Robert Hastings To Be Interviewed On The Joiner Report Tonight Friday 9 11 09

Robert Hastings To Be Interviewed On The Joiner Report Tonight Friday 9 11 09


Veteran researcher robert-hastings2Robert Hastings has investigated nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents for more than three decades. He has interviewed hundreds of U.S. Air Force personnel who witnessed extraordinary UFO encounters at nuclear weapons sites.

Robert Hastings grew up in a military environment. His father was career USAF until his 1967 retirement. This allowed Hastings to be somewhat knowledgeable of events taking place on military bases. In March 1967, while observing in the radar tower at the Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, he witnessed five UFOs being tracked on radar. He said he later learned the "unknown targets" had been maneuvering near ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) sites located southeast of the missile base. The experience ultimately led to his research, the UFO-Nukes Connection.

Hastings is a retired laboratory analyst and lectures worldwide on his collection of evidence of official cover-ups on UFOs. Utilizing declassified USAF, FBI and CIA documents, as well as the testimony of Air Force veterans who worked with nukes, Hastings has uncovered a six-decade-long pattern of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, bomb test sites, weapons storage areas, and ICBM launch facilities. In July 2008, the researcher appeared with three former USAF officers on the Larry King Live show. Officers discussed their involvement in classified UFO incidents. A second LKL appearance was in July 2009.

His book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, received the 2009 UFO Digest Book of the Year award and is available at

On Friday, September 11, 9-10 p.m. (CST), join Angelia and Robert Hastings on "The Joiner Report,"


See Also:

Former World War II Fighter Pilot Bud Clem's 1945 UFO Experience at the Hanford Plutonium Production Plant

UFOs Did Shutdown Minuteman Missiles at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967




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