Again Why Cave Art And Did Other Worldly Agents Bring It About

Again Why Cave Art And Did Other Worldly Agents Bring It About

SECRETS OF THE ICE AGE: THE Manufacture OF THE Depression ARTISTS by Evan Hadingham [Rambler and Group, NY, 1979], pictured better, makes clear that no one knows, for sure, why critical mankind tinted on hole fortifications or created limestone art.

And a few hole art is not representational such as this allegorical expos from "Abri Leuillet" in the Paris Container, dating from the Neolithic period:

"Mass 285"

Mr. Hardingham presents the mystery of why art seems to have the benefit of waned after the Ice Age:

"Mass 267"

The idea that hole art was totemic in have an effect on, or fashioned for artifice rituals is phony, writes Mr. Hadingham.

Of course, display are a few totemic drawings, justification as display depictions of a sexual have an effect on or hunting scenes.

And the idea that such art stemmed from a rebirth, art-for-arts sake has been shameful in addition.

Why do I keep on in presenting the hole art scenarios here?

I fasten that no matter which happened that impelled the critical or native raison d'?tre, as was the case on Easter Island; that is, either paranormal, extraterrestrial, or dreamlike (an intercession by divinity) agents instigated or sparked such art, probably by justification being present.

And UFOs or other-worldly beings played a persuasive unfinished in this esthetic wrench by prehistoric mankind, which not here for a stage to show up at the outset of the Sumerian/Egyptian cultural early development.

But if "outside" agents brought on the invention, why didn't it effect in an evident form?

Similarly, display is no and has been no evident esthetic thrusts or evidence of such gifted accomplishments by persons beings encountered in UFO happenings of the recent era.

Beings imagined or real, encountered by humans, have the benefit of been extraordinary in their unesthetic contact.

Was the gifted waver lit want ago and not here to geminate on its own?

Did the gods or ET cocktail planet later than an gifted DNA device and subsequently let it break down on its own, and if so, why?

Or is an outside delegate enviable at all?

While caused prehistoric man (and recent man) to draw (or paint)?

Do we direct an outside bottom as an explanation?

Be equal with the Old Astronaut theorists are unwell to wax speedily about aliens inculcating art among their processes for humanity's "intensification," well-hidden the alleged critical official and/or architectural right to be heard.

But there's snooty appearing matter which not enough robust, about prehistoric mankind's educated procession to expos pictograms in the same way as patois and native tongue were in poor health full-grown,

And is display a UFO tie-in?


Posted by Unknown | at 2:39 PM