Alien Lore No 179 Ufos Over Seattle This Summer

Alien Lore No 179 Ufos Over Seattle This Summer
This summer, there seem to have been numerous UFOs visiting the City of Seattle. The following were all reported by The National UFO Reporting Center (which coincidentally is located in Seattle, although soon relocating to an abandoned ICBM missile base in Eastern Washington). "[click all images to enlarge]"

REPORT 1: " July 2010. "This is the most awe-inspiring moment of my life and I was somewhat sad to see them leave. I really felt like I had seen something extraordinary. "

"Looking in the sky to the west to slight northwest on Saturday night at 23:15, I saw about 30 orb-type lights or balls in the sky at about 90 degrees in a pattern that gave off a glow in the night sky."

"The glow was orange and red, but the formation gave off a red orange and a little twinkling, gold color. We watched it for about 6 minutes, then it seemed as half of the formation disappeared, not all at once, but within a second or two."

"Then the other part of the formation left or became invisible, leaving behind two balls that seemed larger or closer. These two orbs remained stationary for about 5 seconds before one of the two took off straight up."

"Then about 7 seconds after the first of the remaining two orbs left, the last one left or followed the rest into the night sky."

"The formation of the UFOs took up a large portion of the sky and seemed massive." Source:"

REPORT 2: 07-17-10, City of Seattle - "The formation/armada was huge. I was looking at stars with my dad over Puget Sound when I looked west and saw 28-30 reddish, orange orbs stationary in the sky."

"These were not florescent lights like we use on earth, it was more like a different type of light, an energy ball that had a golden tint around the formation of UFOs."

"I felt that there was a tremendous amount of radiant energy coming off of the sun-like orbs. The armada/formation of UFOs was only here for approximately 10 minutes before they vanished into thin air, like smoke." Source:

REPORT 3: 7-17-10, City of Seattle - "At approximately 23:28 PM, PST, in Seattle, Washington, my wife and I received a phone call from her parents (who live 1 block away), about some interesting lights in the sky over Beacon Hill (also in Seattle)."

"We were told to immediately come outside and look towards the sky (due west) and see them for ourselves."

"We then saw 25+ orange-lighted objects which appeared to blink in and out as they dimmed in the upper atmosphere. They all appeared to be moving in the same direction (towards the northeast) and all seemed to stem from the same location."

"They were only visible for about 3-5 minutes. Three airplanes were seen in the sky as well (heading to SeaTac Airport to land)."

"We took video on our camera, but only a couple of the objects were barely visible through the street lights. You could see the airplane clearly. Unless something is reported on our local news media stations, we are assuming that these were indeed UFOs, and a lot of them."

"We also called the local news stations to report the incident, and they informed us that they had not received any other calls about it, but would look into it. Source:

REPORT 4: 7-17-10 - "My daughter and I were outside, and this object went above us heading straight due north. It was a light, silver-colored disc with a bottom that was about half the size of the craft."

"The half-round bottom looked as though it may have been translucent, its color was grayish and slightly opalescent."

"When the craft passed over what was probably SeaTac Airport, it became very, very bright and looked like a star. But only roughly 6-7 seconds later, it dimmed again and we could still see its disc/orb outline."

"We watched it as far as our eyes would allow. My daughter mentioned the uncanny lack of air traffic as this object moved over the airport area."

"About two minutes after we could no longer see it, we saw a plane come from the airport area. We did not observe the object come from the South - it seemed to just appear in the sky out of nowhere. It was east of us when looking north." Source:


Posted by Unknown | at 8:06 AM