Alien Lore No 227 Bill Clinton On Ufos Aliens And A Possible Government Cover Up

Alien Lore No 227 Bill Clinton On Ufos Aliens And A Possible Government Cover Up

"Well I don't know if you all heard this, but, there was actually, when I was president in my second term, there was an anniversary observance of Roswell. Remember that? People came to Roswell, New Mexico from all over the world. And there was also a site in Nevada where people were convinced that the government had buried a UFO and perhaps an alien deep underground because we wouldn't allow anybody to go there. And uhm... I can say now, 'cause it's now been released into the public domain.... This place in Nevada was really serious, that there was an alien artifact there. So I actually sent somebody there to figure it out."

"I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that revealed things. If there were, they were concealed from me too. And if there were, well I wouldn't be the first American president that underlings have lied to, or that career bureaucrats have waited out. But there may be some career person sitting around somewhere, hiding these dark secrets, even from elected presidents. But if so, they successfully eluded me...and I'm almost embarrassed to tell you I did (chuckling) try to find out." - "September 2005 to CLSA group in Hong Kong"

"I got a letter from 13-year-old Ryan from Belfast. Now, Ryan, if you're out in the crowd tonight, here's the answer to your question. No, as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn't tell me about it, either, and I want to know." - Speaking in "

"Belfast Northern Ireland November 1995"

"You know, I've always been really interested in this stuff, and I'm going to read this. - August 2007 to Hollywood producer Paul Davids when he was given the books "Witness to Roswell" and "The Roswell Legacy", and a new affidavit that had been released following the death of Roswell witness Walter Haut."

"Sarah, there's a government inside the government, and I don't control it. - Bill Clinton as quoted by senior White House reporter Sarah McClendon in reply to why he wasn't doing anything about UFO disclosure."

"It's interesting that you said that because when we celebrated the anniversary of that event out in New Mexico, I actually got all the government documents and read them and I'm convinced there wasn't a UFO there. On the other hand, you shouldn't give up hope because just a couple months ago, our government astrophysicists spotted a planet revolving around a star that is one of the closest to our solar system that they believe has conditions close enough to earth that it might contain life. Unfortunately, its 20 million light years away so unless you, your kids and your grandkids, and maybe one more generation, want to take a trip for us, we'll have to wait for them to come to us. And then we'll know the truth. - Answering the question "When will we ever know the truth about UFOs?" February 6, 2008"

"NASA even sent Chuck Berry's music on a space probe searching for intelligent life in outer space. (Laughter.) Well, now, if they're out there, they're duck walking." - "at the Kennedy Center Honors held in the White House Clinton- December 3, 2000"



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