Roswell Mj 12 Anti Gravity And The Nazi Bell

Roswell Mj 12 Anti Gravity And The Nazi Bell
Most reports referred to in books that deal with the 1947 flying saucer/UFO-wave describes crafts that indicate advanced jet / rocket technology. However, there are examples of other, seemingly more advanced things. Some reports describe extreme speeds, jerky movements, angle turns (non-aerodynamic maneuvers) climbing as in "stairs", buzzing sound (hints of high voltage) craft enveloped in an intense flare, etc.These reports are characterized by a type of "field propulsion / "anti-gravity" is involved.

Again Schulgens memorandum must be mentioned:

"Nuclear propulsion (atomic energy): Atomic energy engines would probably be unlike any familiar type of engine, altough atomic engines might be employed in combination with any of the above types"."

The term "nuclear propulsion" is vague, however. It can mean - and in some cases, probably, it is likely that it means - any field-propulsion (or "anti-gravity") technology that is based on some form of radioactive isotope to provoke these field effects.

My tip is that the UFO phenomenon in 1947 was about a majority of jet-turbine-powered saucer shaped aircrafts (built in lightweight materials) which extraordinary maneuverability and performance were based on eliminating the problem of "the boundary layer" and thus reduce air resistance and friction. In parallel with these existed a set of (probably unstable / unreliable) nuclear-powered vessels, one of which crashed near Roswell.

The Germans worked to achieve energy independence in the third Reich, particularly interesting was alternative "free energy" sources. According to field propulsion and discussions of UFOs, Hans Coler and Karl Schappeler are often mentioned, regarding projects including "coils, magnets and rotation."

Hans Colers "Magnetstromapparat".

A MJ-12 document may shed further light on , - and potential nuclear power to provoke field propulsion ().

Most of what is said and written about the so-called Majestic 12 documents (MJ-12) is based on the notion that they are EITHER 100% true OR 100% hoax. It has been little focus about the very nature of them and what they ACTUALLY SAY. My understanding is that some of the documents may contain some truth mixed with some disinfo. In this context, in my opinion, "The White Hot Intelligence Estimate" and especially the second part of the document "technical evaluation (preliminary)" is particularly interesting.The following content is taken directly from the document (quoted from Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the black sun (2001) and Roswell and the reich (2010):



"1. Upon close examination of the exterior surfaces of the craft's fuselage, metallurgists found the skin to be of a ferrous metal white in color. The metal exhibits all the characteristics of high-grade steel. It was determined that the steel was cold-formed and heat-treated. Tensile strength was estimated in excess of 150,000 pounds per square inch. Shear tests give the metal a durability rating about 175,000 pounds per square inch, making the fuselage extremely strong and heat resistant."

"2. Static and pressure flow simulaions were impressive. The low"

"profile ratio of 6-to-l gives the aerodyne a great advantage in"

"overcoming the restrictions of the boundary layer effect in high"

"performance operatons."


"8. The power plant (seeverely damaged) ?"

"neutronic negine. ? Detected. Heavy water and"

"deuterium (light hydrogen) elements appear to be the primary ignitor. A series of coils and heavy magnets connected to the neutronic engine via an oddly arranged group of electrodes (metal not yet identified) appears to be the motive force. One small motor was examined. It is encased in a pure aluminum capsule directly underneath the main engine compartment. There is a small exhaust aperture that has what can by (sic) only described as an helicoid mechanism."


"10: The follwing elements were analyzed and found to exist in the"

"small neutronic power plant that was found inside ULAT-1:"

a. UF6 in metallic form;

b. Hydrogen-fluoride gas;

c. Water and uranium tetrafluoride;

d. Powdered magnesium and potassium chlorate;

e. Metal similar to lead with a chocolate brown color;

f. U-235 in metallic form;

g. Plastic like material similar to NE 102;

h. Beryllium,

i. Pure aluminum;

h. Thorium isotope material;

j. plutonium powder.


Point 1 and 2 is an echo from Schulgens memo, and emphasizes which was written regarding Nazi research into new forms of production of metals, as well as research on "boundary layer control".

Section 8 describes a very unconventional source of energy - composed of conventional elements but in an unusual combination: A "neutronic power plant" apparently "powered" by a bizarre mix of everything from "powdered magnesium and potassium chlorate" to beryllium and an unknown / unspecified isotope of thorium in a container with surrounding series of "coils and heavy magnets."

Coils and magnets are definitely representing "identifiable electronics", but which is of concern here is an "oddly arranged group of Electrodes", - in other words; it is not the technology that is unusual, but the design, arrangement and combination ther.

And the description of the arrangement of the coils, magnets and spherical electronics sounds suspiciously like Hans Colers "coils" and Schapellers devices.

The document points, in other words, not in the direction of alien technology, but exotic, man-made technology - and further - a unique German technology.

Point 10 is however the most interesting here. Remember that this document was published in a publication by Drs. Robert and Ryan Wood in 1998. Why is this significant? Because the technological description of this' neutronic power plant "sounds suspiciously like" the Nazi bell "that used a mysterious" fuel "code-named" IRR Xerum 525 ". This consisted, among other things, of thorium and beryllium oxides in addition to other radioactive materials, which was electromagnetic and mechanical counter-rotated (american intelligence looking for clues concerning the German nuclear weapon program found stocks of thorium in massive quantities when they entered Germany at the end of the war - no one, today, can explain why the Germans were obsessed of thorium).

Illustration: The Bell (Die Glocke)

The timing of the publication of the "White Hot Intelligence Estimate" and its associated documents in 1998, is significant, because at that time no publication concerning "the Nazi bell" did exist. The only thing that existed was Igor Witkowskis (relatively obscure) early articles in Polish language! In other words, it seems as if "someone" had an extraordinary degree of "inside knowledge" based on completely different sources.

It would take too long to go into detail about The Bell here (I'll save that for later posts), but two of those involved in the project was "Dr. Walter Gerlach", Nobel Prize winner for his work on spin-polarization in magnetic fields, and specializes in gravitational physics (and other more obscure topics, such as "fluorescence of mercury ions in a strong magnetic field", ie. behavior of a "mercuric plasma") and "Dr. Kurt Debus", electrical engineer with expertise in high voltage and "separation of magnetic fields" according to Witkowski - and it is from several sources claimed that the Bell project had - at least as one of its goals - to investigate aspects concerning gravity, and potentially develop field propulsion - or anti-gravity - as a result of this.

Posted by Unknown | at 11:31 AM