The John Searl Story Free Energy Documentary

The John Searl Story Free Energy Documentary
The John Searl State is a documentary that chronicles the life of John Roy Robert Searl who is deliberate by heaps the Godfather of Compensate for Energy Science. The documentary features his immense algebraic claims which possibly will solve our world's vitality problematic if totally this skill was not buried by the powers that be, more exactly from nature customary by all.

Untutored in England on May 2, 1932, John Searl mature traditional elderly dreams that led him to design a new electrical generator fueled totally by turning magnets, and horrible discs that emulated the flight characteristics displayed by heaps UFOs. It is rumored that the first Sunday of every one month surrounded by 1968 and 1972, Searl demonstrated his generators and flying discs to the huge collective. Tube cameramen and news squash were so they say finish for the happenings, and Searl claims he also demonstrated his flying disc to US military headquarters.

If the video stuck-up doesn't work, you can watch the total documentary online all the rage.

Not surprisingly, enemy to a fuel-less system was fierce. Multi-billion lowly industries, governments and predictable scientists were sympathetic to label John Searl a crackpot...

He was subjected to contempt and push, fashion run into to inflammatory and stealing, was trapped and missing flat broke. His research and plans were broken down. But, John Searl is calm source of revenue today, and continues his employment to march himself by transformation his amazing generator.

References :

* The John Searl State
* Library.Org - The John Searl State

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Posted by Unknown | at 12:13 PM