Raising The Ante On Nukes Debate Obsessive Efforts Of A Ufo Debunker Appear To Have Backfired

By Billy Cox

De Void


The somewhat obsessive efforts of a debunker to separate his father from a disturbing UFO controversy appear to have backfired. Because now, the public can listen to key Air Force veterans in their own words as they describe UFO events surrounding some faltering underground nuclear missiles in 1967.

This is an old story, of course. Six years ago, retired USAF Capt. Robert Salas detailed the ICBM shutdowns at Malmstrom AFB in March of '67 in his book Faded Giant. UFOS and Nukes author Robert Hastings provided an even broader panorama with his book in 2008. Last year, the two sponsored a press conference in Washington in which a total of seven military veterans signed affidavits and shared personal accounts of UFOs probing America's weapons of mass destruction at multiple venues and dates.

But through it all, one James Carlson has repeatedly categorized Hastings and Salas as book-hawking frauds, at this site and elsewhere. Why? As Carlson told De Void last year, "My father was the commander at Echo Flight, and I questioned him... my father would never lie to me about something like that."

His father is former USAF Maj. Eric Carlson. On March 16, 1967, the bewildered Echo Flight crew could only stand by as 10 Minuteman nukes concealed beneath the Montana outback went offline. The elder Carlson maintains the missiles lost alert status due to a minor "electronic incident" and recalls nothing concerning UFOs.

But last week, after repeated challenges from Carlson, Hastings decided it was time to post three audiotaped conversations he conducted with Carlson's deputy commander at Echo, retired Col. Walt Figel. Although Figel is an avowed UFO skeptic, he concedes security and maintenance personnel did in fact report being confronted by a "large round object" hovering over a disabled missile.

Figel insists Maj. Carlson was sitting right beside him when the reports came in, and that both were instructed not to discuss the incident.

Also: In defense of Salas, Hastings has posted a recorded interview with Salas' colleague, retired Col. Fred Meiwald. Both officers were on duty at Oscar Flight's silo at Malmstrom when more than half a dozen Minutemen went off the grid on March 24, 1967. Although neither saw the UFO from their underground consoles, Meiwald confirmed Salas' story that topside security reported "a bright red, oval-shaped object" hovering over the fence gate.

There's plenty more, but you get the drift. With varying levels of enthusiasm, three of four nuclear launch control officers have testified to ICBMs losing power during UFO activity over the Northern Plains in the tense spring of 1967. Meanwhile, the fourth - whose son is carrying the water for him - is unwavering: He doesn't remember any of this UFO business. That's his story, and he's sticking to it.

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See Also:

Echo Flight UFO Incident Not Unique: Retired Col. Frederick Meiwald Says "Bright Object" Also Sighted During OSCAR Flight Missile Malfunctions

The Echo Flight ICBM Incident: Retired USAF Officer Confirms Receiving A UFO Report Just as the Missiles Failed

The Echo/Oscar Witch Hunt




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Posted by Unknown | at 12:24 PM