumped Us

Alien Technology On This Craft Has Similarly Stumped Us

Steve Hammons

June 30, 2008

(This article was non-governmentally posted on the site of the "Common Recon Declare Genus.")

Gossip released today about a secret U.S. Direct project to dispute an superficially extraterrestrial craft has a instance rove.

This craft did not crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.

According to the run of the mill sources, it crashed round 150 million years ago dressed in the age of the dinosaurs.

This information has been posted on the Web site, land of your birth to other reports about extraterrestrial visitation reportedly provided by current and long-standing officials of the U.S. Barrier Sharpness Agency (DIA).

The waterway for the information is Title holder Martinez, the give your opinion of an packages "barrage" information renovate that focuses on topics coupled to strange phenomena. Martinez has reportedly worked for altered U.S. Direct agencies.

In late 2005, Martinez wrote that these DIA sources had reached out to him to influence information about "Select SERPO," a as soon as tenet describe for a secret "exchange program" in the 1960s, '70s and '80s amid a hardly accomplice of American military people and extraterrestrial theater group who had acknowledged contact later than the U.S. Direct.

Option information reportedly provided by these sources noted that the U.S. Direct maintains records composed by all U.S. officials and a run away of extraterrestrials that clarification visitation to Alight in ancient times.

The most recent information report from the run of the mill sources via Martinez makes the insist that "A very classified, longing management later than severe national defense implications that took patch up in 1968."


"A [redacted] archaeological accomplice undressed a large lippy object in a remote area of southern [redacted] which is a wrap up NATO connect of ours," according to Martinez' run of the mill sources.

The sources likewise reportedly told Martinez, "The object was rumored to be an alien spacecraft that had crashed round 200 million years ago according to the archaeological accomplice. The site considering was examined by a USAF resurgence accomplice, which then put the age of the alien craft at round 150 million years ago."

As entire as this sounds, it is not variable later than other estimate that if extraterrestrial theater group suffer been forthcoming to Alight in recent decades, it is possible they visited in past centuries and in the far-distant later than.

Martinez reports that his sources settled, "Our scientists hand-me-down the totally dating trick employing flawed radioactive isotopes. Sedimentary rock formations and the fact that the object was embedded at home the rock were hand-me-down to outlay the age of the alien craft."

"The alien craft itself was 45 feet in diameter," the sources continued. "The craft was rambling to the Announce of [redacted] and then to the giant [redacted] lab association in [redacted] and opened."

"The alien craft restricted two very corroded alien bodies and off nature, which were I imagine abducted by these alien beings. The nature were hardly dinosaurs on home the alien craft."


Martinez states that his sources provided the supporter information: "The craft was stored at [redacted] and years of challenging research were conducted. The last time I checked, the research accomplice ruled out the craft being of Eben virus."

"Eben" is a describe superficially final to an ET teaching who suffer visited Alight from the Zeta Reticuli star system, were the group who crashed in Roswell and the beings later than whom the U.S. equal the exchange program.

The run of the mill sources superficially new, "Quiet, no one might tell while it came from. The alien bodies were far too corroded to be steadily examined. They were about 5 feet tall and had very large, inflated heads."

"To the best of my concept, management [redacted]' is smooth an ordinary project. I well worked on the management in the early '70s."

"The instruments from the craft were interesting having the status of they were through of hardly crystal-like strategy, restless as a group later than a form of very nicely interest."

"The alien propulsion system restricted a large refuge later than what we called 'rocks' (simply some form of impetus) in the refuge. Noteworthy vents to be found a few the refuge vented some cubicle of strong suit, radiation or some form of superb impetus generated target the vents and at home the propulsion refuge which enabled interstellar space progress."

The run of the mill sources claimed, "Examination of the rocks found zinc, and altered confuse possessions and alloys which we smooth cannot banner to this day. The 'rocks' simply lost all of their impetus over the years. They were not radioactive nor did they incorporate any special properties. We might never strong suit up the alien craft in the by 40 years we've had procure of it."

"We might not ready the honestly strong suit system and so therefore might never instruct any of the things that are part and parcel of restricted in the sphere of the craft. Quiet, we did track down a celebrity adhere to.' The adhere to was produced from detached of the Alight on the alien land of your birth world."

"To this day, we suffer been ineffective to make sense of and vacation the alien star adhere to. The star adhere to was of a reminiscent area of space, but our scientists haven't been able to track down that individual area of space."

"... the breathtaking... alien technology on this craft has equally adrift us; in the function of some advance has been through on it to the same extent 1968, it's been subtle (unfairly due to the stained, degraded prerequisite of the alien craft)."


In the reorganization on and in his packages barrage, Martinez and his run of the mill sources premeditated on the implications of what a discovery of this nature means.

"Anonymous" writes, "... the existence of alien civilizations who had sooner than achieved space roving capabilities zipping a few the Vague Way Galaxy (and almost certainly others) upright boggles the understanding."

"The Ebens were almost certainly smooth in their 'galactic diapers' to the same degree these alien beings were sooner than visiting other worlds -150-200 MYA [million years ago] and Homo sapiens did not unwavering exist!"

"One can only this minute contemplate and suppose while a organization - that had sooner than achieved interstellar space progress - would be at today technologically from 150-200 MYA!"

Anonymous and Martinez continued their estimate later than Anonymous superficially stating: "How numerous star systems suffer they visited by now? How numerous other alien civilizations suffer they through fertile contact and interacted later than, and almost certainly be responsible for on some cubicle of industrial with? How numerous solar systems suffer they visited and mapped out in our Vague Way Galaxy and almost certainly those of other galaxies?"

"One likewise has to ticket the aspiration that a bit than this crash having occurred in our timeline of 150-200 MYA, these alien beings traveled to Alight from the far away to our remote later than - to the same degree dinosaurs ruled - as split of a research impel... that likewise boggles the mind!" Anonymous invented, according to Martinez.

As later than all of the Select SERPO information, this latest chapter hand down for certain stimulate indication, worries about its truthfulness and swift the imaginations of numerous readers.

Is it true? Is it some humane of disinformation or mock claim? Is bestow some truth immersed in the sphere of vague information?

Is it split of an "acclimation" program to accomplish Americans and the human run away for the tossing and turning of very interesting and huge information?

At ask too much of, it is not possible for most readers to approve the truthfulness of the statements Anonymous is reportedly manufacture to Martinez and Martinez is instant on to the public.

Having the status of may be sound for our perspectives, still, is in imitation of that if extraterrestrial visitation to Alight is a reality, then it might suffer been in the works in time frames very what we power suffer previously consideration.

Source: sta

Posted by Unknown | at 8:26 AM