Nazi Saucers And The Occult Reich

Nazi Saucers And The Occult Reich
NAZI Porcelain ">"Is it reasonable that the list of secret weapons twisted by Nazi Germany included flying saucers? Did they especially deploy disc created fighters or at smallest amount hardship furthermore them?"Champion SchaubergerOne of the previous stories about German flying saucers date put up with to an explorer named Champion Schauberger. Schauberger was uneducated in Austria in 1885 and was premeditated by bountiful to be a crackpot. Schauberger himself held, "They claim me unbalanced. The extravagant is they are significance..." Schauberger designed that machines could be meant principal so that they would be "separation furthermore the list of making" rather than versus it. One of Schauberger's projects was to get to a flying fixation, saucer created, that recycled a "soak away eddy propulsion" system. His theory was that "if water or air is rotated inwards a slanting form of oscillation, common as a 'colloidal,' a build-up of attempt outcome, which, furthermore unwieldy power, can outcome levitation." According to stories Schauberger built particular models, one of which was something like five feet in diameter and was mechanical by a 1/20 hp electric engine. One reports indicated that one of the models especially flew. Stage are in addition reports that, according to message Champion Schauberger wrote to a acquaintance, a full-sized representation of one of his designs was constructed by jail labour at the Mauhausen assiduousness camp. This craft flew on February 19th of 1945 on the way to Prague and obtained an knock down of 45,000 feet in in a minute 3 proceedings. The message goes on to say the representation was shattered by the Nazis previous it could be captured by the Associates. At the rear of the war Schauberger stimulated to the Shared States, wherever specific claim he worked on secret projects for the U.S. government. He died in 1958, so they say claiming his philosophy had been stolen. Did the Germans swallow secret bases at the South Pole?Hitler and OccultismOne ought not overestimate occultism's verify on Hitler. His important disowning of Single Masons and abstruse movements, of Theosophy, of Anthroposophy, does not unconsciously mean before. Occult circles swallow covet been common as covers for espionage and verify peddling. Hitler's spy apparatus under Canaris and Heydrich were well insightful of these conduits, extremely well from the command of Britain which had now its MI5 intelligence agency a subject common as the Occult Bureau. That these word sources of anxiety were purged from Nazi life ought not be diligent to mean that Hitler and the Nazi secret societies were not won over by mystical and occult writers such as Madame Blavatsky, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Guido Von Slab, Lanz Von Liebenfels, Rudolf Steiner, George Gurdjieff, Karl Haushofer and Theodor Fritsch. On the contrary Hitler afterward denounced and ridiculed bountiful of them, he did bestow his book Mein Kampf to his tutor Dietrich Eckart. A worry holidaymaker to Landsberg Send down wherever Hitler was speech Mein Kampf furthermore the work of Rudolf Hess, was Regular Karl Haushofer, a university educator and condescending of the Munich Institute of Geopolitics. Haushofer, Hitler, and Hess had covet conversations as one. Hess in addition aloof files of these conversations. Hitler's hassle for German "Time Take five" in the east at the expenditure of the Slavic nations were based on the geopolitical theories of the knowledgeable educator. Haushofer was in addition inclined toward the abstruse. as military attache in Japan, he had studied Zen-Buddhism. He had in addition gone in the course of initiations at the hands of Tibetan Lamas. He became Hitler's explode "abstruse mentor", replacing Dietrich Eckart. In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Glossy Small house or the Vril Association. The lodge's aim was to inspect the start of the Aryan flaunt and to hand over movements in assiduousness to awaken the armed of "Vril". Haushofer was a believer of the Russian performer and metaphysician Gregor Ivanovich Gurdyev (George Gurdjieff). Any Gurdjeiff and Haushofer maintained that they had associates furthermore secret Tibetan Lodges that hectic the secret of the "Superman". The villa included Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring, and Hitler's important undisclosed doctor of medicine Dr. Morell. It is in addition common that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought after contact furthermore Hitler. Hitler's falling short powers of quotation comprise more reasonable if one keeps in heart that he had scope to the "secret" psychological techniques of the abstruse lodges. Haushofer qualified him the techniques of Gurdjieff which, in open, were based on the experience of the Sufis and the Tibetan Lamas- and adapted him furthermore the Zen lessons of the Japanese Association of the Underdone Dragon.Rudolf SchrieverOther German builder neurosis furthermore the Nazi endeavor here the war was Rudolf Schriever. Schriever, eat furthermore specific other engineers named Habermohl, Miethe and Bellanzo, so they say came up furthermore particular disc-shaped aircraft designs that recycled more agreed power sources than fill Schauberger envisioned. One of Schriever's drawings shows an oval cockpit fixed by a rotary fan-like disc that provided the embezzle. A Mieth drawing depicts a faraway hydroplane saucer furthermore an time-consuming swell on its put up with for the cockpit. Any would swallow been mechanical by jet engines.As furthermore Schauberger, bestow were reports that specific of these designs were especially built. The Schriever fixation was held to swallow been veteran in 1945 and to swallow reached an knock down of 12 kilometers in a bit over three proceedings. It had a top speed of 2000 kilometers an hour. Stage is no real, muggy evidence, still, that a test flight consistently took marker and Schriever himself, who relocated to the Shared States after the war, indicated that any prototypes of the craft were shattered, previous flying as the Germans unoccupied their services in the face of advancing Allied troops.DronesStories in addition believe that the Germans' in addition had grown-up trivial automatized flying discs. One description was called the Feuerball. Other, gifted of completely imitation, was referred to as the Kugelblitz. According to stories, these craft were in a minute prearranged furthermore campaign meant to be inquisitive furthermore the electronics of neighboring airplanes. It is the last vivacity of Globe War Two....The Associates are concluding in.... Berlin is rotting under the potential and intuition of hundreds of Allied ammo....Pouring in his safeguarded trench, Adolph Hitler, in imitation of steadfast in his firmness in Nazi world dominance, now admits that damage is at hand. But Hitler is unmoved never to abide the degradation of being captured by his enemies. Stage is in a minute one escapee route - one he has unhurried for ought he consistently face moral such a open of endeavors. Suicide is out of the refuse to accept. To be more precise, Hitler and his component of particular crisscross in the course of an underground lair to an unoccupied airport. Stage they advertisement an without a scratch plane and fly south. South to the publish. To the motive at the South Pole wherever they chi enter the depression Ferret around and pelt from history. This understudy design to history is especially customary as fact by specific proponents of the depression Ferret around theory. And as mind-boggling as it sounds, the emergence of this story slander in specific facts that maintain specific merit: specific of Hitler's top advisors - by chance consistent Hitler himself - designed that the Ferret around was hollow; and bestow was at smallest amount one look for by the Nazi military to bill that point for means once-over here the war.As furthermore all such stories, it's habitually tough to cause to feel out facts, exaggerations, and obvious fabrications. But it's an bizarre feature, and one that requires a bit bits and pieces.Hitler's Nazis were sure of yourself that they were be bounded by to ascendancy the world, and they came to this dishonest wisdom in the course of the soir of bountiful occult thinking and practices, as well as astrology, the prophecies of Nostradamus, and the hollow/inverted Ferret around theory... "hohlweltlehre". Having the status of they suspected that our grain is on the inner of a concave Ferret around, Hitler sent an look for in April of 1942, as well as Dr. Heinz Fischer and stark telescopic cameras, to the Baltic isle of Rugen to spy on the British fast. Fischer did so not by aiming his cameras cater-cornered the waters, but by pointing them up to preview cater-cornered the proclaim to the Atlantic Marine. The look for was a fiasco, of course. Fischer's cameras saw void but sky, and the British fast remained corporation.Gone the Nazi exponents of the Squeeze Ferret around theorize sent the look for to the isle of Rugen, they had add up to firmness in their pseudo-scientific vision. Folks bordering the Fuehrer mutual his point that such a upheaval as discovering the talk to the Entering Globe would influence the Masters who lived bestow that the Nazis were very good of mixing their blood in the hybridization of a master flaunt.An important order in the Nazi mythos was the point that compilation of a stark, underground secret flaunt emerged from time to time to walk among Homo sapiens. Hitler's manic desire to line a fair flaunt of Nordic types was moved by his passionate extravagant that it ought be the Germanic peoples who would be selected more than all other humans to interbreed furthermore the grave supermen in the mutation of a new flaunt of heroes, demigods, and god men.NAZI UFOSAfter that there's the title... that Hitler and bountiful of his Nazi minions fugitive Germany in the concluding vivacity of Globe War II and fled to Antarctica wherever at the South Pole they had open an talk to the Earth's inner. According to the Squeeze Ferret around Report Association in Ontario, Canada, they are immobile bestow. At the rear of the war, the venture claims, the Associates open that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had moved out, eat furthermore something like a million associates, to the land on top the South Pole. This story gets more testing furthermore Nazi-designed UFOs, Nazi corroborate furthermore the associates who live in the center of the Ferret around, and the explanation for "Aryan-looking" UFO pilots...From - and the hollow earth.htm#Hitler and Occultism For more details of NAZI saucers see For expand vindication enter a swear or sofa inwards the search box @ New Illuminati:@ (or clap on any tag at the far flowerbed of the page for leadership references)And seeThe Her(m)etic Recluse - New Illuminati - New Illuminati on Facebook - The Prince of Centraxis - "This at all is published under On the side Refectory Copyright (unless an participant fake is stated before by copyright pencil case) - similarity for "non-profit" use is legal & encouraged, if you elect accusation to the work text-indent: 27pt;">From the New Illuminati - From the new illuminati @

Posted by Unknown | at 10:17 AM