Another Ufo Photographed Over The Uk

Another Ufo Photographed Over The Uk
Written By: Ken Hulsey

Source: Sunday Mercury (UK)

Once again we find another example of why the UK has become the worlds number one hot-spot for seeing unexplained airborne phenomena.

Robert Teuu took a set of photographs of the Cannock Town Centre to try out his brand-new camera. When he got home and downloaded the pictures to his computer he discovered something odd hovering above the LA Rock Cafe in one of the shots.

At first he thought that his eyes were playing tricks on him. He was certain that the object had to be a plane or a bird. Then he zoomed in on the object, that's when it became clear that what was in the photo was something extraterrestrial.

"It's not an aircraft. It must be some kind of UFO. I know that sounds crazy, but I cannot think of it being anything else really." Teuu told the Sunday Mercury. "I zoomed into the object and was even more puzzled. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing,"

It isn't surprising that someone could accidentally photograph a UFO over the Cannock area. The town has reportedly been the location of several credible sightings over the decades.

Recently declassified government documents describe numerous sightings over the town and surrounding area. Silent, rotating lights around the Pye Green Tower, cigar-shaped objects hovering over Burntwood, and a 10ft hovering light over the Stafford Road have all been investigated by the British Government according to documents.

It has also been revealed that between 1986 and 1992 the British Ministry of Defence was in constant contact with local authorities trying to come up with an explanation for the numerous UFO reports coming from Cannock.

I guess it would be hard to explain away what Robert Teuu photographed by saying they were "Christmas Lights".

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Posted by Unknown | at 8:46 AM