Time Travel An Introduction Part 1

Time Travel An Introduction Part 1
Hope for you liked the last post on Coexisting Realities and balance to get you in addition featuring in the modification of bits and pieces show is new to the job pacifier from Chris Schweitzer all about time supervise. Do Aliens and UFOs use Bring Quit to slip featuring in and out of our Universe ?It very well could be a ability,make sense of his first post and mull over what you sustain in the past been told about parallel universes and moreover maybe you may possibly sustain reliable philosophy about UFO incursions show on mother Go ashore.

Bring Quit an Icebreaker Division 1.By Chris Schweitzer a QUANTUM PHYSICS Hypothetical.

Bring Quit PART-1, Icebreaker

posted Apr 06, 2012 by ChrisSchweitzer In the same way as does time supervise sustain to do with UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation? Well, if we assume that extraterrestrials expound to our planet from new to the job solar system it would take into custody a very yearn time for them to get show. The key divan show is "time". The skeptics command commonly clash, "The extraterrestrials sustain to supervise many light being to get show, that would take into custody being and being to intersect such a yearn reserve, at the same height if they traveled at the burst of light". Well, that seems to the same extent a source build that the skeptics essential win but, the skeptics command gush of blood this build.

The burst of light in nothingness, universally denoted by c, is a large-scale approximate absolutely is 186,000 miles per last, (300,000 kilometers per last). Additionally, it would take into custody an without number debit of vivacity to take up again an object with bevy to the burst of light.

Let's icon at this example. The bend in two report system Alpha Centauri A and B are our close sun-like neighbors (a third, less significant report in the Centauri system, the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, is a bit nearer to the Go ashore), but it's easygoing a yearn way from show, four light being to be detailed. To date no planets, sustain been found in the Alpha Centauri system but if near were a habitable planet near with an patronizing refinement that has the technology to supervise manageable to the burst of light it would take into custody them balance over four being, (of our time) to be off Go ashore.

The free spirit command say, "We could watch/observe; downhearted a dwindle as an space ship from Alpha Centauri blasted-off and it would take into custody balance over four being to get show and land on the Iced Edifice grass". But, the free spirit is inaccurate.

If we were looking downhearted a dwindle at a space ship from Alpha Centauri blasting-off, what we are to all intents and purposes seeing is it blasting-off four being ago. It took nation four being for the light to supervise from Alpha Centauri to the lens of the dwindle. This means that at the same time as you are scrutiny the space ship blasting-off, it is about to land fathom show on Go ashore.

Yes, it is just, it would take into custody four being for the alien ship from Alpha Centauri to be off Go ashore, by our forward of time but, for the occupants of the space ship it command sustain crazed balance a few moments of their forward of time. This is somewhere the invention that, "time is related to the witness" comes from. For the occupants of the space ship, time is elevating very, very slowly. Why? From the time when they are roaming at manageable to the burst of light. The occupants of the space ship from Alpha Centauri traveled four being to our unconventional, they time traveled.

The fact is that the more willingly you supervise the slower time passes. This is called the kinematic sway, the bottom of exchange. The kinematic sway is one of the two armed forces that can control the forward of time. The last force that can control the forward of time is the force of deepness. We command talk about the force of deepness and how it controls the forward of time in Part-2.

The kinematic sway is seen with the satellites hand-me-down in the On the whole Positioning Cipher. The clocks on GPS satellites are roaming at roughly 8,424 mph, (14,000 km/hour) so they necessary be calibrated to compensate for the kinematic sway in unequivocal to be right. If the satellite's clocks were not calibrated to compensate for the kinematic sway GPS would not work righteously.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/16/is-time-travel-real n 1429953.html?ref=science&icid=maing-grid7 maing8 dl4 sec3 lnk1%26pLid%3D152622

Posted by Unknown | at 2:39 AM